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One drop of hatred in the cup of joy turns even the most blissful draught into venom.

A drop of poison on that gathering snow. That moment in the fairy tale when we know what just happened. Kuhu is exactly that toxin especially when it particularly comes to Mishti. She doesn't own up to the truth:

· until she is caught in the act

· someone will rat her out. Ketki would have definitely said that she didn't spoil the Jhaanki with the Choco milk, so she confessed

· If someone else can be blamed for her wrong doing like Parul Maasi was blamed for the pill incident during Maha Shivratri

· Something bad happens to her and she is cornered like when Kunal insulted her she revealed the Email incident with Mishti and Abir overheard her.

In every shining moment of happiness is that drop of poison: the knowledge that pain will come again. The person that Kuhu represents at this moment, is exactly that pain - the ghar and khushi tod person.

Marriage is like a well-built porch. If one of the posts lean too much, the porch collapses. So, each post must be strong enough to stand on its own.

Kuhu is leaning too much on Kunal and beacuse that happens Kunal will break temporarily or permanently. The present scenario, is a true test of Kunal's character now. Often, we can get so wrapped up in our misconceptions that we miss the simple beauty of the truth when it stares right at us in the face. At present for Kuhu fails to see the selfless Abir and the Rajvansh family she claims to love and protect unlike Mishti; her love and respect for Kunal too is under the microscope because of her self-obsessed personality.

When a nice person is pushed too far, he feels you have been given too many chances and then when that nice person shuts a door on you its shut for good. Abir did that when he found out about Kuhu's transgressions, but he gave her a chance again. Mishti, the forgiving person that she is has reprimanded her for her mistakes, a zillion times before, but the despicable person that Kuhu is she takes things, people and her importance for granted.

When a low life challenges God and demands justice, I wonder what will be meted out to that person. Elders say that Bhagwan ke ghar mein der hai andher nahin but it has been a terribly long wait for us as we wait for Kuhu to meet and deal with her Karma. Jasmeet is the fuel that keeps the mishti hate fire going in Kuhu. Even when she saw the magazine her rage towards Mishti was personal.

Her dialog was" ismein tumhaari aur meri photo print honey ki jagah ISKI photo print ho gayi". She can excuse anyone with reason, but not Mishti. When it comes to Mishti she is an ABSOLUTE MEGALOMANIAC. With others, at the Maheshwaris and Rajvanshes, she feels like a narcissist. They accept her power and superiority but with, Mishti she feels her power is under threat all the time.

A megalomaniac is a pathological egotist and Megalomania is a psychological disorder, with symptoms of delusional grandeur and obsession of power. In layman terms Kuhu, (but for Mishti derailing her "aura" unintentionally every now and then and sending her down to earth) is absolutely convinced of her absolute power and greatness, in this case #kuhuness. She feels she deserves everything and that sense of entitlement is a curse for anyone's personal growth.

Denying realism often leads to this disorder. "you're the best there is Kuhu, no one can replace you" is what is melodious music to Kuhu's ears and when that is challenged by Mishti she can even kill. "Oh, wait a minute...she has even tried that before, twice to our knowledge"

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