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When parents are not around to do the job or they are there but their handiwork is not up to par then older / younger siblings' step in and take charge.

· Abir does it for Kunal / Ketki all the time,

· Meenu does it for Koshlu Maamu,

· even Maasi does it for Meenu though she is not biologically her sister.

· Kuhu too reproached Abir for Mishti and Nannu, by calling out Kunal's misdeeds to defend her sister and brother.

Lucky are those who have someone like that in their lives; that's what family is all about. Respecting elders is very important and acceptance of the views of youngsters is also a very important concept to be paid attention to, in a family environment.

There should be that control which Meenu (merey jite ji yehan par sab meri baat sunenge) exercises but also a leeway of flexibility and love for kids to make mistakes and learn. If that leeway is not allowed children can never fly and soar like Nannu pointed out to Meenu at the offsite meeting.

Maheshwari family has done that very well with allowing their kids to make mistakes and learn. The flexibility part has been executed very well. A big part of flexibility and making mistakes is also to take responsibility. This concept, children are taught or they learn by watching their siblings or elders. When an elastic band is stretched too far it breaks. Unluckily, Kuhu's flexibility in the metaphorical rubber band that has been her protected life never had a control system.

"With freedom and power comes responsibility."

Even the all-powerful spiderman knew that.

Sadly, the Maheshwaris and most particularly Varsha and Shaurya have lost on the responsibility part with Kuhu. With Mishti, always being reminded that she is a Moonhboli, she has been always living on the edge and felt that she could be asked to leave Maheshwaris anytime, so she exercised that responsibility part more than the power part. What nurture did not provide her when her parents deserted her, nature did even with her unfortunate circumstances. After she came to BP and BM, they gave her freedom but also talked to her about other life facts. She has been very lucky in that respect.

Even in her wedding to Nannu the responsibility played a greater role than freedom and power. How many of us would have married one knowing that we loved another? Kuhu has taken the power part of being the real daughter of the family too seriously but has failed to execute responsibility. She was ready to leave and elope with Kunal when she realized her wedding with him was not going to happen.

The balance between freedom, power and responsibility has to be a perfect blend especially when it comes to relationships and everyday living.

Kuhu at a young impressionable age was brought home to a home where her mom is not her biological mom, she had to share her home and grandparents with Mishti. That created a rift.

This is where elders step in and say, she is your sister and love doesn't divide, it multiplies and conquers, if you share and care, instead when people in her family call Mishti Moonhboli and others silently watched, the rift in Kuhu grew to an abysmal pit in which now lives resentment, anger, hate and a whole lot of other negative feelings. She failed to accept Mishti as her older sister. When a child has been taught the wrong lesson over a long period of time, it becomes the right lesson to a young child.

"We as parents have to prepare the child for the path and not the path for the child." But Varsha and Shaurya have done the latter. Tough love is a very important part of parenting.

"The truth doesn't change according to our ability to stomach it."

Life is a constant reality check. Let's face it! We are always bad in someone's story but what makes you good are the deeds you do even when they think you are bad! Because it was never about them and only about us! Mishti has always done good by her family and had Kuhu imitated her she would have been both in the headlight and spotlight but she has been swayed and now, as an older sister, despite being insulted Mishti is putting her back on track.

Take charge she says but its going to take a lot of kicking screaming on her part because old habits die hard.

Despite her insecurities, Meenu (like BM told Abir yesterday) has done a good job of establishing responsibility. She laid the law and has always told Kunal - Abir tumhaara Bada bhai hai...even when she fought with him. The relationship between Mishti and Kuhu would have been different, had the Maheshwaris taken charge.

"Tell the truth or someone will tell it for you." Now the Maheshwaris have to watch everyone else at RV, laying it out for them. Thankfully even here, Mishti took the lead so their respect is still intact. You're most welcome Jasmeet Chachi, Mishti the moonhboli, saved your family honor yet again despite the drama.

Learn from Kunal, ...loved it when his bindass happy attitude of agar bhai ki picture chappi tou kya hua was brought forward.

More than the cover, its what's on the inside that matters Kuhu; also, in you as a person. When an immature confused person marries, the husband not only has become the husband but also the mother and father and Kunal you have done so many proud today – humaara pyaara Nanko!

Meenu, I never thought I would say this but yes you did a terrific job of raising your sons but I agree with Abir on one count. Light hearted moments do make you take the lesson well. Had you done that you may not have lost a part of his childhood with him. The flexibility part of that equation you missed out on. Don't worry, your older son and his jilebi sweetheart are pros at that.

"Every time you find humor in a difficult situation you win."

Before any of you bombard me, that its not Kuhu's fault either that her photo didn't get published – absolutely right you are on that, but sometimes life sucks and unfortunate things happen despite all our planning. Kuhu needs a reality check to learn that people, family and love mean more than superficial things like her Kuhuness, fame, followers on social media. I most certainly understand her disappointment but she needs to mature and realize that she cannot be using Mishti as her source of sorrow, failure anymore.

The best things in life are not things, Kuhu.


NB: For the fans of Kaveri Priyam, let me state her acting is commendable and she lives the essence of Kuhu stunningly well. I never mean to insult her when I talk about Kuhu, the character.

My reference to "poison" in yesterday's piece, is a METAPHOR and refers to her vile acts and hurting words. We have all had poison in us at different points in our life–. We all have our opinions and I sure can express mine; reading / commenting is yours.


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