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Still waters run deep. That would be an apt quote which fits Rhea Sharma. She carries herself like royalty, with that crown of success, that adorns her "down to earth" head, that halo and aura of goodness that surrounds her when she flashes us her innocent, enchanting smile.

Like it or not, she is a queen when it comes to her profession. The soft and unassuming manner in which she carries herself totally captures the heart of one and all, but most of all she is the queen of our heartsa wonderful, humble human being, who is like the girl next door.

I believe, that's the first and foremost reason why she blew her magic star dust into her character and brought to life the character, that is Mishti. Mishti is the ordinary girl next doors but mind you with extraordinary qualities and you cannot help but fall in love with her.

Mishti ruled our hearts like no other character on ITV. We laughed with her, cried in moments of her distress and we watched googly-eyed her romantic escapades with Abir Rajvansh. For those in India, we woke up on the dot to watch her, much to the consternation of our parents.

They thought we were going to study and boy, did we disappoint them big time. We woke up punctually when the episode aired, despite staying in the cover of our blankets every night, secretly tweeting about the magic of MishBir love and crooning to our friends about every move of theirs, sighing and grinning like romantic idiots. And why not?

Abir and Mishti gave us life lessons in being happy despite trying circumstances, being bold, brave and courageous, supporting family, sacrificing ... I could go on and on but most importantly on unconditional love. We believed in all this magic, because together with @Shaheer_S brought humongous positive energy to their characters and illuminated it from within.

Rhea Sharma brought her own sunshine to Mishti Abir Rajvansh and shone and sparkled through Mishti with her dexterity, versatility and talent and took us through the Rajvansh - Maheshwari wonderland. During this journey, she instilled in us values of honesty, beauty, love, loyalty and happiness which are now stamped in our hearts and brain for all eternity.

Those that know the geeky Mishti in Season1 can truly relate to that girl next door sporting glasses, wearing frocks but still carried with her that simplicity, honesty, and straightforward demeanor which is what made Abir and the whole Fan base fall head over heels with her in the first place. Mishti could never believe her eyes that a guy as gorgeous, sparkling and the handsome Abir Rajvansh would fall in love with her; consider the plain ordinary her, his muse.

"What does he see in me?" Those of us that are in love with as terrific a guy like Abir have asked ourselves that very same question a million times. Am I as brave as Mishti though is the question that I often ask myself? This question leads me to introspect, correct myself and change myself for the better. Which is why the whole Fandom is fighting by tireless trending day and night appealing to the producer @IamRajanShahi and the channel @StarPlus to not axe the show.

You see Mr. Rajan Shahi to you, it may be just a character. Mishti goes and then you will introduce us to a Payal, but it's not the same to us. Abir and Mishti are our life coaches, our reason to wake up every morning and the reason to be better as citizens of the society.

I call Rhea, a queen of acting, because looking at her you would see a shy an introverted and simple person but the character that is Mishti in Season1 is on the contraire a lion, protective of her territory that is the Maheshwaris and of Abir and his family too when she falls in love with him. She becomes his fortitude and strength when he falls weak, his tonic when she needs him to think and act. She guides him every step of the way which is one of the reasons why the heartbroken Abir Rajvansh survived his separation from Mishti with his "Everything's "awesome" attitude.

The awesome Mishti's pure luminous and spellbinding aura with the beautiful memories that they concocted together in their dating phase surrounded and protected him. In a reciprocal manner, the hope of his undying love motivated her to live and through her life and happiness, he lived on too. A single soul and also a single heart but imparting life to two different bodies., which is why when one is in trouble the other feels and senses it, the exceptional telepathy between the couple was phenomenally expressed by Rhea Sharma along with Shaheer Sheikh, with their remarkable, natural and super magnetic chemistry. The pheromones oozed out of our TV Sets right into us every time the tune of Dheere Dheere / Saathiya Merey played during a romantic interlude.

Rhea Sharma has done absolute wonderful justice to the role of Mishti so much so that when she transcends onto our screen, we want to emulate her in every way possible. Words cannot do justice to the simple Mishti in season 1 and then to the amazing transformation without glasses and the changeover from simple dresses to the ethereal beauty that Rhea brought to life in Season 2.

Even as girls, we fell in love with her, the way she carried herself, the cheerful sunshine like personality lighting up every nook and corner, the beautiful, big doe-like innocent eyes, and her most treasured accessory that I often fell head over heels in love with - her 1000-watt smile. Boys, Iam sure would have died a million times seeing that smile.

Rhea has taught us that you don't need to be glamorous but simple, you don't need to be ostentatious but plain hearted and straightforward, you don't need to sit tweeting and hogging the social media all day long to earn her fame. We rub our aching eyes as we wait for her to come online and when she does it hardly lasts a few minutes and then just like the wind she just breezes out. Her presence and fragrance through the snippets of wisdom that she imparts in her IVs always linger with us.

Fame, name, #Rheaness can be achieved by sincerity, working hard, just loving what you do and then let life take its course as she often states in her interviews – what better way to encourage the youth of today.

We love you Rhea and we hope you achieve massive success with any project of yours. As you move on to climbing new heights the #Mishti and the #Mishtiness that you leave behind, lives through every fan of yours and is immortal.

That speaks more about your success not just as an actor but the humble person that you are. Atta girl you rock!

We wish you loads and loads of love and best wishes to rise again, soar and shine.

NB: A special tribute to Rhea Sharma for her extraordinary acting, her humility, charismatic attitude, and awesome personality

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