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This was the bedtime advice that has been passed on from generation after generation at home. If we google happy people, most articles will agree that happy people do the following:

1. Manage their expectations

2. They do not set unrealistic standards

3. They do not take anything for granted

4. They are not materialistic

5. They do not dwell and let go

6. They enjoy little comforts

7. Most of all they can adapt

The Point 5 here is what is the most important according to me to live a happy and good life. When you encompass a relationship with kindness, compassion and empathy and love and no room for revenge, hatred or fear, that is how you learn to let go.

This is the most difficult for any of us to do especially when the person before us tosses all kinds of negative feelings and traits at us. Others will even call us a doormat if you do that but let us remember that Mishti is not one.

She did try to explain, then called out Kuhu in her own dialect by yelling and showing her the mirror. Because she realizes Abir and her family are getting upset, she has given in. You should never stand up for a mistake and support the wrong, and she has never done that.

She has done all of the above 7 points plus much more - which was putting her physical pain on the back burner, by saving and helping the very person that has time and time again toppled her world. On a fictional level this sounds very ephemeral and altruistic. However, if we pay more attention to the world around us, there are some amongst us who do this day in and day out with a smile on their face, despite their pain and struggles and if you ever encounter anybody like that hold them tight and do not waste a single second letting them know how much they mean to you.

I dedicate this piece to my childhood friend Geetanjali who passed away due to leukemia at 18. Even those that were her closest friends never knew of her affliction even until a month before she passed away. I still miss you Geets and not a day goes by when you are not in my thoughts.

She lived a full life, lived her dreams and courageously too, also helped so many around her and then left with a smile. The sorrow and the void that she left us with her passing, stays with a few of us even today and though a decade has passed we still talk about her.

Mishti is that soul. Not that I love Mishti more than Abir because they are a single soul dwelling in two bodies, that connect over several lifetimes. The love between Mishti and Abir is real, solid and can be felt sometimes more from Abir and sometimes more from Mishti and at present we feel it more from the latter. It will perhaps, change next week when we feel Abir's love flow strong for Mishti. Mishti has to tolerate more because unlike before Abir now has Kunal supporting him. BP and BM's love for him is in full form now, but for Mishti the same comes with conditions and that is why Mishti feels alone despite Abir's presence.

"Sometimes the most evolved souls take the most challenging paths"

I recommend Brian Weiss's "Many masters many lives", to those that have not read it. Its about past life regression and souls connected over different lifetimes, planes and different times.

Words of others cannot rob us of our inner peace unless and until we give them the power to do so and Mishti realizes that today when she lost the strength to argue with Abir. She just simply told him you didn't believe me when I said Kuhu is hurt why would you believe about the magazine. Iam very tired I just want to end all this. You FORGIVE when you love someone.

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