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Have you ever thought that if one thing hadn't happened, a whole set of other things never would have either? The cover page of the magazine was a start but it happened and set the Kuhu rant in motion; it simmered down temporarily but still raging on the inside with Abir and Kunal pacifying their better halves. The BM-Varsha argument instilled in Mishti an anger to issue an open challenge, and this set Kuhu on the edge again.

Even as an adult, the game of dominoes, fascinates me even today. When worlds, people or relationships collide, there is that domino effect. The domino effect could stand for anything. It could be a simple game of domino rocks falling off one after another, or all kinds of decisions we make that come back to our face.

When you empower people, you're not influencing just them; you're influencing all the people they influence. Jasmeet influencing Kuhu, Kuhu influencing Varsha, Varsha influencing BM, the list can go on.

Happiness has a domino effect too. Abir is aiming to be the start of that domino and with Kunal he is setting it in motion. He is a team player. A person who is on the bus when its rolling and off the bus to help push when it breaks down.

Parents are the barometers of emotions for children and it has a domino effect and its similar in other relationships too. It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can cause a typhoon half way around the world and this is just the small town of Rajkot. Like a single tile that got kicked off to a series of unstoppable changes that has gained momentum and is spinning out of control. A mere second and a split decision can change a life forever.

This is what Malcolm Gladwell writes about in "BLINK" – The power of thinking without thinking

"A giant inverted steel pyramid is perfectly balanced on its point. Any movement of the pyramid will cause it to topple over. Underneath is a $100 bill. How do you remove the bill without disturbing the pyramid?"

· Kuhu feels her pyramid  of fame is already toppled over; my limelight is destroyed. How do I restore my balance that is my fame and Kuhuness and set it right. Destiny through Mishti pulled that $100 bill from right under my pyramid and this is #partiality #injustice.

I never had a problem with Kuhu's disappointment on the magazine issue. My problem was she was bombarding Mishti initially for no fault of hers and her nasty choice of words. When Kunal voiced his acquiescence about his bhai being on the cover she thwarted him too. Abir pointed that out to her that Kunal would have been disappointed too today and takes a stand for his brother.

· Mishti feels her pyramid of staying mature all the time is a taxing thing. I have to show Kuhu its wrong and that she needs to buckle up and act more responsible. This was done in sisterly reproach.

Though, I do not blame her for getting angry because pushed to the extent that Mishti has been by Kuhu especially, it's natural to react that way but she misunderstood that Kuhu had squealed to someone at Maheshwari and hence the family is fighting. She executed her corrective measures in anger of making a poster and hanging it in the living room.

Though the content of what she said is valuable, the way in which she said it was wrong and resulted in showing the red flag to the already raging metaphorical bull that is Kuhu and the tile which slowed down in momentum earlier, picked up their speed and fell faster. When a push comes to a shove, sometimes we all get angry, and Mishti cannot be always cool because she is the older one. As far as Iam concerned age is just a number. When we always are angry because something doesn't go our way, that's a problem.

· Meenu's self-esteem and family prestige pyramid  faltering has her, giving the ultimatum to both sisters and to her sons to take charge.

(Kuhu like it or not she is your sister; she is still protecting you. Had she been a second late coming down the stairs your mother in law would have chopped you and then Mishti into small small pieces and fed you to the dogs (like Nidhi Maami said before, when the drunken video of the bachelor party was sent to Meenu)

· Abir and Kunal's pyramid of peace and happiness is in danger so they leave home.

Though its unconventional and comical I think this is the best measure, that has been taken today in the two families that has a ray of hope, because it is the happiness and constructive domino in movement

· For BP/BM the pyramid has always about righteousness and honesty and has never been about ego so he apologized to Meenu as soon as he realized his sons-in-law were home because of his daughters.

Kuhu, will change only if the incident of her pushing Mishti during Janmashtmi comes to everyone's knowledge. For anyone to change there has to be a turning point, where they realize wholeheartedly, that they have lost it and have made a mistake. That has been the only time she accepted that she erred, (even then she partially blamed it on Kunal for upsetting her) but she felt really guilty.

Why I bring this incident now, is because to set right her equation right with Mishti personally this was an accident that shook her too, or maybe in future, Kuhu does something where destiny will teach her what her parents and family could not, which will be very disturbing to any viewer.

Mishti we know you are at the end of the tether, we really understand your plight, but as a last shot on this issue, you have taken one for the team by apologizing to your family; hopefully you'll calm down for your husband and family's sake and find a solution because you alone have the key to all the problems in the world like Abir believes. You have the brains, heart, love and care and you will show your family the solution to this issue too, like you always have.

It's the burdens we help another bear

That makes our own seem light;

It's the danger seen for another feet

That shows us the path to right.

It's the good we do each passing day,

With a heart sincere and true;

In giving the world your very best Mishti

Its best will return to you.

We always have to mind, that in this beautiful world there will always be some toxic people around us. Their negative mindsets will always want to bring down others. With their hurtful words and by taking personal digs, they will try to hurt others; at times unknowingly or knowingly we too belong to this category from time to time, and we need to self-introspect and stop.

It has been rightly said, "The three-inch tongue can take down a 6-foot man".

We've to watch what we say ALWAYS because

"Our positive thoughts become our words,

Our positive words become our behavior

Our positive behavior become our habits

Our positive habits become our values

Our positive values become our destiny."

- Mahatma Gandhi

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