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Today, the expression of Shaheer Sheikh (as Abir) nailed the heart breaking caption that is the essence of today. We could all feel Abir's heart shattering and the ground move beneath his feet with that phone call from the hospital.

People don't cry not because they are weak. It's because they have been strong for long

Those of you that have lived in cold countries would have witnessed an ice crack on a lake. The lake that freezes in winter cracks and pops when there is a temperature change. The lake ice is dynamic it expands and contracts with temperature changes. Abir's expression was one of falling into the lake after it cracked. He fell into the lake of pain and despair, sorrow and disbelief etched on his face, breathless, catching him in a death like vise, unable to fathom the blow that was delivered to him.

The person who falls inside a lake is normally rescued by the people surrounding him. No one could however, rescue him from his eternal damnation and no one could see him cry and he had so many around him with different agendas and yet they could not help Abir. Even if they knew his calamity, I highly doubt they can help him here, except for BM BP and they too can only support him with words. Meenu came up to him, perhaps sensing something?

His Mishti is going to be badly hurt and that would have been the first thing going through his brain I bet. Iam sure even at this point in time, the selfless soul that Abir is, his dreams crashing of becoming a dad would have taken a second seat to telling Mishti and breaking her pure heart.

The love and beauty that is Abir Rajvansh played into all our hearts and even those that had complaints against him until yesterday would have totally fallen under his spell.

I have a serious case of acid reflux after watching the episode today despite the beautifully concocted romantic scenes. If only I knew of the disaster that was going to befall them, I would have traded even this scene if it could have spared them of the pain.

But who can postpone the inevitable and preordained?

I belong to a family of inter-racial and multi-cultural families and this has often tossed at me the question of self-identity during my school days. When people asked me what my religion is, at the tender age of nine I often complained to my mom that it is a real issue and a constant source of pain for me.

My families' advice always has been to use this diversity to my advantage and also emphatically told me that there is one religion and that is humanity which encompasses the traits of trust, compassion, love, honesty, empathy and sympathy and this I have tried to pass on to my progeny. With the diversity also came the advantage - different scriptures, books, stories but the one that caught my attention and has stayed with me until today has been the Upanishads.

It provides me comfort when I feel lost and desolate and when Iam in the "why oh why mood" which was what happened to me today morning as I watched Abir's plight today. Though these are fictional characters they have made their way into our hearts and even on the esoteric level, there do exist in the real-world people like Abir and Mishti.

Why is Abir getting punished?

- for no fault of his

- he has been nothing but good to others

- he has helped so many in distress and serves so many kids at the NGO and now he can't have kids of his own

- he is in pain and he has to break Mishti's heart and also BM, BP and Meenu's heart

- Why is the Higher power deserting him now?

My most important and significant question is why Mishti too. She has suffered and the journey has been very hard for her every step and no absolution still?

They do say "give your best to the world and the best comes back to you" but where is the Karma in all this. People who believe in rebirth and reincarnation, attribute this to the concept of "purva Karma", meaning your karma in the last birth for which you have to inevitably atone.

My statement to my grand mom who explained to me of purva karma was, OK then, Iam pretty much doomed for eternity. She laughed and elaborated that Karma also works in mysterious ways.

This is where a very interesting concept plays out. The concept of:

Quantum entanglement

Quantum superposition

Entanglement swapping

All these concepts are on a larger level the dynamic mechanism for Karma and emanate from one source - the unit of consciousness as per the Upanishads. Iam just going to concentrate on just entanglement. The other two are by products of entanglement.

Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon which transpires when a pair of particles or a group of particles are generated. The entanglement occurs when they are placed in the same plane of existence as a part of a larger system at one time.

Your actions affect not only you; they affect me to the extent we are "entangled." And, because of entanglement swapping, not only am I affected by you, but so is everyone else who is entangled with me, and everyone else entangled with them. And so on, and so on, and so on.

This principle is probably the reason why all separation is so difficult, especially divorce --"what God has joined together let no man put asunder."

Apply this to the people around us. Each of us are particles and the state of one person cannot be described independently of the other.

Abir in relation to Meenu has to change and vice-versa and now, Abir's pain is the way where they'll perhaps reconnect or rebound.

Meenu-Mishti – For particle Meenu and particle Abir to mingle, Mishti – Meenu has to entangle too and this is where entanglement swapping happens. How Meenu behaves with Abir is going to affect Mishti and vice-versa.

With Mishti and Kuhu Quantum superposition happened last Janmashtami when Kuhu pushed Mishti from the Pyramid. She has been hurt and it is too it's the universe's way of her "crime" will playing out. Ironically that's the only bright spot in this whole conundrum of misery.

Karma is the tool through which the outcomes of behavior inform future potential. Karma is a force of influence that arises out of the decision-making history of every unit of consciousness (UC) in the universe. (What Kuhu did to hurt Mishti)

Each UC generates its own karma. We are all affected by one another's karma. The more a unit of consciousness has in common with another UC, the more it is affected by the other's karma. Our aggregate karma affects all of creation, and hence that of Maheshwaris and Rajvanshes.

The Ganesh Pooja which Abir associated with his dad and which brought his dad back to him has stripped his chances of becoming one. Like I wrote yesterday, Meenu has controlled and has planned and plotted and done horrible things and she has to now see her son in pain - her Karma. She also filled in the role of a dad like BM said, so she gets a reprieve; hope she uses it to mend Abir and not hurt him further.

Varsha may see her daughter's cruel play enacted – her karma of negative jealousy infused parenting

In all this though because of the concept of entanglement good souls like Abir and Mishti, suffer most of all. Unfair isn't it? – well, that's life and it sucks.

Feelings are invulnerable to rational thought. We're more human than rational. Rational thought is trivial compared to affairs of heart and my heart broke several times today, recalling the same event – the look on Abir's face and his lifeless body in motion and the sorrow and dead expression in his eyes.

All these mystical things aside, today morning after I watched the episode, my rational brain failed to understand and accept why Abir suffers, so and I sat googling "Good people and why they still suffer"

However, I want justice for my Mishti and Abir and I want it now.

The flowers that bloom in adversity

are the most rare and beautiful of all.

Walt Disney

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