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When the son of the famous Philadelphia lawyer, George Wharton Pepper, was about 4 years old, his father once suddenly turned on the light in his nursery to demonstrate to him that there were no bears present.

Like so many demonstrations, however, this one proved unconvincing.

"The kind of bears I see," the child said, "are the kind that come out only in the dark."

The most touching part of the episode for me was when BM explains to Abir that the kinds of bears that Mishti sees do not just come out in the dark, they stay with her every second 24/7.

Abir leaving in the resort (and even now his temporarily departure from Rajvansh Sadan) would have created a turmoil in her brain and heart and combined with the Karan attack she would have died mentally, but for Abir.

No child or even an adult for that matter should be made to feel that way and let me stress on the word MADE, because that has what's been happening in the name of legal family names, age, outsider/insider comments, in the Maheshwari house, Jasmeet being the instigator but even then, despite her age and two childbirths Varsha Maheshwari hasn't grown up at all.

Varsha stops the Mishti bashing not for the sake of Mishti but for her in-laws. She too has accepted Mishti's sacrifices in a complacent manner; she has thanked her all the time for her sacrifices, when Kuhu smiles, but the status that is BM/BP's laadli, she has never given Mishti and that is where the real problem lies. Had she done that nobody, not even Jasmeet could have pierced her and it would have never come to this situation.

You're right about one thing though Jasmeet Mishti just has Abir and Abir only, because even her BP and BM you hold in chains, in the name of Mishti being an outsider. The self-focused advice Varsha gives to Kuhu about fixing her relationship compared to that of BM's advice to Mishti about not contemplating on whose mistake it is lies the clear difference in parenting. Kuhu the receptor got the message fast that she should be in the clear.

It's in the darkness of unintelligent or negative plain mean thing that there lurk fears, jealousies, hatreds and animosities that terribly poison us.

It is we ourselves who choose where we shall live – in darkness or in light.

The half truth that is lurking in the mind of Varsha Maheshwari and Jasmeet should be first blown up to the full truth first. A half truth is a whole lie and unfortunately for the daughter you brought up, it's the wrong half of the truth you have gotten hold of. I don't know the whole story but it should have come up at some time right in the course of Kuhu's life, right? They should have set her right then. I suppose you shoved the blaring truth of the doll house right under the carpet to reinstate your daughter to the Maheshwari granddaughter she is, because money, status etc. are more important than values.

Now Kunal has to play not only husband but daddy to Kuhu. Abir is right when he says, once Kuhu realizes her mistakes, she will change, but it's a Herculean task and just like Jasmeet tossing the blame of Kuhu's behavior on Mishti not making an effort to be her sister,(whole lie) Varsha too does not own up to sacrifices on Mishti's part, in the interest of saving her daughter and son-in-law.(whole lie again) What self-centered people?

Kunal you are smart and know Mishti inside out and have seen her in action and you know very well the spoilt brat you have for a spouse. For your brother's sake, understand that if the words don't add up, it is usually because, the whole truth wasn't included in the equation.

Iam absolutely appalled at BP's request to Mishti and her promise to him. He is usually very sensible so there must be a reason why. Then again, BM and BP have been doing the very same thing all their lives protecting Kuhu, Varsha and Jasmeet and letting insults towards Mishti slide off lightly, keeping in mind the big picture - peace and happiness of the family. It would never have worked for them if Mishti had been a spoilt brat too. They sent Mishti and Kuhu off into the Rajvansh world telling them to adjust, share and care and we all know its Mishti as usual doing overtime.

BM stopping BP from reprimanding Kuhu for sabotaging the doll house, is a foundation for the Kookiness that we experience today, drives us crazy and deafens us, because Varsha did not do that. It would have spoilt things around the Maheshwaris for a while but when a problem is nipped in the bud, corrective actions are taken then things go back to normalcy. Big egos are big shields for lots of empty space and Kuhu has a big one now.

A family can function only if there is flexibility and control amongst the members. When one tugs hard, the other lets it go which was the perfect relationship Mishti and Abir shared before this photoprint debacle.

The tugging and pulling has to be alternative amongst the duo. With Kuhu and Mishti it has always been the former pulling and Mishti letting go, and Mishti snapped this time, but Kuhu doesn't understand because her family has always left the role of pulling and getting what she wants to her. She has never let go.

"Before you find faults be sure you are dealing with facts and not with figments of imagination." This one-time Mishti failed at that but Kuhu has been doing this as a routine all her life and even when the skeleton in her closet was out today, she as usual blamed Mishti in the precap.

I really feel bad that Mishti is forced to that part today where she takes responsibility yet again for the sake of her foster parents and Abir and the family.

"If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to Heaven and bring you home again." She is doing exactly that giving up her ego and is building her future recourse on her and his memories and dreams. We have been forewarned today how that is going to shatter initially with the pain in her stomach.

In biology all of us would have studied about various worms existing in our intestines. Of all the worms the tapeworm has impressed me in its ingenuity in sucking energy from its unsuspecting victims. The human parasites around us outdo the ingenuity of the tapeworm to exist with least effort. Mishti in particular has dealt with these parasites, all her life starting with her parents and then you can configure the list. She deals with any situation like a pro but at what cost is the question, now. Her mind is elastic, ready to receive and expand with positive thoughts; generates and resonates energy.

I conclude, with a favorite verse of mine on

Constructiveness (applied to life and habits)

I watched them tearing a building down

A gang of men in a busy town

With a ho-heave-ho and a lusty yell

They swung a beam and the sidewall fell

I asked the foreman, "Are those men skilled

And the men you would hire, if you had to build?

He gave a laugh said "No indeed

Just common labor is all I need

I can easily wreck in a day or two

What builders have taken a year to do

I thought to myself as I went my way

Which of these roles have I tried to play?

Am I builder who works with care?

Measuring life with ruler and square?

Am I shaping my deeds to a well-made plan?

Patiently doing the best I can

Or am I a wrecker who walks the town

Content with a labor of tearing down?

Our righteous, loving and angry chorni always a crusader for our Ajeeb Rajvansh, BM and BP - ALWAYS A BUILDER AND NEVER A WRECKER

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