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The scientific advancement of Pavlovian Conditioning was accidentally discovered by Ivan Pavlov. He researched the relation between feeding and salivation in dogs to measure in behaviorist terms the effect of conditional and unconditional stimuli.

Pavlovian theory states that a dog is hardwired not to salivate as soon as it sees food. So, food is unconditioned stimulus and salivating is unconditioned response. He furthered his research by introducing a conditioned stimulus namely a metronome and on hearing the sound of the bell before the food was brought, the dog learned to salivate. The metronome is a conditioned stimulus and the salivation in the dog that foresees the sound of the bell as food being brought is a conditioned response.

Apply this to human behavior. We all behave and react in different ways to the same stimuli – conditioned and unconditioned - negative and positive in varied ways.

As human beings, we possess something extra namely the sixth sense and rationale. Those that use this sense in the best way possible elicit a response that the Universe prefers and advocates. Though the sixth sense on a larger complicated level denotes proprioception, on the simple thinking level it refers to the Spidey sense in an individual to differentiate between right and wrong, power of perception, intuition, second sight, insight etc.

This theory of Ivan Pavlov has been taken one step further by B.F Skinner who is the father of operant Conditioning and his work is based on Thorndike's law of effect which essentially propagates that human behavior is based on incentives. Behavior that is followed by pleasant consequences is likely to be repeated and vice versa.

- Meenu conditioned preleap Kunal with negative incentives and Kunal reacted in a devious way

- Parul Maasi was conditioned with negative incentives of being thrown out, so she reacted in a silent manner

- Meenu threatened BP and he reacted in a way, bizarre to protect his daughter

- Meenu positively induced Kuhu to instigate her against Mishti so much so that Kuhu forgot Abir in her obsession towards Mishti

- Maamu Maami and Ketki she has under her thumb with different psychological weapons

- Naanu speaks every now and then but he too is not strong and has perhaps given up and just gives the lecture to her as a dad

The only two people she hasn't controlled mentally with her mind games directly, so far are Mishti and Abir. Mishti left Abir and Abir left Mishti before, but both these actions are governed more towards each other rather than Meenu. Meenu's influence in their actions is miniscule. They perceive, think things through and reason for themselves.

They have stood strong in their principles, and beliefs and their duty towards their family and each other. This is where they have predominantly utilized the sixth sense in an emphatic manner beneficial and divergent, to the larger family surrounding them.

Meenu's actions and thinking are convergent and satisfies her own desires and ideologies. She just doesn't care about anyone's feelings but her own, an essential robot but following self-induced commands of her corrupt hardwired brain and its devious beliefs.

The influence of the theory of Nature Vs Nurture fits has a very strong hold in our lives too throughout our daily actions though we do not ponder over it consciously. It determines the decisions that we make in life both good and bad. The nature and nurture have to be a capricious balance for any individual to use that sixth sense and deploy it effectively and color outside the lines that life lays for us.

In Meenu's case nature overrules. Naanu and the people around her have treated her royally despite her controlling actions. Despite hurting Kunal, he still comes back (nurture and nature well balanced in the post leap Kunal) with a heavy heart and a lot of hurt, calls her Maa and begs her to stop Abir. Surprisingly Kuhu's nurture helped him – who knew? She tossed him around like a stranger and yet he brought a thought to her that will help her like a salve.

All kings and queens are not born of royal bloodlines. Some become a Rajvansh, Meenu because of what they do, once they realize who they are. Kunal realized that today, thanks to Kuhu and colored outside the lines wonderfully well today.

Blood makes you related but loyalty makes Family.

Meenu has been hurt and plays the victim card all the time. She hasn't learned at all to color outside the lines so to speak. She DID NOT LISTEN TO NAANU to not marry Mehul; hence has been hurt by

- Mehul and his swindling,

- then by his cheating and

- then she accepted Parul half heartedly

- brought up Kunal as her own to convert a bad situation into a good one

- Abir marrying Mishti

- Her plan to insult Maheshwaris backfiring in Kunal's marriage

Therefore, she has the urge to control and wants to make ABIR LISTEN TO HER woh bhi jhukkey, as she says.

In our society, the same mistake committed by a man and a woman have different repercussions. The mistake of infidelity by Shaurya that is Kuhu has been treated royally by the Maheshwaris whereas the mistake by Parul has had a veil to it until dislodged by our hero Abir, which is where Parul was accepted by Kunal as his mom

Abir's perfect blend of decoction of nature and nurture which has created for himself has shown him the error of his ways and those of others around him. This is where we as individuals should throw the old conventions of age, seniority and status to the wind and should learn to ask the right questions and make decisions for ourselves, as responsible, free thinking adults.

Mishti is right about her questions on the adoption – after all it's her life story. Adoption is not a feather to flaunt for individuals about noble thoughts or intentions. It's a serious action and involves the life of another innocent human being and has serious repercussions. Starting a new family in a new Mishbir home is the perfect twisted example of

"The mountain won't come to Mohammad so Mohammad must go to the mountain." The mountain in the first sentence being Meenu and the mountain in the second Mishbir home.

It'll create more problems of angst and frustration and despite having loving parents, and a great family; the absence of love and negative action on daadi's part will create issues for the new Rajvansh member.

There is not enough magic in a bloodline to forge an instant, irrevocable bond, the bond that BM BP and Mishti share. Meenu understands only the language of status, name, power and money in the name Rajvansh and its legal heir. She has taken the "vansh" in "Rajvansh" too literally and seriously.

She doesn't understand love for her own child or those that are around her. Her power and love are all about security because it was ripped away from her at a young age. I do pity this woman - she has it all and yet she is so poor.

I found the candles – atrocious freshening ones that smelled like fake pines.

Meenu is a fake pine. She will now literally burn the candle at both ends to discover surrogacy – her next emotional missile for Abir, because she wants to win in this heir race. Like Mary Renault says,

I was once a king, then a king's heir and now Iam a slave. Meenu is a slave to her vile desire, ego and arrogance.

To be an heir to the Rajvansh throne is not a position Meenu from WHAT ABIR IS UNDERGOING I SEE IT AS A PREDICAMENT. Remember Meenu, The absent one will not be heir.

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