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(The next day)

Freddie'a pov

I kinda like the soft Sam... I'm definitely going to get used to it, Shoot, I didn't text her yet! I have to see if she's coming to Carly's apartment to hangout.

____________Princess Puckett__________

                         Heyy Little Samantha! are
                         You coming here later to

Hey Fredbear, Yeah I
Just left my house to
Go there. Why?
Do you miss me?

                         Ofc I do! I wanna see my
                         Tough blondie! Well I'll
                         See you later, Love you❤

Love you too Freddie...


I never would've known I would date Sam Puckett... I mean she's badass and I'm just a tech nerd, I'm really lucky she's my girlfriend, *laughs* opposites do attract. I forgot, I've just been leaning here on the wall outside the apartment, I forgot I was heading to Carly's apartment. Well I gotta knock.

Nobody's pov

Freddie knocks on Carly's door, "Coming!" She responds from inside the apartment, she heads to the door and opens it, "Hey Carly, anything new in the icarly website or emails?" Freddie asked as he walked in, she checks "Oh here! Uh it says 'Dear icarly gang, we would like to invite you to this webicon on saturday next week to have another QnA panel. Please respond back quickly if you can' Wow, we have another QnA panel invite" Carly said after reading the email, "ugh another one? Remember when the fans were fighting on who was dating who?" Freddie rolls his eyes.

Carly laughs "Yeah! Well the Seddie shippers are going to be happy that you and Sam got together. By the way, How are you and sam?" Carly asked in a curiously teasing tone "Well I just texted her before I went inside your apartment, she said she was heading here" Freddie said as he smiled, "Aww, You and sam are so cute together!" Carly exclaims, Freddie grins "Well anyways how are you and brad? Hows the fudge? Did you get to bring some home?" Freddie asked "yeah! Brad was unexpectedly charming and his fudge was better than before, I think he altered some measurements to make it more fudgy" Carly said as she went to the fridge to bring out some fudge.

Carly and Freddie hear a knock at the door "Yo Carls! I'm heading in now" Sam says as she went in the apartment, Freddie stands up "Hey Princess Puckett!" Freddie said as he grabs Sam to kiss her for 4 seconds " *chuckles* Hey Frediebear" Sam said, she walks to hug carly "Hey Carls, heard you got some fudge from brad yesterday" Sam said, "Yes I did! It was more fudgy" Carly confirms and gives her some fudge bars, Sam got some fudge and sat down beside Freddie. Freddie wraps his arm at the back of her neck, "By the way we got an email about the webicon next saturday for a QnA Panel" Freddie said to Sam, "Oh man the phsyco fans drove us crazy the first panel we were there. So are we going?" Sam asked and looked at Carly "Well I dont know yet, I guess so, its the second panel so hopefully some of the fans are more... mature about our relationships?" Carly says in a hopeful but also doubtful tone.

"Wait, do you hear that? Sam hasn't insulted anyone here today!" Carly exclaims, Sam in shock and looks at Freddie, "Freddie I'm uncomfortable with your arm around me" Sam says, "What? Really?!" Freddie exclaims and pulls his arm away, Sam regrets "Wait no! Ugh.. I was just kidding! I- I liked it" Sam says, Freddie puts his arm behind her neck again "Awww thats so cute how you cant insult freddie that much anymore because you love him too much to even insult him!" Carly teases Sam, "Shay.." Sam said and glares, "Yup nevermind! That stare intimidated me a little bit" Carly says as she sits beside sam and freddie with Carly putting her head on sam's lap lying down.

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