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______________During the call___________

C: Who is this?

U: It's.... me steven, remember?

C: No, way... *sigh* Why did you call me?

S: Well, you see I heard you had a panel at webicon this Saturday..

C: Yeah, we do.. why'd you ask?

S: Well, I currently work there and my little cousins love icarly, so they were asking if they could meet you guys and talk for awhile before the you panel

C: Oh yeah sure! Where do I meet you with your little cousins?

S: Outside the icarly room panel near the fat cake stall

C: Yeah okay that sound great, I guess I'll see you guys there. Bye

_______________End of call_______________

Nobody's pov

"Who was that?" Sam asked while sitting on the couch feet on the table,
"Uh it was.. Steven, you know that guy who cheated on me and that girl Tori"
Carly said while putting her phone down to get pudding out of the fridge, Sam shocked and pissed at the fact that he had the Audacity to call Carly, "What?! Why didn't you hangup on him when you heard him say his name?" Sam stood up, "He heard that we were having a panel at webicon, he works there now btw, and he asked if we could talk to his little cousins about stuff that kids wanna talk about since they really love icarly, so ofcourse I had to say yes" Carly replied

Sam raised an eyebrow "And how do you know if he isnt lying to you about it" she said crossing her arms, Carly rolls her eyes "Well just incase his little cousins are there I'd say hi to them because I dont want them to be crying dont I... and its infront of a fat cake stall were they sell the drinks made out of fat cake" Carly tries to convince Sam, "You got me at the fat cake part, fine but if he does something to you.. I'm taking my butter sock with" Sam gave in but still being aware on what could happen to her bestfriend.

*2 days later*
*The day of The Girl's Choice Dance*

Freddie's pov

I look at the mirror while wearing my tux. Do I look good? *sigh* Which side should I put my hair... Hopefully this dance goes well. I take a deep breath and leave the apartment and walk to Carly's across the hall to wait for Sam ans Brad.

Nobody's pov

"Hey Freddie, you waiting for your ďate here?" Spencer greets whilst Freddie gets in the apartment, "Yeah, because if I wait at my apartment, my mom would freak if she saw me dating Sam" Freddie chuckles, "Wait.. you haven't told your mom you and Sam are dating yet?" Spencer asked while giving Freddie a glass of iced tea "Thanks... Anyway, the reason I didnt tell my mom is because she would say 'why would you date a delinquent?!' And get all overprotective of me" Freddie replied rolling his eyes, "Fair enough, your mom is crazy!" Spencer exclaims.

Carly walks down with her pink dress with black outlines, wearing pink 2 inch heels (idk how to describe dresses) while having a braided headband hairstyle. "Hey Freddie, Sam and Brad aren't here yet?" Carly asked while trying to find her purse, "No not yet. You look great by the way" Freddie said, "Thanks, you do too. But lets save the best compliments to our dates" Carly said while giggling.

They hear a knock, it was Sam and Brad, Freddie opens the door to see Brad, but he couldn't find Sam "Hey Brad, you look so handsome! uh.. wheres Sam?" Carly asked hugging Brad, "Uh, I don't know.. she was with me when we knocked, I think she might be behind that wall over there" Brad replied, Carly checks behind the wall to see Sam.

"Sam come on, you look great!" Carly said while pulling her arms, Sam trying to hold back "No! I don't wanna be seen like this, all dolled up!" Sam whines, "Sam.. come on, you look great, theres nobody who's going to laugh at you." Carly said while finally getting Sam out.
Freddie's jaw drops on how amazing she looks. She was wearing a Midnight Blue dress that ends to her knee, 2 inch black heels that she borrowed from Melanie, and a Half up half down hairstyle that goes with her natural blonde curls.

Freddie walk up to her, "Sam.. you look very girly today, I like it." Freddie smirks while putting his hands on her waist, "Thanks Frednerd, you don't look so bad yourself" Sam says playfully punching Freddie's arm..
"Awww" Sam and Freddie look back to see Spencer, Brad, and Carly all taking pictures of them. It was all going so smoothly out at the halls until...

"What the yuck!" They all look over to see Marissa Benson... Freddie's overprotective mother going up to Sam and Freddie still holding each other, "Fredward Benson! What are you doing with this...this.. delinquent!" Marissa exclaims throwing her hands up in the air, Freddie rolls his eyes "Mom she isn't a delinquent! She's my girlfriend." Freddie yells back at his mother, "Girlfriend?! You call that a gir-" Marissa takes a glance at Sam, shocked to see Sam looked all dolled up "Well.. Samantha, you clean up well for once." Marissa raising one eyebrow, "Look, I know you don't like me dating your little Freddie, but he has his own choices on who he wants to love. I don't care if you think I'm a delinquent, I'm going to the dance with Freddie, because thats what he wants and thats what I want" Sam said in a meaningful yet serious tone in her voice.

Carly butts in "Look, Mrs. Benson Freddie loves Sam with all his heart, dont take that away from him. Just because you think she's a delinquent doesnt mean she doesn't have a heart for other people, she just doesnt show it that much" Carly blurts out, Mrs. Benson takes a deep breath
"Okay... Freddie, I'll aprove of her being your girlfriend. You proved to me that you arent all that bad.. Have fun at the dance kids." Mrs.Benson heads back inside Her and Freddie's apartment.

"Well.. that was, um, surprising" Spencer said, all of them agreed. They then went to the dance.

Mrs. Benson's pov (DUN DUN DUN)

I see them all walking out to the dance through the peephole. I see Freddie holding the waist of his girlfriend...
*sigh* Samantha Puckett.. she's not as what I expected to be more like, I guess she really cared about Freddie to even stand up to me like that. I misjudged her, I think she'll be a great match for my son..

*at the dance*

Nobody's pov

The 4 of them enter the room where the dance was happening, "Care to dance?" Brad looks at Carly reaching for her hand, "I'd love to" Carly and Brad head to the dance floor leaving Sam and Freddie behind, Freddie looks at Sam grinning "You just came for the food didn't you?" He asked, "You know me so well Benson" Sam replied walking to the food stand with Freddie, "Sam, how about we go to the dance floor and dance and not just eat" Freddie suggests, "But Freddi-" She gets cut off by freddie, "I'll make you some bacon for breakfast tomorrow, and I'll buy you a fat cake drink at the webicon this Saturday, How about that?" Freddie said trying to persuade her, Sam finally give in and they walk over to the dance floor to see Carly and Brad dancing to the music vibing.

Sam, Freddie, Carly, and Brad starts to dance for 3 minutes till the DJ interrupts "Hey, since I see alot of people with dates, how about we do so pocky challenge action huh?" The DJ said while everyone agrees, except... 3 people don't know what it is, Carly looks at Brad "Oh you know the game? What's it about?" Carly asked, Sam and Freddie go up to them, "Well it's a game about whoever tries to be the last to hold onto the biscuit, often resulting in a kiss.." Brad said laughing nervously while scratching the back of his head.

The DJ throws a pack of Pockys to each person, "Okay everybody ready?" He asked, everyone doing a thumbs up "And go!" The Dj exclaims.

Sam and Freddie's hearts were pounding fast and leaping, Sam was winning by staying put sometimes, Freddie getting closer, he winks at her.
Sam widened her eyes, Freddie pulling her head gently to kiss her, they both end up kissing, Freddie pulling her waist closer. They open their eyes for 5 seconds still kissing to see the same scenario had happened to Carly, Brad, and everybody else, they close their eyes back, (Warning, may sound very sexual but not much. I would never go that far... yet, maybe in the future)

Freddie adds tongue, Sam gives in.. they hear slow, romantic music from the DJ and they pull away, Carly and Brad stopped kissing 5 seconds before them which gave them enough time to take a picture, They all started dancing to the music, "You know Puckett... I underestimated your abilities in kissing" Freddie whispered in her ear while smirking. The night had ended, they all went back to their home, but what they don't realize is that, they got so tired they lost their train of thought and the 4 ended up waking up in...

~To Be Continued~
(😂 Another cliffhanger! Dun Dun Dun!)

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