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Freddie's pov

*Sigh* Sam's gone, Carly's also gone... I wont have anyone else to hang out with or talk to at school, well... minus gibby, I mean yeah he talks to me once and awhile but he has his seperate group..

I should inform principal Franklin Sam transfered schools.

*2 days later*

Nobody's pov

Freddie knocks on Principal Franklin's office, "You may come in" The prinicpal said, "Uh Principal Franklin, were you informed that Sam transfered to either an online school or a different school?" Freddie asked, "Yes, she actually was talking about it 3 months ago, she got a scholarship to a unique and great highschool. She did tell me not to tell anybody" Principal Franklin answered, "Um okay.. well, I'll go to class now" Freddie said weirdly while opening the door going to class.

Freddie's pov

Sam got a scholarship? To where? I mean she isn't really one of the smartest girls here at Ridgeway and its really hard to get a scholarship to a great highschool. I know! Carly, Sam and I all agreed we would video chat once in awhile, maybe later I'll ask them if they want to video chat.

*After school*

Nobody's pov

Freddie texts the gc where Carly, him and Sam could video chat.


F: Hey girls do you wanna
Video chat?

                                        Sure! Why not? :C

S: Okay, but you will hear plenty
Of motorcycle noises, I just stopped
Infront of a mexican food truck

                           Yeah okay! I'll call you :F
                            Girls now


*they all pick up*

S: Hey! What goes on?

C: Hey guys, I'm fine how about you?

S: I'm fine, just pretty tired.
|Sam said while propping her phone down on her holder on the bike|

C: Sam, I've never seen that food truck there at Seattle before

F: Thats because she isn't in Seattle...

C: What? Where are you?
|Taking a sip of her water in italy|

F: Yeah Sam, where are you?

S: I'm at... oh, I'm in Redding California

|Carly chokes on her water|
C: California?!

F: How did you get to California that quickly?

S: Easy, 2 days no sleep and luckily no traffic. Anyways I have to go. Bye
|Sam hangs up|

F: I heard she was transfering to another school but I didnt know it would be that far!

C: She's transfering schools?! It's just been 2 days and alot of things are happening so fast. I'll need to get going now, I still need to unpack some of my stuff
|Carly hangs up|

|Freddie hangs up|


Sam's pov

*sigh* I have to get moving again so I could reach L.A . Tori's friend Cat did offer me to maybe stay with her for awhile, maybe I'll stay there and then...

*the next day*

So... this is the place, I ring Cat's doorbell, "Ding dong!" I hear a high pitched, She opens the door "Sam!" She hugs her, "Not a hugger not a hugger!" I exclaimed, she stops hugging me... good

Nobody's pov

"Hey, so... anyways wheres your um Nona?" Sam asked her putting her stuff down on the floor, Cat pouts "Jade made me bring her to a retirement home. I dont have a roommate now" She sits on the couch still pouting

Sam raises an eyebrow, "Cat, I think I just found you a new roommate" Sam said walking over to the kitchen, Cat sqealed and stood up "Shut up who is she?!" She exclaimed, "*laughs* me! I mean I dont have anywhere else to go.. and I'm going to audition for Hollywood Arts tomorrow so why not be your roommate" Sam answered her smiling

"*sqeals* Thank you Sam!!" Cat hugs her tightly, "Not a hugger!" Sam exclaims.

*Later that say*

"Cat! Come check out the new room" Sam yelled calling for her to come in their new room, Cat entered the room with a shocked look on her face "Sam, this is amazing! How did you bring all those stuff here with just your motorcycle?" Cat asked smiling at the new room, "I have my ways.. now I just have to tune my guitar and practice for tomorrow's audition" Sam said grabbing her guitar from the corner of the room, "Oh, what are you going to sing?" Cat asked looking at her songbook, "Well I dont know if I should sing 'Have to say goodbye' or 'Not that far away' I'll think about it while eating this fried chicken" Sam replied, Cat walks out the room to watch some tv.

*Late that night*

Cat walks in the room almost about to sleep "Sam, did you finally choose a song for tomorrow's audition?" She asked while yawning, "Yeah, I'm going to sing 'Not that far away'" Sam answered, putting her notebook on the table beside the bed and laid her guitar under the bed.

Carly's pov

*yawn* I'm still trying to get used to italy and jetlag, its 5am and I guess 11pm in America, 6 hour difference... hopefully my new school will be almost as good as ridgeway. I wonder why Sam's in cali.. *sigh* I should ready for my, new school... Hopefully I can visit Sam and Freddie next year!

*The next day*

Nobody's pov

Cat jumps on Sam's bed, "Sam, wake up! You have an audition at Hollywood Arts today" Sam doesn't wake up, "Sam wake up!" Cat shakes her, still no use... "umm Fried chicken?" Sam jolts awake "Give me the thigh! Huh? What?" She said sleepily realizing that there was no chicken, "Sam you need to get ready for your audition!" Cat said running to the kitchen to finish her bowl of cereal... "Alright alright, I'm going to get ready" She replied going in the bathroom.

*30 minutes later*

Sam and Cat get to school with an hour to spare, Sam brought her guitar and they went inside. "Wow...*chuckle* you guys were right, this is one unique school" Sam looks around on how big and colorful it was. Jade, Beck, Robbie and André walked up to Sam, "So you finally considered coming here?" Jade smirked raising an eyebrow, "Yeah. Where do I audition?" Sam asked, "The blackbox theatre down the hall, I think they're already waiting for you there" André answered her

"Thanks, see you guys soon" Sam walks down the hall trying to find the room, "Goodluck Sam!" Cat squealed waving at her.

The group's pov

"Is there a chance Sam might be interested in me if I ever ask her out?" Robbie asked them, they all laugh "you're kidding.. right?" Beck said laughing, "You better be, a girl that famous already, to wanna date you" Jade laughs wihile sipping her coffee, "Ha! Nobody has faith in you man" Rex said, "Shut up rex" Robbie puts his hands over his palm on Rex's puppet face, Tori walks in the school "Hey guys!" She greeted them, Robbie turned around at her, "Is there a reason why girls dont want to go out with me?" He faced Tori, "You mean... the biggest reason out of all the other reasons?" Tori replied confused on why he asked that, "Lets just go to class" Robbie said walking to the music classroom followed by the group, "You know if you really want to get girls, stop being so weird" Rex implied, "Shush it Rex!" Robbie rolled his eyes.

Sam's pov

"Um, Hey is somebody in here? I'm here to audition." I say looking around for people, "Oh hello Samantha Puckett! I'm Helen, the principal of Hollywood Arts, we're so happy you considered going here!" Helen said shaking my hand she seems like a cool principal, "So Sam.. what will you be doing for us?" That must be Sikowitz the one Cat was talking about yesterday, she said drinking a coconut gives him visions, "Uh I'll be singing a song I wrote called 'Not that far away' while also playing my guitar" I say, *sigh* I hope I get in..

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