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(This story may get a bit dirty so be warned)


Nobody's pov

Carly was on her way to L.A for christmas and meet with Sam, Freddie and Spencer. Spencer drove there two days ago and stayed at Robbie and Freddie's apartment. Freddie was planning a really amazing gift for Sam.. he made a custom digital picture frame of his and hers pictures together, Sam got him a voice activated moogle home(get it? Like google? XD I know I'm so lame!)
She saved up for it with her money from babysitting.. she was hesitant at first but she wanted to give him something special.

It was the day before christmas.. it was christmas eve. Carly arrived in the morning so she had time to rest for a bit and go to Tori's house for the party.
Sam and Freddie were already there, they were just waiting for Jade, Cat, Robbie, and Carly.
"Sam... you know where we're standing under right?" Freddie implied while smirking, of course.. they were standing under the mistletoe, "*chuckles* Yeah.." They were kissing for about 5 seconds until they heard a Carly sqeal and take pictures, they pulled away, "Sorry I ruined your moment... but I just missed you guys again!" Carly hugs them tightly, they hug back of course.

"Carls.. we have a surprise for you. You'll love it" Sam implied, "Yeah, it took awhile but it was worth it" Freddie adds on, "What is it?" Carly laughs nervously and tilts her head, "You can come out now" Freddie said... there person who came out the room was Brad, Carly's eyes widen and ran to hug him, "Brad! I've missed you so so so much!" She exclaimed and kissed his cheek, "me too Carly! Do you maybe want to-" Brad gets cut off by Carly's lips, "Yes I'd love to get back together!" She hugged him tighter.

"Best Christmas ever" Carly muttered.
Freddie looks at Sam while smirking, "Whats with that face nub?" Sam chuckled, "Oh you know... I just want to give this to you" he gives her a wrapped box, she opens it and it was a digital picture frame of the two of them, she smiled softly and kissed him, "You are such a dork... I love it" she playfully punched him, she gave him a wrapped gift too.

Freddie's eyes widen, "No way! Sam.. thank you! I've always wanted these but they were too expensive" he lifts her up and kisses her, "Well... I got the money from the babysitting business Cat and I have and I knew you always wanted one so I got one" Sam implied, "You are so thoughtful.. I love you" he replied, "Well dont get so used to it... I love you too" she kissed him again.
They see a flash from the phone and heard clicking noises, it was Cat, Jade, Carly, and Tori.. "I caught it on video!" Spencer exclaimed from behind, "Oh hey Spencer.... wait.. Spencer!" Carly had a brain fart and realized that it was Spencer and jumped to hug him, "Hey kiddo!" Spencer spins her around and hugs her.

They all had a great and fun night, well... a bit too fun for Sam and Freddie.. If you know what I mean. Sam wakes up on Freddie's bare chest, legs tangled up, sweaty and very frizzy hair. Freddie wakes up to see Sam staring at him, "Last night was amazing" he implied, "it was.." Sam agreed and Freddie pecked her lips.
They both stood up to get ready since they're going to meet with Carly, Spencer, and Brad at bots.

*Setting change*
*Carly and Brad*

Carly was stiff then her eyes shot open, she sees Brad spooning her, there was one problem... both of them were nude.. "*sigh* I'm stiff.." she muttered tapping on Brad to wake up.. "We should have never thought of being able to handle alot of alchohol.. Spencer was already wasted so he couldnt stop us" Brad chuckles, "Shoot we have to go meet Sam and the others at bots today.." Carly sits up, "o-ow..." she mumbled, "I'm fine... I wasnt just used to this.." Carly said for Brad not to worry much.

She gets a text from Spencer..

S: Carly.. Sorry, I cant make it
Today.. I'm still hungover from

                  Its okay Spencer, we'll drop :C
                  By later after lunch.. get well
                  Soon Spence!

S: Have fun kiddo! Merry Christmas!

"Spencer said he cant come.. he's hungover so we'll stop by his hotel later after lunch" Carly informed Brad, "Aww okay.. well we have to meet Sam and Freddie. You sure you can walk. properly?" He asked, "Yeah, I'll be fine" Carly replied as she stood up and walked to the bathroom. "Carly what time did they say we have to be there?" Brad knocked on the bathroom door, "Its still 10 and we have to meet them at 12, so we have two hours.. we can eat a bit for breakfast" Carly answered.

*Back to Sam and Freddie*

"Sammy do you know where the other pair of my shoes went?" Freddie asked, Sam walks out of the bathroom, changed... "Nope" she shakes her head and sits on his beanbag, Freddie found his shoe, it was under the bed, he plops down beside Sam on his beanbag to cuddle while she was on her phone.. "We never should have drank so much yesterday *chuckles*" Sam implied, "Yeah... but it was a cool experience" Freddie replied while wrapping his arms around her fully, Sam punches him, "Hey what was that for?" he rubs his arm, "I havent hit you at all for 5 days, so I just wanted to do that" Sam said..


Carly and Brad arrived at bots to see that Sam and Freddie werent there yet, one of the robots assist them to a table. "Sam said that her and Freddie just parked, they'll be here in awhile" Carly informed Brad, he nods. Sam and Freddie enter the restaurant, "Hey guys!" Carly waved at them, they walk to the table and sat down.

"Did you guys order yet?" Freddie asked, "No not yet, we were just thinking if we should order chili cheese fries" Carly replied while looking at the menu. Sam was smirking at her and raised one eyebrow, Carly furrows her eyebrows at Sam, she pulls Sam to the bathroom though she was still slow at walking, "Okay... why were you smirking at me like you know something?" Carly asked, "How was last night?" Sam replied, Carly widens her eyes, "W-what do you mean? The christmas party? It was great!" She said hesitantly, "No... you and Brad. You cant lie to me, I'm your bestfriend and you cant outlie a bigger liar. It written all over your face anddd you're walking slower and stiffer" Sam implied while she raised an eyebrow at her.

"Ugh fine! We did the deed and it was amazing, but I know you and Freddie did it too, you dont think I noticed the amount of blush you have on your face that still hasnt disappeared much and because I can see your neck.." Carly points at the mark Freddie gave Sam, "Dammit, yeah we did it too and it was fantastic! Also... do you have some makeup? I need to hide this" she pointed at her neck, Carly pulled out her makeup pouch to cover it up, it was covered really well, then they walk back out.

"What took you girls so long?" Brad asked, "Oh you know... girl things" Carly grins, Freddie puts her arm around Sam, "Well we ordered for you two already, we ordered the ribs for Sam and a burger for Carly" Freddie implied. Seconds later Carly starts to shift on her seat and groan, Sam knew what was going on and stepped on her foot a bit, Carly looks under to see Sam gives her something that can ease the pain. It was like a small pain reliever that can help with soreness.

Freddie was confused, Brad also was.. "What did you give Carly?" Freddie leaned and whispered to Sam, "Something that she really needed..." she replied to Freddie. Their food arrived and they started eating.
They walk out the restaurant after paying and eating, they drive to Spencer's hotel but when they arrived..  while Freddie's back was turned, Sam threw a snowball from behind since it was snowing. Freddie runs after Sam, "Come here!" He wrapped his arms around her from behind and spins her around lifting her up, "Freddie put me down you nub!*laughs*" Sam exclaimex while swinging her legs, he puts her down and throws a snowball at her.

"Okay guys lets cool it with throwing snowballs at each other" Carly chuckled, she and Brad was also covered in snow because they made snow angels. They knock on Spencer's door, he opens it to see he was all dressed up in a christmas sweater and santa hat, they walk in to see that Jade and the others surprised them for christmas since its the first christmas they've had in L.A.

~To Be Continued~

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