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*December 27 morning*

Nobody's pov

It was 8am. Sam, Cat, Robbie, and Freddie had to wake up early because they had to rehearse for the school play. Sam picks the lock on the guy's apartment, Freddie and Robbie were just about to leave, "How many times do I have to tell you to stop picking other people's locks" Freddie reminded her, Sam just rolls her eyes, "Whatever Fredwad, plus.. since you're helping us with our school play, you two were already supposed to be awake, I see that you are.. so lets go" she responded, the guys follow her out, Cat was waiting for them in the parking lot, her and Sam are taking Sam's motorcycle, the are going to take Freddie's car.

"You sure you don't want to ride in the car with us?" Freddie asked Sam, "Nah.. plus we both have to pick something up for Sikowitz at a specific store..." Sam replied, Freddie looked at her confused, "Coconuts... Sikowitz is making us buy coconuts for him" Sam clarified, "Why exactly?" Freddie asked, "He said the milk gives him visions" Robbie butts in, "That's how Trina got in" Cat giggled, Freddie nods still slightly confused and the guys walk to the car, Sam and Cat put on their helmets and they rode off.

*At Hollywood Arts*

Sam and Cat were already at the blackbox theatre working on some props and helping Jade with the wires. They were first because Sam's motorcycle was fast and there wasnt any line for coconuts in the store. Analyn, Jason and some other people from their class was also there too, "Wow... this place is so cool!" Jason exclaimed, "Are you kidding me? This whole school looks cool and so artsy!" Analyn squealed, "Haha, glad you like it!" Tori said to them while working on the turbo jet, Beck was helping Jade with some wires, they were in good-ish terms, it was slightly awkward but they were used to it and they didn't really mind each other's help, "Sinjin! Don't turn on light 36!"Jade yelled to him, "What? Turn on light 36? Okay" Sinjin activated light 36, Jade gets electricuted for 5 seconds, "If I was up there right now, I would've killed you!" She threatened.

Sam walked to Tori, "Vega, show me how this baby works, so I can also add wind and thunder sounds and how loud it should be" she said while patting the Turbo Jet, "Sure!" Tori replied enthusiastically, she opens the Jet and puts it on medium blow, "Woahh that really does make cool wind" Sam implied, Tori turns it off, "I know right!" She replied. Sam was fixing some strands of her hair that the air blew. Sikowitz runs to Sam, "Sam, do you have the coconuts?" he asked, She walks to her bag and pulled out two coconuts, "Yeah.." Sam handed him the coconuts and he jumped in glee. 

Jade walked up to Sam, "I heard what happened to you and Benson.." She uttered to her, Sam looks down a bit and back up, "Yeah... um.. how are you and Beck?" she asked, trying to shift the subject towards Jade, "Ehh.. fine.. I guess?" Jade shrugged. "Alright! Everyone! We need to rehearse! Actors and Actresses, to your places with your scripts and our backstage crew go to your stations" Sikowitz announced, "Oh uh what's your name again? Eddie?" he asked, walking towards Freddie, "U-um it's Freddie.. what do you need?" Freddie asked, "Do you know how to put a harness on somebody without making it obvious they have a harness on?" Sikowitz gave him a curious look, "I'm sorry I can't sir" Freddie answered him, Sikowitz gave a new look... it was disgust, "Sheesh no need to call me sir.. just call me Sikowitz, it makes me sound super professional. Even though I'm a teacher here, just call me by my first name" he implied and walked away towards Beck so he could ask him to harness Robbie for a scene.

Jason walked up to Freddie, "The teachers here sound so cool! Some of them are so down to Earth" he whisper-screamed then walked back to his station, Freddie was in charge with the illusions of the stage play. "Action!" Sikowitz exclaimed. 

*Scene* (This isn't a real play from the show. Robbie is called Wade and Andre is called Clifford, they have cowboy accents. Italic is when the backstage crew does something while in the scene)

Wade ran out the backstage to Clifford milking a fake cow, "Clifford! I just saw Ma and Pa laying on the wheat field unconscious!" Wade exclaimed terrified, "W-what?! We need to get them to our nearest clinic!" Clifford immediately stood up and started bolting to the backstage, Wade stopped him by grabbing on one of his arms, "Clinic?! Get them to a Hospital you buffoon!" he yelled at him, Clifford turned back to him and slapped him, "It's too far brother! Do you want our parents to not get treated as soon as possible?!" he shook Wade's shoulders. Cat launched a scent launcher she bought from the skystore it was filled with onion smell towards the side of Andre so he could be able to cry. Clifford and Wade were crying and ran backstage.

*After the rehearsal*

"Great rehearsal guys.. Andre, try and work to cry on command, we're running out of onion scent to blast you with" Sikowitz informed Andre and walked out the theatre quick since he just found out there was a coconut convention. "Aw man! I don't know how to cry on command!" Andre walked to the girls, Robbie and Freddie were there too. "Come on, it's easy" Tori implied, the girls agree, "Well it's harder than all of you think and you have to do it in a scene where you need to do it immediately and it's ju-" Andre cuts off and glances at Sam, Jade, Cat, and Tori and crying.. Freddie widened his eyes looking at Sam crying and tears dripping down on her sleeves, Cat crying and whimpering, Tori crying and sniffling, and Jade crying and a hitched voice, "W-well you're girls it-" Andre looked at Robbie sobbing, "Sometimes it's hard not to cry" Robbie mumbled and looked away, "*Groans* I'm going to buy more onion scents" Andre walks out the blackbox theatre.

The girls just chuckle and wipe their tears, "Yeah it was kinda hard" Sam implied, "But not that difficult" Jade replied, "True" Sam shrugged her shoulders, the girls smirk and leave Sam and Freddie, they pulled Robbie to leave too. Freddie looks at his phone since he received a text message from Carly, "Carly texted me saying that we should meet up at her hotel room" he informed Sam, "Okay, now?" she asked, "Yeah" Freddie answered, they said their goodbyes to the others then drove to Carly's hotel room. 

~To Be Continued~

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