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Carly's pov

Ugh my head... how did we get so wasted last night? We didnt even drink, there was no alchohol, were we that exaughsted? Wait... this isn't my bedsheet, and.. why cant I move thay much? Damnit, Brad is spooning me.. I look beside me to see Sam, Freddie, and Brad all still sleeping I try to wake Sam up, but no use until I remembered, I have bacon flavored chapstick whenever I cant wake her up, I always have it in my pocket, I stick it up near her nose where she can smell it, she flutters up her eyes.

Nobody's pov

Sam wakes up to the scent of bacon opening her eyes slowly, to see that this isn't her room She looks beside here to see Freddie cuddling her, and looks to her left to see Brad spooning Carly, luckily Carly was awake, "Where are we?!" Sam asked whispering instensely, "I don't know either! Wait.. we have school today we cant be late!" Carly whispers back, she checks her phone to recieve a text from spencer that school is cancelled due to the lack of teachers who went to teach, mostly because of traffic, tiredness for grading and making tests last minute this semester.

"Sam, we dont have school today, I guess the teachers got wasted with grading our long essays. They brought it to themselves honestly, they made us write a 6 page essay" Carly still whispering, chuckles while informing Sam, "Okay cool, but one problem, how do we get out of this situation with the guys practically spooning us?" Sam still trying to whisper, Carly grins, "Easy we just lift the arm and-" Brad tightens his grip, "Uh.. its harder than I thought. Wait I just realized, it's still 5am, we dont have school.. soo we can sleep in and maybe when the guys wake up we can figure out what room we're in" Carly whispered smiling. They both went back to sleep.

*5 hours later*

Freddie's pov

H-huh? What happened last night? Wait, we have school today! What time is it?! 10am! I'm so la- oh school is cancelled, I feel bad for those teachers though... huh? I see Sam sleeping next to me while cuddling me, I grin, she looks so innocent while sleeping... I realize that Carly and Brad are sleeping beside us too! What are they doing in my room?! And wait, why are we still in our clothes from last night?

I try to wake up Brad and not wake up the girls.

Nobody's pov

"Yo Brad, wake up" Freddie taps on him, he wakes up to see he isnt in his room and that he's still in his tux beside the girls and Freddie, He widens his eyes "Where are we? And arent we
supposed to have school today, what time is it?" Brad sits up gently while whispering, "We dont have school today, and we're in my bedroom for some reason, lets talk outside and try not to wake up the girls" Freddie whispered standing up slowly, the same goes for Brad, they went out of the room to talk.

"Okay so why are we all in your bedroom?" Brad asked while they walk to the kitchen counter, "I dont know either, I guess we were so tired last night, we lost our train of thought, anyways maybe lets cook some breakfast for the girls when they wake up" Freddie suggested while he grabs a pan and Brad gets the bacon "Uh do you want to change our clothes first? Also can I borrow some of your shirts or basketball shorts?" Brad asked, "Yeah sure, lets change first. My mom also texted me that she wont be here till next next week since she just found out my aunt has rashes so she's trying to take care of her." Freddie replied, they walk back into the room to grab clothes and change in the bathroom.

*after changing*

Freddie and Brad head back to the kitchen to cook the bacon and make some eggs.

Sam's pov

I check the time to see that its already 11am, I see that Brad and Freddie arent here anymore, I look at Carly trying to wake her up.

Nobody's pov

"Carls, wake up. The guys are gone." Sam shakes Carly and she wakes up, "Oh hey Sam, where are the guys?" Carly asked while yawning, "Wait... I smell bacon, they're cooking bacon" Sam said, both of them stand up to realize that they're still in their dresses from last night, "I- lets just go eat, I'll deal with this later. We also need to know wh-" Carly gets cut off when they went outside the room, it was Freddie's apartment, the girls figured he repainted and rearranged his room.

"Oh hey, you girls are awake!" Brad looks over to greet them, "Hey, guys.. um was that your room freddie? Did you paint your walls and change the style of your room?" Carly asked, walking over to sit on the chair beside the counter, "Yes I did!" Freddie said trying to be smooth but failed miserably, "Anyways, how did we all end up on the same bed?" Sam asked walking over to Freddie cooking, "I don't know either, the other students who went also had the same situation as us." Freddie replied, taking the bacon off the pan to the plate.

"Well maybe we were all tired, I mean we did end up dancing maybe until 1am, and I didn't get any notifications of a recent uber if we ever took one. Since you know, I'm the only one who can call and pay for one." Brad said, checking his phone, "Anyways, what do we do now? We dont have school, we don't really have any plans today" Carly asked, "We can go to the groovy smoothie after we eat breakfast, shower, and change" Freddie suggests, they all agreed and went back to their homes to freshen up and not look like a total mess.

*2 days later*

Carly's pov

It's the day... the day of our second ever panel, hopefully this ends well.. unlike, the last time we were there. We have to be there atleast at 3pm, it's already 11am, we have atleast 4 hours to get there. Where's the others? Deep breath Carly Shay... we still have plenty of time to get to Webicon, I hear a knock.. yes! It's Sam, Freddie, and Brad!

Nobody's pov

"Ready to go?" Sam asked, "Yup lets go! Bye Spencer, see ya later!" Carly answered while waving goodbye to her brother, and they went off to the Convention.

As they arrived, they see Steven and his little cousin infront of the Fat cake stall, "Oh hey guys!" Steven waves, "Hey, so-" Carly gets cut off by Sam interupting "So what are you going to do to break her heart again you cheater?" Sam glares while whipping out her butter sock, "Sam! Don't be so rude" Freddie said trying to calm her down, "But he!-" Freddie interupts Sam's dispute,
"Sam... I'm not buying you fat cakes if you keep trying to argue" Freddie said, Sam rolls her eyes "Fine.. but if he does something to her I swear I'll-" Freddie puts his hand over her mouth, "Samantha..." Freddie said in a serious tone, Sam and Freddie both go up to the Fat Cakes stands to buy some Fat cakes.

"Sorry about that Steven" Carly apologized, "ah, it's okay, anyways.. who's the new guy?" Steven asked, "umm, He's actually my boyfriend. I mean if your uncomfortable we can just go" Carly laughs nervously, while Brad goes up to Carly putting his arm around her, "Hey dude, I'm Brad" Brad introduced himself, "Hey, I'm Steven" Steven replies back, "So... are these your little cousins?" Carly asked waving at them, "Yeah, this is Emily and Cameron" Steven replied (I just thought of the first names that come to my mind) "Oh hi! How old are you two?" Carly asked the little kids.

*After the Conversation*

They went into the panel room, before everybody was inside, the line of icarly fans were packed outside, but they couldnt forget to let them try the fudge Brad made just incase things get personal...

Everybody finally gets in the room, They then saw the Creddie and Seddie shippers with their shirts,and pins. They knew that things were going to get messy.

~To Be Continued~

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