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*The next day*

Sam's pov

I think I should really tell Carly and Freddie that I go to Hollywood Arts, since Carly's coming here we could just meet up somewhere. It's a saturday today, what do I do? Call them again?
I miss them but all we just do is video chat, whatever.. I'm calling them anyways.


F: Hey whats up?

S: I'm just bored.. wait I forgot. I need to tell you something important

F: you want to get back together?

S: What? Wait... do you?

F: uh I m-mean uh... hey whats up?

S: um, I was just about to say.. you know you guys have been asking me what school I go to?

F: Yeah... so what school do you go to?

C: Hey what are you guys talking about?

F: Sam was about to tell me where she goes to school

S: Yeah I was about to say.. I go to Hollywood Arts now.

|Freddie laughs|

F: you're kidding right? Isnt Hollywood Arts a really hard school to get in and for really really talented people

|Sam raised an eyebrow|

F: I- um

C: Freddie... did you just call Sam untalented?

F: I-I didnt mean that! Its just, I've never seen Sam do any of her talents except for dancing in her pageant and playing the piano

S: When.. when did you see me play the piano?

F: I- uh... I might've seen you play the piano at the fire escape

S: What?! Ugh whatever..

C: So you do go to Hollywood Arts?

S: Yeah... I got an email from them 5 months ago..
|Sam replied remembering something|

F: So you live in L.A? Wait.. 5 months ago?

S: yeah, 5 months ago and yes I live in L.A I didnt want to tell you guys because I didnt want to leave icarly behind with you guys, so when Carly left for italy, I left for L.A..

F: oh... well since you live near where Carly will have her birthday, Can you make it?

S: I'll try, but if theres a performance or another pingpong tournament date, I dont think I can make it. Well.. bye
|They all hang up|

Freddie's pov

Sam's in Hollywood Arts... thats great!
We can all hangout again on July since thats Carly's birthday. That was the scholarship she was talking about! *Snickers*(it means laugh but in a subtle way) When we were talking 3 months ago, she said she'd try to get a scholarship.. she already had one.. I smile, My little fibber...

She got that scholarship 5 months ago, that was before we broke up, she started getting calls from Hollywood Arts students the day we broke up, I hope I can see her again sooner.

Carly's pov

Gahh! I'm so psyched to see Sam, Freddie, and Spencer again! 6 more months Carly.. be chill... I miss them so much!

*On Thursday*

Nobody's pov

Jade and Beck walk up to Robbie, "So, did you get over that little crush thing for Cat and Sam?" Jade said teasingly "What? Yeah... ofcourse!" Robbie replied in a very obvious lying voice, "No you haven't, I can smell the desperation for a girlfriend in this boy" Rex implied laughing and teasing him, "You be quiet mister!" Robbie exclaims, "I bet I can ask either 1 of them out!" Robbie said looking at Beck and Jade, "Yeah that isnt going to happen maybe Cat would go out with you, but Sam? I doubt it" Jade replied laughing and sipping her coffee

"How do you put up with her?" Robbie looks at Beck, "I just do... its not easy having Jade as a girlfriend, easy is boring, I like a girl who you know.. fights back and has strong opinions" Beck replied shruging his shoulder,
"Lets bet on it, if you get either Sam or Cat and they say yes within the week, we wouldnt tease you for a week but if they both deny, you have to buy Jade new and sharper scissors and have to buy me coffee. Deal?" Beck initiated, "Fine deal..." Robbie said rolling his eyes.

Sam and Cat walk in at the same time, since they live in the same apartment..
"Speak of the devils..." Jade smirks, Robbie walks up to Cat while Sam walks to her locker.

"Hey Cat, do you maybe want to go with me to Nozu anytime this week?" Robbie asked with a pleading and persuasive voice "I'm sorry Robbie, but I have to visit Nona at the retirement home and my brother doesnt want to show up. I cant. Bye!" Cat skips away smiling, "and 1 to go, the hardest one to be exact" Jade laughs, "I'll do it later at lunch" He replied trailing off to his class.

*At Lunch*

"Hey guys" Sam walks to their table, "Hey" they all said to her, Beck looks at Robbie while raising his eyebrows, "So... Sam, do you maybe want to go out with me at Nozu anytime this week?" Robbie asked, Sam chokes on her water while laughing, "*laughs* No way! Sorry but you arent my type" Sam laughs, "You have to buy me new scissors now Robbie, and Beck a Coffee" Jade smirks evilly, "Fine! ugh" Robbie groans, "uh what are you guys talking about?" Sam asked, "They bet Robbie to ask you or Cat out, it went downhill quick" André implied, "Ohhh even Cat turned you down? Thats just sad" Sam replied

"So who is your type?" Tori looks at Sam, "Uh.. well... my type is like a nerdy but bad boyish whos good with dealing girls like me and that can control me when I... um am about to do something that will go horribly wrong, and a funny, but still also sweet guy and can handle some tech stuff and is also attractive" Sam answered looking down thinking about Freddie, and smiles..

"Hey I'm nerdy, and I can handle tech stuff too you know" Robbie still trying to persuade her, "No, you're just a nerd in general" Sam replied rolling her eyes, "Anyways, we have a pingpong "Tournament" tomorrow, bring a dress" Jade said to Sam changing the subject
"Uh okay" She agreed.

*The next day*

They were already eating at the restaurant, "This food is so good!" Sam said, "It is! I love this restaurant" Andre replied, "Atleast this time we made sure Robbie didn't eat a bowl of caviar" Jade said rolling her eyes at Robbie, "I didn't know it was that expensive!" He exclaimed, "Sam, are you going to perform in the Full moon Jam on July 24th?" Andre asked her, "Whats a Full Moon Jam?" Sam replied confused, "Its where people can perform their original songs and you can perform twice on the same day, in the afternoon probably at 12pm and at night" Andre answered while continuing to eat his food, "Oh.. I cant, My friend Carly's going to visit for her birthday, she'll just go to Seattle to say hi to her brother and then she said that they'll be in Cali at July 23 with my other friend Freddie and head to L.A the next day for us all to hangout." Sam pouts, "Oh maybe they can go to Hollywood Arts, when will she be going back to Italy after that?" Sikowitz suggested, "Thats a pretty good idea, I think she'd being going back to Italy on July 29" Sam answered.

~To Be Continued~

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