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Nobody's pov

Freddie, Carly and Spencer were shocked, "I-since.. why- Huh!?" Spencer exclaimed confused, "Oh.. she didnt tell you guys?" Andre asked, "No! Uh.. show us proof! And his name is?!" Carly demanded, "Well his name is Ash, I didnt tell you guys yet because we thought that maybe today would be a nice day to tell you" Sam answered, "Oh and heres when they were at the prom! Arent they cute!" Cat showed them

 show us proof! And his name is?!" Carly demanded, "Well his name is Ash, I didnt tell you guys yet because we thought that maybe today would be a nice day to tell you" Sam answered, "Oh and heres when they were at the prom! Arent they cute!" Cat ...

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(Anyone who gets the refference is a real one! Lets be friends)

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(Anyone who gets the refference is a real one! Lets be friends)

"You guys won prom king and queen?" Freddie asked trying to act chill, "Yeah, and they also won, couple of the year in the school yearbook!" Beck exclaimed, "oh, guys they just put down the hot chocolate and hot cheese fountain, lets go check it out" Sam insisted holding Ash's hand. They reached the place where they had the two fountains, Carly, Spencer, and Freddie didnt follow, Sam and Ash stopped holding each other.

"Nice acting guys, so how long does this have to go on for?" Tori asked, "until august 13 hopefully Carly and Spencer can keep acting though" Sam replied, "I cant believe you're Tori's cousin, how do you put up with her?" Jade asked rolling her eyes, "Wow, very funny Jade.." Tori said sarcastically.

*Back with the icarly gang*

Freddie is obviously upset, "Freddie... I'm so sorry, w-we didnt know" Carly puts her hand on his shoulder, "Yeah, look dude maybe its all just an act" Spencer hinted discreetly, "No.. its not, she very much looked genuinely happy with that Ash guy, t-they won prom queen and king, they even had couple of the year award!" Freddie exclaimed in a distressed manner, "Freddie..." Spencer said softly in a concerned tone of voice, "Just.... Just forget about it" Freddie walked away going back to the Jade and the others acting like everything is fine.

"Its so hard to act like we didnt know anything about Sam's "secret relationship" but we have to stick to the plan and we just got informed when we arrived at the hotel about it" Carly implied looking at Spencer, "Well.. It's okay kiddo, at August 13 everything will be set in stone and the plan will be good to go" Spencer replied patting her back, they both walk over to the Cheese and Chocolate fountain and start acting again.

Sam, Ash, and the others see Freddie coming over to the corner and they walk to the places they think would be natural enough to be in, Freddie sees Sam and Ash taking a picture. Ash picks her up and puts her at his back like a piggy back, Sam ofcourse had to stick to acting and the whole group posed.

Freddie pulls Sam away from the crowd, "okay... uh what are you doi-" Sam gets cut off by Freddie's lips, as much as she wanted to kiss him back her mind kept saying, stick to the plan! Stick to the plan Puckett! Sam pulls away she takes a deep breath to stick to the plan, "What the hell Freddie!" Sam exclaimed pushing him away, "Sam I-" Freddie doesnt get a chance to finish his sentence, Sam walks away from him.

*End of the night*

The four. Sam, Freddie, Carly, and Spencer were in the car, there was an akward silence for about 10 minutes, "So, you and Ash huh?" Spencer was trying to initiate a conversation, Sam secretly rolled her eyes, "Yeah.." Sam acted like she was very happy, in her head she felt nothing towards him.
Carly privately texted Sam.

C: You are so lucky I didnt throw
You under the bus

               Thanks.. just wait till Aug 13 :S
              You will be taking plenty of pics
              And atleast ur dad agreed to let
              U stay here for another 5 weeks

C: Well I hope I could take pictures.
Oh tomorrow can we go to the bots
Place you were talking about?

                Yeah, at 2:30pm oh and can I :S
                Stay the night at the hotel?

C: For sure! Cat brought your bag
With some clothes, we asked her this
|Carly chuckles|

                   Cool! I'll sleep on the couch :S

C: Haha no you're not, you are
sleeping next to Freddie. Thats final

Sam sees Carly closing her phone. They arrive at the hotel, 1am. They went into the room, Sam immediately went into the bathroom, she's been holding her wazz in. The three sit on the bed, "So who's sleeping beside who tonight?" Spencer asked, Carly immediately says "Spencer and I, Sam and Freddie. Thats final" she demanded and walked to the bathroom where Sam was also changing inside, she knocks on the door "Sam, can I come in? I'm going to change" Carly asked, Sam unlocks the door.

Carly walks in and locks the door, "Exactly why did you drag me into this plan?" She asked, "Well one of the reason why Freddie and I broke up is because I forgot the day we actually said our first I love you to each other.." Sam replied while brushing her teeth,
"As much as I agree that this plan is sweet, did you really have to get a fake boyfriend?" Carly kept asking more questions, "I had to make it believable that I looked like I moved on." Sam replied flinging her hands in the air, she walks out and leaves Carly inside to continue changing to her pajamas.

Sam was wearing a sleeveless top, shorts, and her hair was in a slightly messy ponytail. "So I sleep beside Carly right?" Sam assumed, while looking at posts on picstagram
"Actually no, you and Freddie are sleeping beside each other, Carly and I will be on the same bed. We're siblings" Spencer answered, "What?! *sigh* fine" Sam exclaimed acting like she's very uncomfortable about it.

Freddie just looks at her standing there, "Hey Frednub, my eyes are up here" Sam said gesturing her fingers on her eyes. Carly walks out the bathroom, "Its 2am guys, I think we should sleep" Carly suggested, the boys just finish brushing their teeth and they start to sleep. It was a Saturday the next day, 9am in the morning. Sam hears clicking noises from phones, she wakes up to see Carly and Spencer taking a picture of Freddie cuddling Sam, his hands inside her shirt at the back, her hand was inside Freddie's shirt feeling his almost finshed developing abs, their legs were tangled up together.

Sam widens her eyes mouthing "Help" trying to wiggle out, no use, Carly tries to pull her from his grip, about 10 seconds later she can finally move.
"Sam, the breakfast buffet is downstairs, you want to eat there?" Carly asked, "Sure, they better have ham and bacon though" Sam agreed but with slight conditions. Spencer changes the subject, "Sam how'd Freddie's abs feel?" Spencer smirked, Sam's blush creeped up to her cheeks, "It was... defined?" She didnt know how to describe it, "Anyways, are you meeting with Cat and the others later?" Carly curious, "Nope, Tori has to take care of her sister Trina because she has a fever, Cat will probably be at her Nona's retirement home, and the others.. probably busy" Sam answered.

About 5 minutes later, Sam got bored so she got a pillow and smacked Freddie to wake him up, "Sammy... dont wake me up" Freddie groans, Sam raised an eyebrow, "What did you just call me?" She chuckles, "I-I meant Sam!" He sits up quickly and was prepared to be punched, Sam ofcourse did and they cleaned up a little and went down to eat at the buffet.

~To Be Continued~

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