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*Ice rink*

Sam, Freddie, Cat, and Robbie walk in they were putting their skates on while waiting for Jason, Analyn and, Hailey.
Sam saw Jason and the others and widens her eyes, "Hey guys I rented this whole place to ourselves! Watcha think?" He exclaimed, "Its great! I also brought a speaker to show off your figure skating moves" Freddie replied.
Sam stands up in her skates, "No way.. Jason!?" Sam stands up, "Uhh how do you know my name? And why do you look so familiar?" Jason replied, "Fine, if you dont remember me, heres a hint." Sam said while grabbing Freddie's speaker playing the song Reflection and goes in the rink, while the song was playing.

While she was skating, all their faces were shocked, "Wait... *gasp* Sam Puckett!" Jason quickly puts on his skates, "She's the girl you couldnt beat?" Hailey asked, "Yup, we had a duet with this song because our coaches got together. We won first place" Jason replied and gets in the rink to skate with Sam like in their performance. Freddie's jaw was dropped.

Jason went in the rink to do the same routine like before, Sam does a double salchow, "That was new" Jason said, "I had to experiment on the moves" Sam chuckles, and does a triple axel. In their routine Jason has to lift her like a bird with one arm and while spining for atleast 10 seconds, "Watch where you touch Jason!" Freddie exclaimed, "No worries dude!" Jason replied. The song was almost done, Jason would just skate around her because this was her solo part.

*play the video*

And at the end he and her pose their hands facing upwards in opposite directions. They skate back out the rink with everybody's faces shocked, Freddie runs up to Sam lifts her up a bit and kisses her, Hailey was not happy about it. "You did great! I never knew you figure skate" Freddie puts her back down, "Well, theres alot of things you dont know about me" Sam implied. Jason walks over to the couple, "That was great! Also, you ahould add the double salchow more often" Jason said and walks away, "yeah.. that was great.." Freddie pouts a bit, "Are you jealous?" Sam grins at him, "Maybee.." Freddie muttered, "*chuckles* like you said, you wpuldnt kiss any other girl here other than me, and I wouldnt kiss any other guy here other than you" Sam gives him a 10 second kiss.

"Okay! So lets all skate" Hailey ruins the moment. They all get in the rink to skate, Freddie was a little rusty and slightly slips, Sam caught him "Sam.. can you teach me some easy moves?" Freddie asked, "The easiest move for me is skating backwards, the hardest for me is I think a quadruple flip" Sam replied, "Whats a quadruple flip?" He hints that she should do it, "This" Sam does a Quadruple Flip successfully and skates back to Freddie, "When did you learn how to ice skate? More importantly you figure skate?" Freddie asked, "Remember the time I said I'd be gone for a week to visit Melanie? Well I left for a week to compete" she explained, Freddie nods his head and they both skate around with Cat and Robbie.

Hailey was getting jealous of Sam and Freddie being all lovey dovey, she purposefully falls down beside Freddie and Sam, he helps her up and skate towards Jason and Analyn, Sam skates towards Cat and Robbie, "Sam can you teach me how to triple axel? I heard that it was a cool flip thing" Robbie asked, Sam chokes on how clueless he was, "Thats... thats a very hard move, I wont do it if I were you" Sam replied, she skates away.

Hailey was jealous of her, while Sam was skating towards Freddie and Jason, Hailey bumps her hard on the leg, she falls down on the ice "Sam!" Freddie exclaimed, "I-I'm fine" She said so nobody would be too concerned for her, "She said she was fine! Lets go Freddie" Hailey crosses her arms, "Hailey I saw you bump her very roughly, Freddie is Sam's boyfriend. He has the right to care so much about her" Analyn skates towards Hailey. Sam tries to stand up, "o-ow! Dammit..." she muttered, Freddie helped her out of the ice rink and sits her down, "I knew she was trouble" Sam said while trying to take her skates off, "Yeah. I'll take you to a hospital" Freddie replied while taking his skates off too, "thanks... this happened to me alot during some competitions but those were more severe than what Hailey did" Sam explained, after they got their stuff, Freddie carries Sam on his back, they said their goodbyes to the others and left to the car.

Jason and Analyn skate towards Hailey in a disappointed look, "That wasnt cool Hailey, we know you like Freddie and all but you need to respect his decisions on his love life. If he doesnt like you dont force it" Analyn crosses her arms, "Yeah that wasnt cool Hailey, you really had to stoop that low so Freddie could like you? He wont like you anymore ecen as a friend if you did that again" Jason added, Hailey rolls her eyes.
Robbie and Cat skate to them too, "You shouldnt have done that, Jade will kill you.." Cat implied, "Yeah yeah" Hailey leaves.

~To Be Continued~

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