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Sam's pov

I walk in school to see the posters of the play I was an understudy at, as much as I wanted to play the main role when I auditioned this girl Merideth got it.. I was furious! Until I saw the clothes... most of them were dresses so I just accepted she was the role.. I walk in the blackbox theatre to prepare just incase Merideth couldn't make it.. I hope she does! She didn't look well yesterday, she looked pale..

I hear a voice of a guy, I turned around.. It was sinjin, "Sam, Merideth couldn't make it, she had an insane fever because of the exaughstion of the past practices. So you have to take her place" He said, I'm shocked, *sigh* fine.. since I did audition for the play I cant back out from it.

Nobody's pov

Sam walks backstage to see Cat already in her outfit, "Sam! Merideth is sick! You can take her place.. right?" She runs up to Sam, "Yeah.. wheres the clothes?" Sam asked, Cat pointing at the wardrobe, "You're wearing that blue dress" Cat pulls the dress from the wardrobe and gives it to her, "*sigh* I didnt know there would be a dress.. at the first half of the show... fine, I'll put it on" Sam walks in the changing area with the blue dress.

*Minutes later*

Sam is still changing, The group walk up to Cat, "Hey wheres Sam?" Beck asked, "She's in the changing room, she doesn't really want to go out because she said that she looks 'horrible' in dresses." Cat answered pointing at the changing room, "I'll go get her" Jade walks to the room, "Sam! Come out, its almost time for the show to start" Jade exclaims and tries pulling her out, Sam kept resisting, "I look so weird in this dress!" She exclaims, "No you dont! If you dont come out, I'm not giving you back your butter sock" Jade replied trying to pull her to the main backstage, "If you dont let me go, I'm not giving you your scissors back!" Sam exclaims

"Which scissors?" Jade stops, "Your scissoring scissors!" Sam grins evilly, "You wouldnt!" Jade glares at her, "Oh I would, now let me go and I'll walk out" Sam glares back, Jade lets go of her wrists, Sam walks out to the group "See.. you dont look weird" Tori implied, "I guess.. wait is the show starting?" Sam asked and widens her eyes, "In about 5 minutes, since you're the main waitress lead(not the musical waitress) you have to be on the stage now before they open the curtains" Andre answered, Sam runs to the stage her hair and makeup was already done, she just made a fuss about the dress.

*After the play*

"You did great! And its your first time to perform the lead in a play!" Tori exclaimed hugging her, "ah not a hugger, not a hugger" Sam replied pulling her away "But.. thanks" She added, "Yayy! Lets go celebrate at NOZU" Cat jumped up and down, they all went to NOZU.

*in Italy*

Carly's pov

I wonder how Sam's doing in her new school? Hollywood Arts is I heard somewhat a stressful school, students need to know how to play atleast one instrument, has a very unique talent or a talent where they can see alot of potential in that person, Sam's very lucky to be in that school actually.. why dont I check their school site.

Hmm what was it called again? Theslap.com yeah thats the one, Oh a picture came up first, its the most recent one! It says...

"Our New student all the way from Seattle, former icarly member, and now Hollywood Arts student just performed her first play. Thank you to the people who came to see the play. Here are the cast roles..
Main lead: Samantha Puckett
Antagonist: Ryder Daniels
Bestfriend: Cat Valentine
Love interest of main: Beck Oliver (I mean he's literally the love interest in the play tori did when her face was turned into a monster so dont @ me)
Brother: Gilbert (idk last name)
Roommate: Eli McAlister"

No way! Sam got the lead role of the play? I-I mean I didnt know she really wanted to perform so much! Theres a picture.. of what they looked like in the play.. (Mind you, I just chose random pics of them)

 (Mind you, I just chose random pics of them)

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I'm sorry.. did I see that right or is Sam wearing a dress, heels, and hair extensions? And some of those guys look hot hot hot! I-I'm privately calling Freddie just to confirm if Sam is wearing what I think she's wearing...

*Picks up*

F: What's up?

C: I need to confirm if I'm seeing things

F: I mean.. you were able to see what you were doing and video chat me on you computer

C: No not that! So I found out Sam was in a play, she's the main lead and-

F: *Laughs* She's the main lead? Not to offend but how exactly did she get it?

C: I dont know, I dont go to school there! Anyways I dont know if I'm seeing correctly but.. do you see Sam wearing a dress, heels, and hair extentions?
|Carly pulls her phone up to the camera|

F: I dont see much, it's blurry... can you zoom in
|Carly zooms in on Sam|

F: OH! I- *Turns bright red* uh yeah thats, um deffinitely Sam! Wearing a dress, heels, and hair extensions!

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F: OH! I- *Turns bright red* uh yeah thats, um deffinitely Sam! Wearing a dress, heels, and hair extensions!

C: I knew it! She looks like a very innocent girl with no hidden weapons

F: I- U-uh yeah!

C: Freddie..

F: Y-yes?

C: You're drooling over Sam arent you? *Laughing*

F: What? Noooo.... yes, yes I was

C: You still love her dont you? When I get there the gift you two can give me is to get back together, if you think she moved on.. dont think it, assume it.

F: I- yes, ofcourse I care about her but we agreed... we both dont click..

C: *rolls eyes* Freddie, you guys assume that you two dont "click" but you've only dated for 3 months.. I think. I bet you still have that picture frame of you together

F: I do but we'll see where it takes us when we get to L.A to meet Sam. I have to go, bye

C: Bye... oh and by the way, I'll send you the full picture of the cast so we can ask her about it tomorrow and tell her you were drooling over her *laughs*

|The both hang up|
Freddie's pov

I- thats Sam now?! How did she, what?! How does she look so good in that dress! I have never seen her so willing to wear a dress and is willing to put on hair extensions and heels! She is um.. ho- Gorgeous! Carly was right, I still have the picture frame of her and I...
I love you Sam, wherever you are in L.A right now.

~To Be Continued~

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