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Sam's pov

Maybe..just maybe... Hollywood Arts isnt that bad, I mean I've kept singing a secret even to my friends and some family members.. I think this could be an opportunity for me to have more confidence with myself at singing. Anyways, I'm stuck at this song... this is all I wrote so far..

~Have to say goodbye~

Feels like I'm just getting to know you
The conversation just got going
It's been the perfect night
Everything's just right
I can see the sun is starting to set
And we haven't even started yet
Blame it on the moon
For showing up so soon
Caught up in a whirlwind
That I don't want to ever end

Something 'bout this moment
I just wanna hold it
Never let it out of my sight
Something 'bout this feeling
I just wanna keep it
Last thing I wanna do tonight
Is have to say goodbye

What else can I add, I start tapping my pen, it helps me think better... whatever, I'll just continue writing it later, I have to head back home and put my music stuff back there before anybody sees... I pause, maybe playing one song on the keyboard wont hurt! I already wrote this song when I was with Freddie, ~So close~ I guess I'll play it, nobodys' watching me.

Here goes nothing...
(Play the video. I dont own the video, I didnt make it. All rights to the owner of the video)

*Starts playing the piano*

Ugh this hurts... No Sam dont you dare shed a tear! Breath in and out. Ugh dammit me, why did I have to write a song so.. so emotional. Just keep playing Sam, finish the song or you cant move on!

*Finishes playing it*
(If u keep wanna play the video at the top, go for it)

And thats all for today, gotta go back home now, I dont wanna leave these behind or it might get stolen. I pack up my guitar and keyboard with my notebook... geez these are too heavy, I should've just wrote the song at home.

Freddie's pov

I- I'm speechless... Sam can really play the piano, and guitar, though she was really feeling the song while she was playing the keyboard.. like she was about to cry. Pfft Sam rarely cries... right?

*Later that day*

Nobody's pov.

Freddie runs to Carly's apartment opening the door, "Carly!!" Freddie called for her, "What?!" Carly exclaimed asking, "Okay I saw Sam awhile ago at the fire escape, did you know she can play the guitar and the piano, I saw her playing a song on the keyboard and she was tuning her guitar before that" Freddie informs Carly expecting that she would be shocked too.

"Freddie.. I already know Sam plays musical instruments, you think I wouldn't know that when I've been her bestfriend for atleast 7 years" Carly replied, "Oh.. right, I just wasnt expecting you to know her so well" Freddie grins, "Yeah, now shut up I'm going to continue watching girly cow" Carly shushed Freddie while already looking at the tv eating popcorn.

Sam enters the Shay's apartment 10 minutes later, Freddie looking at the monitor on the counter, checking to see if theres new emails for icarly, while Carly is on the couch watching girly cows, "Hey Carls! Freddie..." She greets them.

Sam sits down beside Carly, she gets a text notification from Tori, that said
"Hey Sam! Did you see what we sent you yesterday?"
Sam replies by saying "Yeah, thx. I'll text you probably tomorrow or later at night"
Carly looks over to Sam, "Who are you texting?" She smirks, Freddie turns around, "Uh... someone.." Sam replied slowly closing her phone, "And who's that someone who texted, huh cutenes-" Freddie covers his mouth, Sam glances at him raising an eyebrow, "Sorry, force of habit!" He exclaimed, "Well to answer your question, it was Tori Vega who texted me" Sam replied, "oh.. I have to go, uhh.. yeah I just have to go" Sam said walking out the apartment to continue finishing her song.

Carly looks at Freddie smirking and raises both eyebrows, "you still love her dont you?" She asked, Freddie widens his eyes not saying a word, "Like 3 days ago you two were all lovey-dovey, what happened? And clearly you still care about Sam, we both know she's acting strange, maybe thats because she still isnt over you" Carly exclaimed giving him the look of concern, "Carly, I still care about her ofcourse but she's moved on, and clearly she has another issue" Freddie replied.

Everything went almost back to normal... until

*3 months later*

Nobody's pov

"Gahh I'm so excited dad can take me to the airforce dance! I'm not going to keep moping around in this pink beautiful dress!" Carly exclaimed to Spencer, "Yeah! Have fun with dad Carly, I'll see you after the dance" Spencer replied waving to Carly, "So.. Sam, the motorcycle is finished right?" Spencer asked Sam, "yup I did, so.. who are you giving that to?" Sam asked, Spencer glances and smiles at Sam, "You..." Sam's eyes widen in shock, "What? Why me?" She asked chuckling, "Because.. you're a good friend to my little sister" Spencer said giving her the keys

Sam hugs him, "Thanks, Spencer" she said.

*1 hour later*

Carly and her dad are back from the dance, "I cant wait till tomorrow to hang out with you dad! We can go to the beach and-" She gets cut off by her dad, "Carly... I cant, I have a flight later back to italy, unless you know... want to come with me?" Her dad asked, Carly looks at her friends, "What about you guys?" She asked "Dont worry Carls, we'll be fine. Heck if my dad asked me to move with him to italy I'd say yes" Sam said smiling, "Spencer... how about you?" Carly asked him looking a little down, "Go with him kiddo, go with dad. I'll be fine" Spencer smiles hugging her

"You know theres also some cute guys your age there in italy" his dad chuckles "I'm going to italy!" Carly exclaimed, they all cheer.

*3 hours later*

Carly and her dad were already on the plane, Carly promised everyone that they'd video chat once in awhile...

Sam and Freddie are sitting at the fire escape, "So... icarly's now on a very long break.." Sam muttered looking at the stars, "Yeah.. what are you going to do now?" Freddie looks at her, "Well, I think I know where to go... I'll probably move to another state, so you wont see me for a long time" Sam smirks, "You know, we're in the middle of 9th grade right now, are you going to transfer?" Freddie asked, "That's already been taken care of, its either I go to online school or get a scholarship somewhere" Sam looks at him chuckling, "It's getting pretty late now, will I see you tomorrow or.. you'd be gone by then?" Freddie stood up looking at Sam, "I'll probably be gone by then, last hug for the road?" Sam smiles, they hug each other and they both parted ways.

Sam sends an email to Hollywood Arts, considering her transfer there.
Sam gets her most important stuff and starts putting it in a box and her grabbing her backpack with her other things and clothes. She heads off to L.A with her motorcycle...

~To Be Continued~

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