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Nobody's pov

"Well... it was.. i-it felt good. *chuckles* I havent kissed the nub in what? A year already.." Sam smiles at the thought, Carly smirks.

*guys' pov*

"Hey Freddie, do you have a magnet?" Spencer asked, "Why?" Freddie gives him a confused look, "I brought my shock pen and I want to see what will happen if I stick it to a magnet" Spencer smiles thinking that his idea isnt dangerous, "What? No! Why would I randomly keep a magnet with me?" Freddie exclaimed in confusion, "I guess I brought this shock pen for nothing.." Spencer frowns and walks out to the balcony to get some air.

Carly walks out of the bathroom, "Wheres Sam?" Freddie asked while laying on the bed on his phone, "She's still in the bathroom changing, after this lets go to bots." Carly demanded, she was wearing jean shorts, a red shirt, rubber shoes, and a blue jacket.
Samcame out the bathroom with damp hair, she was wearing also wearing jean shorts, a white tank top, wearing white rubber shoes and a black cropped leather jacket.

"Guys its your turn to take a shower" Sam said still trying to dry her hair with a towel. The guys walk into the bathroom.

Sam and Carly just chat on the balcony sitting on the chairs, "Sam, *giggles* when did you start wearing jean shorts and tank tops? You never wore those back in Seattle" Carly asked her curious, "When I arrived at L.A I didnt bring my whole wardrobe you know. Cat also made me buy new clothes but majority of the stores have mostly have tank tops and jean shorts. I guess its usually a style here" Sam explained

"Well.. it looks good on you" Carly compliments her, "Thanks Carls.." Sam grins, "Also when did you get so..." Carly looks her up and down, "So??" Sam tries to asked her what her question was, "Soo.. curvy. Sorry if that made you uncomfortable! I'm just curious!" Carly tries to explain it to her, Sam bursts out laughing, "I didnt expect you to ask that sort of question!" Sam continued to laugh, "but to answer your question.. I dont know, puberty maybe?" Sam answered, "Makes sense why those hot guys were drooling over you at the pool" Carly chuckles
"There were guys who were drooling over you too" Sam laughs, she gets a call from Jade. Sam answers it

S: Whats up?

J: Hey, so we just wanted to tell you that you booked the photoshoot for tomorrow.

|Sam looks confused and surprised|

S: I- h- What?! What photoshoot are you talking about? I never booked a photoshoot nor sign up for it

J: But Cat told me that-

S: *groans* I said to book Tori the photoshoot not me. Tori couldnt go to school that day I told Cat because Trina had another fever. Tori needed a headshot of her because she was going to audition for a new show

J: Ohhh so you didnt sign up for any photoshoot?

S: No! Why would I ever, exactly, ever in my life do that

J: Well its too late to back out now, the photographers ar- wait you've never even had a headshot or photoshoot ever?

S: No, why?

J: Well thats good! Didnt they tell you that you have to have either a full body photo or a headshot if you ever wanted to audition in like a movie or you know just to be a background character. Everyone in H.A has a headshot. Even sinjin

S: *sigh* Fine, what time tomorrow? And where?

J: 2pm at the school blackbox. Bye
|They hang up|

Sam immediately rolls her eyes and facepalm, muttering "ugh dammit Cat" Carly is confused but concerned, "Hey.. whats wrong?" Carly asked, Sam groans "I have to do a photoshoot tomorrow because Cat switched my name up with Tori because she thought that Tori said that I need a headshot for something" Sam rants, Carly squeals widening her eyes, "Sam! You know how much of a big deal this is! Come on you should go to the photoshoot" Carly tries encouraging her.

"Ughhh fine, But you're coming with me. After the photoshoot, we are going probably mine and Cat's apartment to check on something" Sam agreed.

The guys walk out of the bathroom ready to go, "Sam do you know where bots is?" Freddie asked, "Yeah, its near Karaoke Doki, so it'll be a like an 8 minute ride" Sam replied, "And after that we're going to the mall to buy you new clothes for tomorrow" Carly adds, "No need, they already have some outfits in mind, they know my size, and shoe size" Sam replied declining Carly's offer.

"Why? Whats the occasion tomorrow?" Spencer asked as they walk in the elevator, "Sam has a ph- " Carly was cut off by Sam, She whispers "Dont tell them, they wont believe you. Lets just go" Sam whispered in her ear, and she walks off with the 3 heading to the parking lot. Freddie, Spencer, and Carly are behind Sam so Freddie asked again.
This time Carly answers.

As expected by Sam, the guys laugh thinking that it was a joke, they walk in the car to go to bots.
They arrived, there were surprisingly a large amount of people in the place. "Wow, this place is I guess a favorite here in L.A" Spencer assumed, "Nope, theres just alot of people today. Its a saturday" Sam corrected him, they get seated by one of the robots, they finished ordering their food and waited.

Coincidentally, Cat and Jade walk up to the icarly gang, "Hi!!" Cat exclaimed positively, Sam was about to strangle her luckily Jade went infront of Cat, "Dont worry Tori's going to be with you tomorrow. Plus you need a headshot or a full body photo if you ever want to be in a show like the wood, which caused alot of damage to somebody's car" Jade laughs, Sam rolls her eyes "Fine but if this happens again in the future, hold me back" Sam warns, "Yeah, yeah Puckett... oh and btw you dont need to buy any clothes, they already prepared some for you and Tori. See you tomorrow because we have a photoshoot too, we need new headshots." Jade said and walked away with Cat back to their table.

Sam shrugs her shoulders and the robots serve them their food, "So.. Princess Puckett, IS having a photoshoot tomorrow" Freddie smirks and raised an eyebrow, Sam glared at Carly for telling them, "Well I had to tell them eventually!" Carly exclaimed flinging her arms and accidentally hits the table, "OW! And... I guess thats my karma.." Carly muttered.

"Can we come?" Freddie pleads giving Sam puppy dog eyes, she turns soft and groans "Fine! I hate when you make those eyes" Sam rolls her eyes in annoyance.

~To Be Continued~

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