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*August 13*

Freddie's pov

Oh god.. August 13, the date Sam and I fell inlove for each other and the date when we broke up. This time I wish she did forget about it, so that we wouldnt act akward towards each other, its a Saturday so I dont know where the four of us could hang out. I look over to Sam already awake, on her phone she seemed fine.. until... I hear sniffling at her side I look over to her, she must've realized so she got up the bed, "Hey... are you okay?" I asked concerned, "I'm fine.. just allergies" She said, she doesnt look towards me.. she was just facing a different way and I see her walk into the bathroom.

Carly sensed something, I didnt know she was even awake! I saw her quickly stood up from the bed and fast walked to the bathroom bringing a pouch with her, she looked dead serious. Is today girls with negative emotions day?

Sam's pov

I felt Freddie sit up a bit so I know he's awake.. todays where everything is planned, but what jogged up my mind all this time this morning is about our breakup. A tear rolls down my eyes and I had to sniffle because I couldnt breathe, I immediately knew it was a big mistake to do that because I felt Freddie turn to my side and look at me.

I had to stand up, I was vulnerable I cant let him see me like this, I hear, "Hey... are you okay?" He asked, I sigh silently, I didnt bother to look him in the eyes, "I'm fine.. just allergies" I lied and locked myself in the bathroom and be vulnerable there. I had to text Carly.. but, she beat me to it.


C: I heard your voice when
You were talking to Freddie.
You okay? Want me to bring
You your bacon pouch?

                  No... the fat cake one, I'm in :S
                  The bathroom, so just knock

C: Oh my god. What did he do?
You only ask me to bring you
Your fatcake pouch when its
Dead serious

                    Just come in the bathroom :S
                    He did nothing, my mind
                    Just wanted to be vulnerable
                   Since you know what today is

C: Be right there..

This... this is the time I actually need somebody to talk to.

Carly's pov

Oh no... The fatcake pouch is for one of her most serious convos, what did Freddie do to her this time. I get the pouch and I look serious when these type of things happen. I walk pass Freddie and knock on the bathroom door, "Sam... its me, Carly" I say, she pulls me in the bathrokm, her face with tears, I'm hinestly starstrucked that crying rarely happens to Sam.

Nobody's pov

Carly gives Sam the pouch and they sit on the bathroom floor, "What did Freddie do to you?" Carly asked while patting her back, "He did nothing... its just that you know that today was you know... and that I'm kinda nervous for later" Sam implied, "Sam everything will be okay later at night, plus your Sam Puckett.. you're badass, you never get scared of anything, you're strong. You can get through this girl!" Carly motivates Sam and hugged her, Sam hugs back "You are the only one I can ever trust" Sam muttered. Carly and Sam just spent atleast 5 more minutes in the bathroom to let Sam calm down, Sam washed her face to see like she didnt cry and they went out, Carly still has a serious face, Sam comes out with another emotionless serious face.

Freddie was concerned and confused. Sam lies down on the bed, putting the blankets on her head and starts to go on her phone again, Carly sits up on the other bed, Spencer was still sleeping. Carly just sits up on the bed and closes her eyes for awhile and sighs, she starts going on her phone too.

Things were silent, not much talking.. during breakfast, watching tv... Freddie couldnt take the silence anymore and initiates a conversation, "So what do you girls want to do today" He asked, "um... We'll go to Karaoke Doki with some Friends at 4pm but I suggest you come at 4:30" Carly answered, Freddie agrees.


Tori, Jade, Beck, Cat, Robbie, and Andre were there already, the whole place was rented out for that day, Sam and Carly walk in, "Wow! This is um... wow!" Carly looks at the place decorated, "Yeah, you really outdid yourself guys" Sam implied, Jade walks up to her "If this plan doesnt work, can I pull a revenge on Freddie?" She asked, "No revenge..." Beck said behind her and they got some stuff ready.


Freddie walks in the Karaoke Doki, it was pitch black, someone opened the lights and they all exclaimed, "Surprise!" Towards Freddie, He was in shock looking at the whole place decorated. Sam walks up to him and hugs him, "You really think I'd forget this day now Frednub" She said, Freddie smiled and hugs back, "I dont think so Puckett.." he said, "I just wanted to ask... do you want to get back together?" Sam asked with a nervous look on her face. Freddie pressed his lips against hers, and he pulls away, "Does that answer your question?" Freddie smirked, "Yeah... yeah it did" Sam kissed him again.

"Awww" The group said while they were videoing them and taking pictures, "Now... who's ready to party!!" Carly exclaimed, they all cheered.
They had a great day. Carly walks over to Sam and Freddie being all sweet, She hugs Sam and gives her a high five, "Mission accomplished" Carly said, Freddie suddenly remembered, "Wait... dont you have a boyfriend? Ash?" Freddie widened his eyes at Sam.

The two girls just laugh at him, "He was a fake boyfriend Freddork. All those kissing was fake, it was all part of the plan, its called acting" Sam replied, "and... because, he isnt the guy I was going for. It was you who I was going for" Sam adds, "*Chuckles* When did you plan this?" Freddie asked while holding Sam's waist, "Well the day we got here" Carly answered, she stands up "I'll leave you two be" She smirks and walks back to the stage where Cat, Tori, and Andre were dancing.

Freddie leans closer to Sam, "I'm so glad that you're my girlfriend again..." he said and kissed her, she kissed back and pull away after 8 seconds, "I'm glad that you're my Boyfriend too  you nub" Sam grins. Jade and Beck walk up to them, smirking "Finally you two got back together, you dont know how much signs he had that he was really inlove with you. Like during the photoshoot, the day you got here.." Jade said, "Yeah, and maybe if ever... you guys want to have a double date, next week maybe?" Beck suggested, "Oh.. we cant, Freddie has to go back to Seattl-" Sam gets cut off by Freddie, "No I dont, I moved in the apartment next to yours and Cat's with Robbie" Freddie implied, "What did your mom say?" Sam asked, "Eh.. she'll find out eventually, and whats the big deal? She did say that I should be independent... so moving is me becoming more independent" Freddie implied, Sam playfully rolls her eyes, "Okay then, hows next Saturday sound?" Beck asked, "Sure" Sam and Freddie say in unison. Beck and Jade walk to the bar to get some drinks.

Sam smirks at Freddie, "*laughs* What?" Freddie asked, "Oh nothing.. but what school are you going to go to, I mean its a huge adjustment to move then switch school in the middle of the year" Sam asked Freddie, "I mean I heard there was another school for computer science near Hollywood Arts, maybe I could enroll there and get a scholarship" Freddie replied, Sam just nods her head... "But.. I'll be going back to Seattle when Carly and Spencer leaves to get my stuff and tell my mom... I mean if a certain someone would want to go with me..." Freddie hinted, "And that certain someone agrees to go with you" Sam chuckles resting her head on his shoulder.

They hear a squeal, as they expected it was was Carly taking pictures of the two of them. Sam and Freddie stand up to dance on the stage with the others. It was a fun day and night.
They all went back to their places, well except Sam.. she stayed at the hotel again.

It was 1am, Carly and Spencer were dead asleep, they were tired.
Sam and Freddie were just out on the balcony sitting on one chair cuddling.
Sam tears up a bit, Freddie immediately notices and looks concerned, "hey hey hey.. whats wrong?" He asked wiping her tears, "*chuckles* I missed this.." Sam hugged him, he leaned in to kiss her, "I missed this too Sam.." he smiled and they walk back in to sleep.

~To Be Continued~

(Or is it? I dont know, I may add some more maybe in the future, by future I mean tomorrow if I want too, but if you're good with this ending just comment it. If you arent, I'll make anither chapter, no complaints because I still have some ideas I may add. Have a great day! Stay tuned just incase I post another chapter.)

(I edited it and the story is ongoing!)

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