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Nobody's pov

"Oh no..." Carly mumbles, but was still able to hear, "What? Why'd you say oh no?" Sam asked Carly, "Remember those really crazy Creddie and Seddie shippers, the crazier ones who initiated the feud between adam.. well they're here!" Carly replied shaking Sam's shoulders, "Woah, calm down there. Don't be too worried for now." Sam tried calming Carly down.

They all went out the backroom onto the stage, Fans cheering. They went to their normal seats from the first panel, Carly in the middle, Sam and Freddie beside Carly, "Hey everyone! Are you ready with your dying questions?" Carly asked while smiling, the fans all cheered happily saying yes, "Okay, first question" Freddie said, they pick a none shipper, "Omg! Hi icarly gang!! Uh my question is for Freddie, what are your other hobbies insteads of just tech stuff?" The girl asked Freddie, "Uh well...I uh like to cook, I mean I'm not great at it but I'm getting better" Freddie replied honestly.

"Okay, next question" Sam said, They try and find people who dont seem to ship people, unfortunately they could only find one person and she's already done, they choose a random shipper... it was a Creddie shipper, "Your question is?" Carly asked, "Hi again, um.. this may seem personal but are any of you dating someone?" The Creddie shipper asked,
(Sorry, idk what names to give them)
Sam and Freddie blush trying to hide it and Carly chuckles grinning. One Seddie shipper butts in, "If they do, Sam and Freddie are deffinitely together" He exclaims, "Listen up! Yes, the 3 of us are dating people, I know it may seem odd that 1 or 2 years ago none of us are dating anyone but now we are.." Carly answered.

"Oh.. so who are you guys dating!?" Another Creddie shipper stands up exclaiming a question, Sam smirks "Hey, you guys tried the fudge while waiting in the line awhile ago right? Did you like it?" Sam asked them, Carly and Freddie looked at Sam grinning knowing Sam will reveal that Freddie isnt who Carly is dating.

"Yeah it was fudgy! We love it!" Someone from the crowd yells happily, everybody else agreed, "Well.. the person who made that is Carly's boyfriend, not Freddie.. his name is Brad" Sam said, Brad walks up to the panel stage waving at the fans, He got a chair and put it beside Carly.

Someone stood up "SO THAT MEANS SAM AND FREDDIE ARE DATING!!" The person exclaims, "No way!! Sam and Freddie are complete opposites!" A Creddie shipper stood up yelling back. Carly took the 2 mics and stuck them near each other to create a high pitched sound just like what Sam did before, Everybody all sat back down and became silent.

"Look.. we dont want the same thing to happen here like before, like I said, icarly isn't about our relationships that much... its just comedy, to have fun.. laugh and smile. As much as you want Freddie and I to date, I already have a boyfriend... and have fudgy good time with" Carly said while kissing Brad,
Ado stands up "I think you are just covering up your feelings for Freddie!" He said, the other Creddie shippers agree.

"Werent you guys listening! Carly and I dont have romantic feelings for each other! Maybe I liked her when I was 12 but I was younger then. I like somebody else.." Freddie said making a quick glance at Sam before anybody could notice, "So you two are dating!" Craig and eric stood up (the icarly fan geeks who got kicked out of istart a fanwar)
"I- Can someone get them out of here please?" Carly asked, just like last time, the two stood up and headed out, "You did it again Eric, now we cant ever visit a panel without them making us leave" Craig muttered.

*The fans proceeded to fight about Creddie and Seddie*

"I'm having dejavu...and I hate it" Sam blurted out, "Me too" Freddie replied, "Same here.. you know I thought they would be more civilized about this" Carly agreed..

*30 minutes later*

The three were standing up talking to each other, "ughh its been 2 hours!!" Sam exclaimed, "Sam... it's been 30 minutes" Carly looked at her raising an eyebrow grinning, "Well what do we do with these people?" Freddie asked gesturing at the fan mob, "I have a flare gun... I came prepared, I knew this was going to happen.. eventually" Sam said firing the flare gun 2 times, the crowd sat back down again for like the 3rd time, "Look, guys please stop fighting about this who dates who thing, it's getting a little bit too personal dont you think?" Brad blurted out while Carly, Sam and Freddie are just texting each other at this point.

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