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*At the Airport*

Nobody's pov

Carly was about to head inside, "I'll miss you guys! See you soon" Carly ran up to hug them, she walks into the airport, Sam, Freddie, and Spencer walk back into the car going to Seattle.
During the car ride, it was silent, akward...

*In Seattle*

Spencer walks in his apartment saying goodbye to Sam and Freddie, what they don't know is that Spencer was just looking through his peephole.
Freddie knocks on the door, Sam was behind the wall waiting for Freddie to signal her when she can come beside  him. Mrs. Benson opens the door hugging him "How was L.A? Did somebody hurt you?" She exclaims turning him around to see if there are any bruises, "Mom.. mom I'm fine" Said Freddie, "I have to ask you something" he added, "What is it?" Mrs. Benson asked, "Well hypothetically, if someone was offered a scholarship to a really good school, better than ridgeway and its a computer science school, but it would be far away from home. Would you be willing to let that someone be away from his/her family to get a higher education?" Freddie asked raising one eyebrow, "Well... I would maybe consider that person to go to that school because it had a higher education. Why do you ask?" Mrs. Benson answered, Freddie was smirking, "I got a scholarship at Computer Science school in L.A, and my friend and I already rented an apartment near to the school and his school" Freddie exclaimed happily, "That's great! I will consider you going there. But.. what were your reasons to apply there?" Mrs. Benson asked Freddie, "You will?! Thank you!!" Freddie exclaimed hugging his mom, "Ah wait, you didn't answer my question. What were your reasons?" She raised both eyebrows at him, "Well.. 1, its a good school, 2, I live with my GUY friend, and 3..." Freddie pauses and signals Sam to go beside him, "And I live across my girlfriend" Freddie puts his arm around Sam's waist, Mrs. Benson's eyes widen "Samantha Puckett! I thought you two broke up?" Mrs. Benson crosses her arms

"We got back together, that was also one of the reasons why I went to L.A, I went to see Sam with Carly and Spencer. She doesn't go to Ridgeway anymore" Freddie corrected his mother, "Let me guess, you were expelled from Ridgeway?" Mrs. Benson looked at Sam, "No, actually... I got a scholarship from a performing arts highschool in L.A, Hollywood Arts" Sam answered, "Oh really..? How come I've never heard of it before?" Mrs. Benson raised an eyebrow going on her phone to search up the school name, it leads her to the slap.

"This one?" Mrs. Benson shows Sam the website, "Yep..." Sam nods her head, "And.. y-you got a scholarship there?" Sam just nods her head, "I told you... Sam isn't all about hitting people, she's also talented" Freddie said while giving his half smile, "I need proof you didn't just break in that school" Mrs. Benson said, Sam rolls her eyes and sends her, her audition.

(Mind you they were still at the hallway)

Mrs. Benson watches her audition, "Well... how come you never sing here in Seattle?" She asked Sam, "I don't know I just didn't feel like singing that much till I got the scholarship to Hollywood Arts. I just do at home, it also usually takes me 2-3 days to write a song and come up with a tune on either my guitar or piano" Sam replied, "You wrote this song?" Mrs. Benson was pointing at her audition video, "Yes she did" Freddie smirked, "Okay... I believe you, so my Freddie will live at an apartment beside yours? Do you live alone?" Mrs. Benson tried making sure, "I live with my roommate Cat, she goes to the same school as me" Sam replied.

Mrs. Benson finally considered Freddie moving, they were getting his stuff ready and putting it in boxes. Sam was putting some of his stuff in boxes while humming in the living room, Freddie was in his room also fixing some of his stuff, His mom was at the kitchen, hearing Sam hum the song she wrote, she was just listening to her hum, Yeah.. she's a good singer but I don't see much uniqueness in her  Said Mrs. Benson in her thoughts. It was like she read her mind because she started to hum another song she wrote, called
"Have to say goodbye" it had alot of high notes in it, with runs combined.

Sam stops humming and takes out her notebook and pen, she rewrites one lyric in the song, she goes back to packing after that. Mrs. Benson walks into Freddie's room to see him packing too. "Freddie, I need to talk to you" she said, "what is it mom?" He asked putting the box down, "Well... you love Sam, am I right?" Mrs. Benson put her hand on Freddie's shoulder, "*chuckles* Of course I do! I wouldn't have come to L.A for nothing" Freddie said, "Okay.. so if ever you and her still love each other after college... maybe, you should give this to her" Mrs. Benson pulls out a small box, Freddie opens it. It was his grandmother's engagement ring, "Mom were still in 10th grade" Freddie said, "Well you have to think about these things sooner or later!" Mrs. Benson exclaimed, "*Sigh* Okay, I'll keep it. But I thought you didn't like Sam?" Freddie gave her a confused look, "Well, I guess she isn't as bad as I thought she was. I mean sometimes when a girl constantly rips on a guy, it means she like him, notice how she didn't kick or punch you in this apartment yet? Because that's how she may show her affection... and, she seems like a sweet girl if you know how to control her well." Mrs. Benson smiled softly, Freddie nods puts the ring in his pocket and takes the last box out the room.

"Ready to go Sam?" Freddie asked, "Yup. Robbie said that his stuff are in the apartment already" Sam replied picking up some boxes, "Cool, I'll ask Spencer if he could help us with some stuff to bring down the car and we'll head out" He said while kissing Sam on the head, "You drive?" Sam asked carrying a box, "Yeah, Spencer just didn't want me to drive in L.A for some reason.." Freddie replied, he walks over to knock on Spencer's door to ask for assistance on the boxes, Sam just sat on the couch texting Andre, he was at her and Cat's apartment to make sure she doesn't hide more bibble under Sam's bed.

Mrs. Benson was just looking at the Hollywood Arts website, the pictures were filled with talented people, she was shocked Sam went down that path.

*20 minutes later*

Sam and Freddie said goodbye to Spencer and Mrs. Benson and they head back to L.A

~To Be Continued~

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