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*New Year's eve day*

Nobody's pov

Sam and Freddie slept at Carly's hotel room since they stayed up late because they were talking about what they could do in their next iCarly webcast. Sam although couldn't fit into Carly's clothes anymore so she borrowed Freddie's oversized shirt since he always brings extra shirts just in case something happens to the current one he wears, like if something stained the current shirt. 

Minutes later, there was a knock on Carly's door. Carly opens it up to see that it was Mrs. Benson, "O-oh.. *Yawn* Hi Mrs. Benson.. Wait.. Mrs. Benson?!" she widened her eyes in realization, she just woke up so it still took some time to process things. "Hello Carly, is my Freddie there?" Mrs. Benson asked, Carly was nervous because she still didn't know that Mrs. Benson had already approved of Sam and Freddie's relationship. 

Carly's pov

U-uh.. What should I do?! What should I say?! Do I say that Freddie's on an air mattress beside Sam and spooning her?! Because I don't think she'll be happy with that answer! "H-he's um asleep... So.. Mrs. Benson, why are you here? N-not that I'm not happy but um.. why?" I ask her laughing nervously. I did not expect her to be here..

Nobody's pov

"I saw your announcements on iCarly.com, it is the talk of the youth. I asked my friend Tracy what their kids were talking about and all they were talking about was your iCarly special so I had to go here" Mrs. Benson explained, "Oh.. okay but how did you know I was here in this hotel and hotel room?" Carly asked, "I asked Spencer.." Mrs. Benson answered.. "Anyways, can I wait here for Freddie to wake up? Don't worry, you wont even know I'm here" She added and walked in. Carly's laptop notifies her, it was Andre calling.. "Uh hold on Mrs. Benson, I gotta take this.." Carly said and answered the video chat. 


C: Hey Andre, what's up?

A: Carly, we have the rooftop karaoke and mini bar set up. We also have a huge surprise for you three

C: What is it?

A: Well I can't really keep this from you guys but... we asked Sinjin and some of his crew to recreate the iCarly studio! 

C: No way! Ok we'll meet you guys there later at 6pm. *Slightly mumbles* Please make Sam and the others perform, it would be so cool.

A: No prob. By the way Tori's asking what kind of pizza you guys like so they could order. Don't worry about the budget, it's all covered by the money the school gave us for our pingpong tournament

C: That's nice! Umm pizza? Let me think, pepperoni would be good.

A: Okay, I'll see y'all later!

|Hangs up|


Carly's pov

"Oh, it's almost 11pm, I gotta wake up Sam and Freddie since we have to get some equipment ready" I thought I was thinking to myself till I heard, "Okay, I'll just be here" Mrs. Benson said, did I say that out loud?! I ran to the room and- wait... she didn't mind or freak out when I said 'Sam and Freddie' um weird but okay..

Nobody's pov

Carly walks in the room to see Sam and Freddie cuddling, she smiled and started to take pictures. Mrs. Benson sneaked to see her son and Sam's arms wrapped around each other. "Wake up lovebirds! Time to get some stuff ready for later tonight" Carly threw a pillow at them, Freddie woke up but Sam didn't. "Sam, Sam, Sam, Sa- bacon" Carly tapped Sam on the shoulder, "Huh wai-what?" Sam opened her eyes slowly and sat up, "*Chuckles* I'm still going to make the bacon. I just needed you guys to wake up" Carly stated, "*Groans* I'm going back to sleep" Sam closed her eyes again, Carly gestured to Freddie and she stands up and leaned against the wall.

"Nope you're not going back to sleep, if I stay awake, it means you're also going to stay awake with me" Freddie stated then started to tickle Sam so she'd wake up more, "Gah! Hahahahahaha! Fr-Freddie stop! *Laughs*" Sam started laughing all girly and slight high pitched, (I'm sorry for my "hahaha" abuse) something you don't hear everyday. Freddie stops, "I have never heard such a girly laugh from Sam before *giggles*" Carly giggled, "Atleast I don't always laugh and giggle girly. It only happens when somebody tickles me" Sam explained.

"Okay lovebirds, I'm going to make the bacon now and you two better be out of  the air mattress or I'm dragging you out to the kitchen" Carly said, "Don't forget, make it alottt of bacon" Sam reminded her, "Oh and I put my yogurt in the fridge so I also gotta have that for breakfast" Freddie implied and stood up to grab his charger to keep his camera charged later tonight, "Yes mom and dad *Chuckles*" Carly teased them and playfully rolled her eyes walking to the kitchen.

Sam was about to burst out laughing since Carly just called her "Mom" and Freddie as "Dad"
They get a text from Carly, "By the way, Mrs. Benson is here. She arrived awhile ago" she informed the couple, both widen their eyes and immediately ran out the room to see Mrs. Benson reading a vegan magazine. "Hello Sam and Freddie!" Marissa said and hugged both of them, "H-hey Mrs. B" Sam greeted her nervously, "Mom what are you doing here? Don't get that the wrong way" Freddie asked, "I saw that there was an iCarly special and I want to see my Freddie be behind the camera and film well!" Mrs. Benson answered, "Samantha, how are you doing? How's school?" she asked, Sam was slightly nervous because she has never seen Mrs. Benson not freak out that she's wearing Freddie's shirt, "Um school is fine I guess..? I've gotten some A's" Sam replied.

Carly was confused on why Mrs. Benson didn't go berserk, "I'm not going to lie, I thought Mrs. Benson was going to freak to see both of you cuddled up" she implied while laughing nervously, "Not anymore.." Mrs. Benson smiled, "Really? So y-you don't mind me dating Freddie?" Sam asked just to clarify, "Yes.. if I didn't then I would be living here in L.A to make sure he won't be near you" Mrs. Benson replied, Sam's eyes lit up and made a small soft smile, "But I will still be checking up on your schoolwork" Mrs. Benson added as a catch, Freddie and Sam looked at each other and nodded, "How are your grades in general?" Marissa asked, "Well our school doesn't really have the same curriculum as a normal school, we have tech theatre, theatre, choir is a must, um.. in our music we have to write a song.. I usually get A's but like Math, Science, and other old major subjects I usually get B's." Sam answered, Mrs. Benson smiled in approval then looked Sam up and down wearing Freddie's oversized T-Shirt then just nods not bothering to ask.

~To Be Continued~

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