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Nobody's pov

Sam and Freddie was just at the island counter scrolling through the iCarly.com website, Mrs. Benson was sitting on the couch reading a book "Aggressive Parenting Evolution vol. 4" while Carly was in the bedroom. "The fans are really excited in the comments right now." Sam said, she scrolled passed a bunch of Creddie comments, "Do you get bothered?" Freddie asked, "What do you mean?" Sam looked at him, "I mean with all the Creddie comments. Do you get bothered by all of those?" Freddie asked, "Why, are we together?" Sam asked, "Yeah.." Freddie answered, "Do you love me?" Sam raised an eyebrow, "Of course I do" Freddie nods and kissed her cheek, she felt a blush creep up a bit, "Are you planning to cheat on me with Carly?" she asked, "Never!" Freddie said, "Then No.. I won't feel bothered because I trust you. Plus, we both know that we may have fights but we can still sort them out, and even if most of the Seddie shippers say very disturbing and personal things, half of the things they say are true. Okay, so don't worry about me.. because I'm not bothered" Sam stood up from the stool to kiss him for a 2 seconds and walked to the bedroom to see what's up with Carly or what she's doing.

Mrs. Benson heard their little conversation while reading her book since the living room is beside the kitchen Island counter, "She's a keeper Freddie.." she uttered while flipping a page of her book, "She trusts you, loves you, cares about you, and she's loyal to you. Honestly, if I knew she'd be like this back in Seattle, I would have let you date her" she implied, Freddie smiled. "Thanks mom.." he said, "I really have misjudged her.." Mrs. Benson uttered. Carly and Sam walk out the room, "Freddie how are the comments coming along?" Carly asked, "Mostly people getting ready to watch the webcast and some shippers arguing on who kisses who at midnight" Freddie facepalm at his last statement and looks at Sam, her face was just her normal expression.. "Well you two are kissing and I'm taking pics.. this will be the best New year's eve party ever!" Carly squealed and went to the fridge, "Anyone want my special lemonade? There's still some left over that I made yesterday" she asked, Sam and Freddie scrunched their faces "Nah.." Sam shook her head, "No thanks.." Freddie declined. Mrs. Benson remembered she has an ordered book from the library of the next volume of the "Aggressive Parenting" book, she stood up "Well I best be going now. I'll be seeing you three later. Freddie don't forget to scrub well while taking a bath" Mrs. Benson closed the door. Sam and Carly laughed, Freddie rolled his eyes.

"Oh.. Tori's requesting a video call from us" Freddie informed the girls, they went behind him and he clicked it.

T: Hey guys!

S: Hey
F: Hi
C: Heyy

T: Ok so.. Sam, Jade said we're dragging you to perform during your webcast

S: What? And she didn't bother to tell me? Well I'm not doing it

T: She knew you would say that, so she's eavsdropping right now on a call, she said.. Freddie check your phone

|Freddie checks his phone|

S: Wait, he never told her his number

T: I know... she has ways. She even found my medical records

F: She texted me that if you don't do it, I won't kiss you at midnight

S: Dammit Jade.. Fine I'll do it

T: Yay! But don't worry, you've done it plenty of times and the others will perform too. Well I'll see you guys later!
|Hangs up|


"Oh, guys we gotta get ready for tonight!" Carly runs to the bathroom, Freddie looks at Sam with a smirk, "You lovee me" he teased, "No I do not!.... *pause* wait.. I regret saying that. I do" Sam kissed him, "Finally! I have fully tamed Sam Puckett!" Freddie cheered, "Shut up" Sam smacked his arm, "We should get ready now" Freddie stood up from the stool and went to the second bathroom. Sam waited for Carly to finish taking a shower since there were only two bathrooms.

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