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Carly's pov

*sigh* It's 9am here, 3am in Seattle.. I think, I'm feeling kind of home sick. It's already almost the end of January. Sam, Freddie and I havent talked for 2 and a half months, I wonder how they've been. I bet they're still sleeping, I mean its a Friday after all, just one more schoolday and then yay, weekend! They're supposed to wake up in like 3 more hours while I'm here sitting alone at a table because one of my friends are absent. Majority of the guys here dont even like American girls!

I also wonder sometimes on how spencer is...

*Back in Seattle*

Freddie's pov

Ugh waking up for school without Sam and Carly being there is just weird, from me being the cool icarly tech genius, and back to being the average still somewhat kinda attractive nerd. Sam, Carly and I havent even talked, video chat, or text for almost 3 months... maybe they're just busy, but Sam? Busy? She doesn't even focus on schoolwork back here in Seattle.. I mean I guess she did move to another school but even though she moves schools, she did say she wouldn't care about it a month before Carly left for Italy.

What's weird is that she didn't say where she lived, where she goes to school, and why she rarely complains about her school anymore... she seems so happy about it always, when we used to Video chat, she doesn't seem like the same whiney, school hating, unproductive Sam she became the Productive, still kinda whiney, well.. I wouldn't say school loving but a little more extroverted and had more confidence than she used to when she studied at ridgeway.

Well... time to get ready for school..

*in L.A*

Sam's pov

I think.. I can get used to this school, how come some people say being normal is better than being a performer... Normals' boring. I walk to my locker to see Tori, "Hey Sam! Can I ask you a question?" She asked, I grin "Uh sure.." I replied while opening my locker to get the heated hot pocket in the mini microwave I installed into my locker, "So I was just about to ask if you wou-" Um why is she looking at me weirdly?

"You have mini microwave.. in you locker? How exactly is that possible?!" She exclaimed to me, "I have my ways Vega, I have my ways" I smirked then I let her continue what she was about to ask earlier, "um anyways I was just wondering if you wanna join the ping pong team? Beck, Jade, André, Cat, and Robbie are in the team" She said, they have a ping pong team here at Hollywood arts? "And what's in it for me?" I replied.

Nobody's pov

Tori smirks, "Well... you see those 1st gold trophies over there? Yeah.. those are um fake and usually the school gives like 300k whenever we "compete" but we usually just buy the trophy in a shop, and go to this very fancy but expensive restaurant where they play classy music and make delicious meals, and don't worry we also have Sikowitz as our "coach" and since he's the teacher we can trust the most, he also comes with us to eat at that restaurant. So, what do you say?" Sam widens her eyes "Yeah I'm in!" She said smiling

"Cool! I'll text Jade that you said you'd join the team since she's the team captain" Tori replied, and they walk to Sikowitz class.

*at Lunch*

"Hey Puckett heard you're joining the ping pong team" Jade walks up to Sam and sits between her and Beck, "Yeah! When's the next one where I get to go to?" Sam asked while eating her quesadilla, "Uh probably next week." Jade answered. "Yo Sam, where'd you get the quesadillas? I didn't see them selling any" André asked walking over the table to sit beside her with his keyboard, "Uh I heated it in my locker, I have a mini microwave in there" Sam answered, they all looked at her confused, "You have a microwave in your locker?" Beck asked

"Yeah.." Sam continues eating her quesadillas

*At the end of the day*

Sam walks in the apartment to see a missed call from her computer, it was Carly and Freddie.. She see's that they're still talking, Sam puts down her bag and enters the call.


C: Anyways we have some tests that- Oh Hey Sam!

S: Hey! Long time no talk guys, what's up?

F: oh nothin we were just talking about some school things, apparently Carly said there were hot guys in her school but they would prefer italian girls

C: Freddie!

S: *laughs and rolls eyes* So.. Freduccini, how's school life without Carly and I?

C: Yeah Freddie

F: Ehhh boring and I hate it, I went from the cool tech nerd to just a normal boring unattractive nerd

S: Seems about right

C: So, Sam how's your new school? You seem pretty happy about it, not like you to be in a happy mood after school

S: Um I joined their ping pong team that's about it

F: Let me guess, you're gonna hit people with ping pong balls?

S: Nope... and what's great is that they give us 300k every time we compete the money's for food and like a hotel, but what's great is that.. We get to split the money if there is any couple hundreds left! But.... we have to give some of the money split to charity so we'll all be left with like 60 dollars..

C: What?! No way? That's so cool!

F: Are you sure we're talking to Sam and not her twin Melanie who apparently is real and goes to a fancy boarding school?

S: Fredbag does my style look like Melanie? I don't think so
|They hear Cat in the background asking Sam where their new blender is|

S: uh hold on
|Sam muted her mic and stands up to see where she left it|

F: Carly, don't you think Sam is acting too odd?

C: Yeah but maybe she's having a really good time in her new school

S: Okay I'm back

C: Sam I forgot to tell you, I'm visiting back on my birthday!

S: No way! Where are you going to stay?

C: Well I'll just say hi to spencer in Seattle then we'll have to take I think a 2 day road trip to California because that's where my hotel will be

F: Can I come with you guys? My mom can allow me to go anywhere unless its with Spencer, she's still very overprotective of me but its getting a bit less by each year

S: By each year you mean 1%

F: Y-yeah... So will you come to Cali with us?

S: I'll try... Well.. I gotta go, Cat is making me go to bots with her and her friend

C: What's bots?

S: Its a cool restaurant here that's being managed with robot waiters. Bye!
|Sam hangs up|

F: oh I saw that in my feed on picstagram, it said its in L.A, they also have one in California, Washington, and New York

C: So Sam lives in any of those cities/states?

F: I guess so, didn't she say she was at Reddings California before? Maybe she's there

C: Oh my gosh! I hope she's there! But isn't Reddings California between L.A too? So.. maybe she's in L.A?

F: I honestly don't know but your birthday is still at July and its just January. I have to go, my mom is making me do a tick bath. *rolls eyes*

|They both hang up|

~To Be Continued~

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