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*The next day*
*After school*

Nobody's pov

Sam's on the couch eating chips and watching toilet wars, she gets a call from Carly in the groupchat, Freddie had gone in it, she decided she would too..

C: Sam! We saw your school website and saw that you got a main lead in a play

S: Hey.. oh yeah, well I was supposed to be an understudy but the lead had an insane fever

C: oh, but how were you so willing to put on a dress and heels, I mean I can understand the extensions

S: it took me awhile to get out of the changing room but Jade pulled me out of the room

C: Oh ok cool! And also... Freddie was dr-

F: Carly dont you dare say it!

S: Say what?

C: Freddie was drooling over you with the outfit you wore!
|Carly said in a very fast tone|

F: oh god you said it!

|Sam raises an eyebrow and smiled|

S: *laughs* well I cant deny it, all the other girls in the play also wore these kinds of dresses and some of the guys were drooling over them, mostly Cat

C: Thats so cool! Also, how.. um how are some the guys in your school so hot!

S: I dont know, they just are?

F: So.. were the other guys were hitting on you?

S: Why? You jealous Freddie?
|Sam smirk and raises and eyebrow|

C: He deffinitely is

F: I am not jealous! I- I was just asking if there were!

S: There was this one guy with a puppet, the one I beat in a rap battle before. I turned him down and now he's trying to beg Cat, theres another one uh Ryder Daniels

C: Ryder Daniels!? That really hot guy in the play!

F: Did you turn him down?

S: Yeah Carly it was Ryder, I turned him down because he's an absolute jerk, he just dates girls who are good at a class and partner up with them to get a good grade, so I turned him down

C: Aw, such a cute guy can be such a jerk!

F: Yeah! Well.. I gotta go, bye girls

S: Bye

C: See ya!

|They all hang up|

After the call she gets back to watching toilet wars. Dice walks in the apartment, "Sam! I need to cut a piece of your hair" He said going up to her, "Why?" Sam asked, "I sell people the piece of hairs of different celebrities or web stars.. and if you let me cut a piece of your hair I'll give you the money" Dice implied, "You are a weird kid, fine but you better give me the money" Sam agreed, Dice cuts off a piece of hair then leaves.

"Sam! We need to go to Jade's house to practice stage fighting" Cat shouted from the room, "Oh... ok let me just get some ribs and lets go" Sam replied going to the kitchen to get skme ribs and puts it in a ziplock bag and in her bag.

*Jade's house*

Jade opens the door for both Sam and Cat so they can practice their stage fighting for the next day.
"Hey, Puckett try practicing the leg swing and straight arm punch, Cat will video us so we could see which angle would be good" Jade implied, they both look like they're fighting for real while Cat video tapes them

"Okay, Cat you got it?" Sam asked while walking over to her to see the video, "Yep! I got it" She squealed jumping up and down, "Lets take a break, you girls want some peppy cola?" Jade asked tossing one to Sam she catches it, Jade tossed one to Cat but instead she hit her head and was unconsious on the couch..

"Uhh she'll be fine.." Sam said and sits down on beside the counter, Jade sits infront of her, "So... did you write a new  song, you said you'll be performing twice on the day of the full moon jam" Jade asked while drinking her cola, "Uh I'm still trying to finish the 2nd song for that night, Its called 'Dont you just hate those people' its an upbeat type of song about a girl not really liking the lovey dovey stuff she sees because she's single" Sam answered while reacher for her bag to get the ribs she brought, "Oh so like-... you brought ribs?" Jade asked in a very curious look, "Yeah, do you want one? I have pork and beef" Sam replied holding both bags with 2 varieties of ribs, "I'll have beef. But about your song, does it relate to you?" Jade raised an eyebrow smirking

"N-no.... yes, I havent gotten over a breakup I had for what? Like 5 or 6 months now?" Sam replied somewhat in an upset tone of voice, "ah.. so your song is that you're jealous of people that have a stable and relationship with no fights, yeah I sometimes feel that way. Beck and I broke up twice already but we're back together. You and I are almost alike, we're hard to handle and hard to control" Jade implied.

There was silence for about 15 seconds, "*grins* Who's the guy?" Jade asked, "What?" Sam lifts her head up, "I mean who's the guy who you broke up with?" Jade asked again, "Um you've watched icarly right?" Sam asked her back but is still in the same subject as her, "Yeah.. why?" Jade asked standing up to get another cola, "Well, our technical producer, Freddie.. we were sorta dating for 3 months, but there were fights and we broke up.. but you know it was mutual" Sam answered taking a deep breath after that

"You still love him dont you? I mean its obvious you do, you wrote songs about him, you havent moved on from him. It was just a fight, Beck and I fight alot of times but we're still together." Jade assumed, "Yeah I do its just.. I dont know its complicated" Sam shakes her head, "Fine I wont get into too much deep stuff. Also... what'll we do with Cat?" Jade asked, they both look at her still unconsious, they just leave her there and goes back to talking.

~To Be Continued~

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