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(This was during Sam and Freddie chasing after Carly)

Freddie's pov

I run up with Sam to chase after Carly to delete the picture before she does anything stupid, "Carly! Give us your phone!" I say while running, Carly went in the studio and locks it, I look over to Sam "I'll go downstairs to the elevator to get in, and you try to pick the lock" I say as I sprint down to the elevator, I hear Sam already opening the door. Damn she's fast.

Carly's pov

Oh gosh! Uh where do I hide? I know! Inside the bean bags! Aww its too rare for this photo to happen, I realize I have a move to trash option where I can still restore the picture! Okay, its gone.. for now. Shoot the door opened "Carly! Where are you?" I try to stay put while Sam tries to go around to see where I am, oh no, the elevator just opened, its freddie. Stay quiet Shay! I say to myself. Oh no even though I deleted the picture, I still have more pics of them!

Nobody's pov

"Carly? Hmm I guess she's just gonna stay where she is Sam" Freddie walks up to Sam, "Yeah I guess so. Maybe we'll KISS so Carly wont see us!" Sam says for Carly to hear, they just make really loud kissing noises but arent really kissing, while they still look for her.
"Freddie.. I'm tired she'll come out eventually, lets just watch something on the monitor" Sam said as she and Freddie sit on the bean bags, "OW!" Carly shouts getting out of the bean bag, "Okay.. who sat on me?!" Carly exclaimed, "Wait, you were in there the whole time?" Sam asked "I didnt even realize you can get in these things" Sam said.

"I forgot... Carly, give my your phone" Freddie stood up reaching for her phone "Fine! I deleted it, but I still have some pics of you two being all sweet, just not much of kissing" Carly said giving in to the both of them, they look at her photos to see that its gone. "Okay thats good, anyway since we're up here, what are we going to do for the next icarly segment?" Sam insistingly asked, "Well, maybe the next icarly, we'll just explain what we'll do at webicon and where our next QnA panel is" Freddie said, "Yeah thats good, so at the panel we just answer the questions. Hopefully nothing about relationships" Carly said somewhat doubtful of her second sentence, "Yeah but just incase! Lets bring brad and some fudge, so before we start the panel, people will try the fudge and when they fight about relationships we ask them if they tried the really good fudge and if they liked it we say that the person who made the fudge is the person Carly is dating" Sam exclaimed her brilliant idea and the three of them agree.

"Well its almost time for us to shoot icarly, since we did promise the fans that we would start early in the week" Says Freddie while he gets his equipment ready and Camera ready.
The girls stand up.

"In 5,4,3,2" Freddie points to the girls

*After the show*

"Well thats was exaughsting, Sam are you going to sleep here or go home, I still have some of your clothes in my drawers" Carly asked while grabbing iced tea out of the fridge, "Uh yeah sure! I'll sleep here, I mean my mom usually gets home late drunk and Melanie isn't coming back in town anytime soon" Sam agreed to sleep in the Shay's apartment, "Wait I thought Melanie was just you messing with me Sam?" Freddie asked very curious on why they still prank him about the Melanie thing even though she is real "Freddie... Sam has a twin sister named Melanie who is out of town right now" Carly replied to Freddie trying to convince him that Melanie is real, "Yeah totally, If she is real then prove it"
Freddie insisted while raising one eyebrow, "Fine, I'll call her!" Carly exclaimed while dialing Melanie and makes her do a facetime.


*Picks up*

M: Hey Carly! Long time no see! How are you? Oh and hows my sister?

C: I'm good! Sam is great too! But the reason I called was because one dork here still doesn't believe you and Sam are sisters.

|Freddie grabs the phone|

F: Hey, so are you sure your not Sam?

M: I'm not Sam Freddie! I can see that Sam is right beside you and she isn't holding a phone or wearing pink with a ponytail.

F: So you are real! Wow..

|Freddie give the phone to Sam|

M: Hey sista! How have you been? Are you seeing someone right now huh?
|Melanie teasingly grins|

S: Well yeah.. uh I'm actually dating someon-
|Carly yells in the background|

C: She's dating Freddie!

M: What really?? Omg! When I get there you have to tell me everything!

S: Well I gotta go now, Melanie. Bye!

*End of call

"You believe us now Fredweird?" Sam crosses her arms, realizes what she says, Freddie was expecting an
'I told you so baby' but instead he got a Fredweird. He runs after her, tackling her and wraps his arms around her again, "Samantha, you really keep forgetting that I'm atleast 4 times stronger than you now" Freddie smirks "ugh I hate doing this, I'll give in just for today Freddie" Sam replied rolling her eyes and hugs him, Carly who was taking pictures says "I'm so sending this to Melanie" grinning, "Oh guys! Do you wanna watch a movie at the cinema, right now? You can pick any movie, although spencer can't drive us there, he's working on one of his sculptures" Carly insists, "Yeah I dont know why not, lets go" Freddie agrees and same with Sam.

*They get to the movie theatre*

"Okay so what movie do you guys want to watch?" Carly asked "Uh I want to watch the scissoring!" Sam exclaims "No way am I watching the scissoring! Lets watch Ready player one, I heard it's a good movie" Freddie insisted
"Yeah for tech nerds like you!" Sam replied "ugh excuse me?! Atleast it isn't as scary as the scissoring and atleast it has more action!" Freddie yells, "You never let me choose what movies we watch!" Sam yells louder, luckily the crowd was too big that nobody really is paying attention to their fight, "What do you mean I dont let you choose?! I let you choose all the time! See, this is why we cant watch a decent movie together!" Freddie exclaims, "Okay thats it! If you two can't decide on a movie, then I'm picking 'To all the boys I loved before' There, thats what we're watching" Carly blurts out so that Sam and Freddie would stop fighting, "But w-" Sam and Freddie say in unison but gets cut off "No buts! I already have the tickets and the snacks, now you two better behave when the movie starts, and be all lovey dovey with each other because you guys fighting just isnt going to help out in anything" Says Carly while giving them the snacks and they went to see the movie.
(Also if u were offended with the ready player one thing, I like that movie, so dont think I put it there because I dont like it... Sorry, lets get on with the story)

Sam's pov

Ugh, its so embarrassing how Freddie and I fought over a movie.. this always happens, he wont even put his arm around me and its already been half of the movie. Should I make a move or... No Sam, just focus on the movie, maybe Benson is just uncomfortable so I wont push it...

Carly's pov

Jeez Sam and Freddie are just sitting there, no sweet talk, no eskimo kiss, no kiss at all! Freddie isnt even putting his arm around her! I can feel the tension from here between them, What should I do?? Oh I know I'll pretend to go to the restroom, "Hey, I'll just go to the restroom to take a waz brb" I stand up and hopefully they make a move...

Freddie's pov

Oh no, Carly went to the Restroom.. Now its just Sam and I sitting here, should I put my arm around her? Lean in to kiss her? The fight we had was pretty heated awhile ago, the tension is so thick I can slice it with a knife. Sam seems to be focused on the movie so maybe she doesn't want any move from me.

Carly's pov

Ok I may have took longer than I should but when I go back to my seat they better be cuddling! I head back to see them, in the same position! Fine, I wont force it, lets just finish the movie and go home.

*After the movie and is already in each others apartment with Sam staying over at Carlys'*

Sam's pov

It's going to be hard to sleep tonight, no text from Freddie.. No goodnight, no kiss. *sigh* it's okay... I can take it, Maybe we all just need some sleep.

~To Be Continued~

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