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Nobody's pov

Sam and Freddie were heading back to L.A, during the ride back, she fell alseep. Freddie put his hand on her thigh, still driving.
Sam wakes up to see Freddie's hand on her thigh, her breath hitched for a bit, he doesnt know that was one of her biggest turn ons, she grabs his hand and just holds it. "I heard your thigh was big turn on" Freddie chuckles, "Who told you?" Sam squeezes his hand, "I'm not telling" Freddie smirks, Sam squeezes his hand harder "Ow! Ok it was Carly" He said, "I shouldnt have told her" Sam rolls her eyes, Freddie just chuckles, they were stuck at a red light so Freddie kisses Sam's cheek.

"You really think I wont punch you for doing that?" Sam smirks at him, "Well I know you would but you cant" Freddie replied wrapping his arm around her tightly whilst driving, "Freddie... the car! Drive with both your hands" Sam exclaimed at him, "When did my Puckett get so scared of me driving with one hand and hugging his cute girlfriend" Sam slightly blushed, "Dammit Fredbag, you made me soft" she whinely pouts, Freddie lets go of her to drive with two hands.

*They arrive at L.A*

Sam and Freddie walk to the new apartment, it looked great! They opened the room where Freddie would stay in, "I'll get back here tomorrow, its late and Cat and I have to do stage fighting tomorrow." Sam said as she was about to leave the apartment, Freddie grabbed her wrist and pulled to kiss her for 10 seconds, "Goodnight Sam.." Freddie said "You too Freddork" Sam chuckles and leaves the apartment to walk across the hall to hers and Cat's apartment.

*The next day*

"Sam! Wake up, Jade's picking us up with her car" Cat exclaims, Sam was fast asleep, Cat takes out her phone and plays a recording of Freddie's voice to wake her up, and ofcourse she wakes up.
"I'll be right thereee! You better have bacon!" Sam exclaimed sleepily, she stands up walking to the shower and takes a bath first.

*At the guy's apartment*

Freddie and Robbie were awake, both were shirtless because they'd be used to it since both of them are guys.
"Hey Freddie! What exercising tutorial do you use to get those abs?" Robbie asked while eating his cereal, "I dont know... I dont use tutorials" Freddie replied furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

*10 mins later*

Freddie and Robbie were still getting their stuff ready for school. Sam and Cat walk in since both of them had a key, Jade was stuck in traffic so it would still take her awhile to get there.
The two girls see Freddie and Robbie shirtless, "Yo, you guys rea-" Sam looks Freddie up and down and cant help but slightly blush covering her face with her palm, Cat looks at Robbie's back she turns red, redder than Sam. They felt like having a nosebleed.

Freddie chuckles walking to Sam, "Goodmorning Princess Puckett" He greeted her and wrapped his arms around her, "Its Puckell" Cat said, "No, Cat its Puckett" Sam corrected her, "But I saved Puckell as your contact name" Cat shows her, her phone "Then change it" Sam replied.
Freddie's arms were still hugging Sam, "You want me to be shirtless more often?" Freddie asked while smirking, "Well not infront of other girls..." Sam rolls her eyes, Freddie leans in to kiss her.

Robbie turns around "Hi Cat! I thought Jade was picking you girls up?" He asked, "She got stuck in traffic" Cat giggles. Minutes later, Jade finally arrives and the guys were done getting ready.
"See ya later Sam" Freddie waved goodby, Freddie and Robbie were also already leaving but the cars were parked in different directions so the girls and guys parted. Jade, Cat, and Sam were in the car and was driving to Hollywood Arts.

*2 weeks later*

Sam and Freddie walk in his and Robbie's apartment arguing. Cat and Robbie were just watching tv, "What are you guys arguing about now?" Robbie asked, "None of your business!" Sam exclaimed pointing towards Robbie.

"Sam the girl was just a friend! She meant nothing to me!" Freddie explained, "Yeah! A "friend" that already called you 5 times and texted you 11 times!" Sam exclaimed, his phone rings, "6 times" Sam slaps his arm, "You know what! We're over... if you're going to act like that because I'm friends with a girl, then we cant be dating anymore" Freddie crosses his arms, "Freddie no!" Cat and Robbie said simultaniously, "Fine! We're done..." Sam walks out to slam the door.
"I'm having dejavu..." Cat frowned, "What do you mean?" Robbie asked, "Well this happened to Beck and Jade for almost the same reasons, Jade was jealous Beck was hanging out with Alyssa Vaughn, Tori said they were fighting about it, Beck had Freddie's reasons and Jade had Sam's reasons.." Cat replied, she takes her phone out to text Carly what happened.

Freddie's phone rings, it was Carly.

*picks up*


F: Sam and I broke up... again

C: two weeks ago I saw you two kissing and being all sweet. Just a 2 weeks later you two BROKE UP?!

F: Yeah...

C: What- W- why?!

F: Well she was complaining that I hang out with this girl as friends

C: How many times did she call and text you?

F: 6 calls, 11 texts

C: How- how will a girl not get jealous about that! Every girl cares about that, because they dont want to lose somebody they love to some other girl! You are so stupid!

F: Things will maybe... probably get better tomorrow.

C: You better hope it because if things down get better, I'm booking another flight back there!
|Hangs up|

They hear a door slam from across the hall, also hearing fading footsteps.
Cat runs out, "Sam! Where are you going?" She exclaimed, "Tori's house, they're playing poker." Sam answered without turning back, she hops on her motorcycle and rides to Tori's house.

*At Tori's house*

"Hey.." Sam said while entering the house, "Heyy! Wa-wait, why do you look so gloomy?" Tori looks concerned, "Freddie and I fought and now.. we both wont talk to each other" Sam muttered, "But you two didnt break up or.." Tori asked, "Well, it was a heated arguement so, he said "you know what, were over" and I just walked out the house" Sam explained, "How anout lets take your mind off it and have fun while plwying poker!" Andre tries to lighten up the mood, Sam agreed.

*4 days later*
*at the apartments*

Jade runs to knock on Sam's door, it was night time on a Thursday, Sam opens the door to see Jade, "Uh.. why are you here? Its midnight?" Sam asked while yawning, her hair was slightly messy, she was in her sleeping clothes.
"Here" Jade gives her the pillow Tori's grandmother made that time she was also crying because of her and Beck's breakup. Tori agreed that this is the crying pillow after break ups, "This is the crying pillow, if you need to cry about a break up use this.." Tori butts in, she walks towards Sam's door, Jade didnt know she was also there, "pfft I-I dont need a cryin- give me that" Sam snatched it and sobs on it in her and Cat's apartment, Jade and Tori went in to console Sam.

Freddie's pov

I wake up from the sound of knocking outside the apartment, I look through the peephole, it was Jade and Tori. Why are they there? It's late at night and they're here. I see Sam open up the door, she looks sleepy and tired. I cant fully hear what they're saying though, all I heard was "Pillow" "crying" "up" "Here" "Dont" and "pfft"
I cant add any of those up, I then glance to see Sam snatch the pillow to and run inside, Jade and Tori follow. Probably just a project they forgot to do.

*The next day*

After school, Sam knocks on Freddie's door, he opens it. "Hey.. um I was wondering if, you want to get back together" Sam muttered, "No thanks Sam" Freddie shakes his head and closes the door.

~To Be Continued~

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