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*The next day*

Freddie's pov

I wake up and check the time on the clock hanging on the wall, its 8am! Why'd I wake up at 8am? Its a Sunday, Sam's photoshoot is at 2pm, the breakfast buffet is at 9am, and the pool.. ehh I dont feel like hitting the pool after what happened yesterday.

I try to stand up to stretch, but realized that I'm grabbing something, I look beside me... Fu.. uh, Fudge! I'm spooning Sam! It felt so natural! Let go Freddie! She has a boyfriend! But... I dont want to let go. I start debating if I should let go of her or just stay put. As I was deeply in thought I feel her cuddle closer to me hugging my arms around her. O-oh dangit! She might think that I'm Ash! Uhh yeah I should let go. I try to pull my hand away, *laughs* She wont stop gripping me, even while sleeping she still has enough strenght to strangle someone.

"Sam..Sam, wake up." I sigh and playfully roll my eyes "Fat cakes" I whisper to her, and it didnt work?! I'm sorry but am I cuddling Sam puckett right now or Melanie? She didnt wake up, "Fried chicken?" No use! "Bacon" What the heck?! I hear a small chuckle from her, "Freddork, you know why those didnt work? Because I was already awake by your first sentence" She looked at me and smiled while rolling her eyes.

Nobody's pov

"O-oh.." Freddie akwardly muttered, "Um... hey, can you not spoon me?" Sam implied while punching his arm, Freddie widens his eyes and lets go of her, "Better.." Sam said and slightly moves to the other side of the bed to get her phone, "Why'd you wake up so early?" Sam asked while slightly whispering so Carly and Spencer wont wake up, "I'd ask you that. You were already awake without me saying any food" Freddie replied, "Well.. theres a breakfast buffet downstairs so I cant pass that option" Sam answered and stood up to go to the bathroom.

*2pm, Hollywood Arts*

The icarly gang walk into the main school, they've never been inside it.. well, except Sam. Sam had to get something from her locker, Jade said she hid some tacos in there so their vice principal wouldnt see them sneaking out detention to go to the blackbox. They walk over to her locker to see icarly stuff, "You decorated your locker with our theme song?" Carly smiles, "Yeah.. they said memorable memories, this is the biggest one" Sam replied, grabbing the tacos and walk into the blackbox theatre.

Tori's already there getting ready, Sam walks to the back since thats where they get changed, Freddie, Carly and Spencer wait for her, Cat and Jade were there too so they decided to sit beside them. "Oh look its the icarly gang! Hii!" Cat greeted them, they greet back.

"I heard that they have a greenscreen background so they could add cool backgrounds. They said they needed more texture in the background" Jade implied while texting beck, "Thats nice.. so, when did Sam and Ash start dating?" Freddie asked Jade and Cat, "Uh... 3 months ago! Yeah.." Jade lied successfully, "Oh.." Freddie frowns a bit, "*chuckles* you're jealouse arent you?" Jade smirked and raised an eyebrow, luckily Tori interrupted with her dress on and her hair done, "Wheres Sam? She's supposed to be here she said.." Tori asked, Sam walks in "Oh I just went to the restroom, who's going first? You or me?" Sam asked, she was wearing a short dark blue dress and black heels, "I think you first then we have to get changed after that Tori answered, "How do you walk in those heels without tripping on your dress?" Sam looks at her heels curious "I just do.. I dont know either" Tori chuckles.
The two girls look at the side to see Carly, Spencer and Freddie with their mouths open, checking Sam and Tori out, the girls just roll their eyes and walk to where they would be taking the shots.

Sam had a pillar prop to hold on to and a green background for editing later. After the photoshoot, they went to Sam and Cat's apartment to check on something, "Oh so this is the place you and Cat live in.. pretty cool" Freddie implied, Cat walked out the room shocked to see Sam home, "Sam!" she immediately pulls her outside and shut the front door running back to their bedroom, Carly and Freddie just stood there confused, Spencer was just in the car jamming to some music.

"Uh why'd she drag Sam out?" Carly asked Freddie, "How am I supposed to know?" Freddie flings his arms in the air, they both hear Cat pulling something, they walk in the room to see Cat pulling out a stash of bibble under Sam's bed, unfortunately Sam climbed in the window, "Uh why'd you-" She sees the huge bag of bibble under her bed, "I thought we agreed that you wouldnt stash bibble under my bed again?" Sam raised an eyebrow crossing her arms  "But its so GOOD!! And I dont know where else to stash it" Cat whines, "Then put it at that empty corner there!" Sam gestured to a corner without stuff, "oh! Kk!" Cat drags her snack to the corner and walks out to go to the kitchen.

"Is she always like that?" Freddie asked, "Yup.." Sam answered popping her lips at "P" Dice walks in the apartment to Cat, "Cat! I need you to do something for me" Dice pleaded, "I need you to give me some bibble! Kids are chasing me because I accidentally knocked their ice creams over, "No! Its my bibble!" Cat pushes him out at the back, Sam walks out walking over to the couch, crouching and opens a hidden cabinet, Freddie and Carly follow, "What are you looking for?" Carly asked, Sam pulls out a tub of chicken

"When did we have a cabinet there?" Cat asked, "I just found it" Sam said while biting a piece of chicken, "cya tomorrow Cat. Oh and Sikowitz asked if you could buy him some coconuts." Sam closes the door. They drive back to the hotel, Sam falls asleep on the bed, Carly and Freddie were watching tv, and Spencer was in the bathroom.

Carly and Freddie were talking, "Carly...uh do you by chance have any pictures of Sam from the photoshoot?" Freddie looks at Carly, "Yeah, I collaged it though with Tori and her" Carly answered giving him the collaged pictures.

uh do you by chance have any pictures of Sam from the photoshoot?" Freddie looks at Carly, "Yeah, I collaged it though with Tori and her" Carly answered giving him the collaged pictures

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"Sam has really changed huh?" Carly implied, "*chuckles* Yeah... she has" Freddie agreed while looking at her photos. Freddie stands up to walk over to Sam sleeping and silently said, "Whoever you go out with.. I'll still love you" Freddie kisses her forehead and walks back to Carly to watch some tv.

~To Be Continued~

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