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Freddie's pov

Its been 2 days since I kissed sam.. Well, she kissed me.. Gah! What am I thinking, Sam is a bad person, she's mean but.. I know she has a soft spot, nonono I cant like her.. right? I- I mean carly's the one I used to have a crush on, good thing carly didnt see us kiss or else sam would kill me if I told carly.

I knocked on carly's door and she opens it.

Nobody's pov

Carly approaches her door and opens it for freddie "Hey, freddie! Uh I have a question but come inside first" Carly said very seriously, Freddie heads inside "so... w-what was your question?" Freddie said stuttering hopefully wishing carly doesnt know sam and Freddie kissed "so sam texted me.." carly said slowly, in freddie's mind he was losing it, "a-and what did she say?" He said stuttering more, "She said that she might move to another school or be homeschooled" Carly exclaimed in a worried tone.

Freddie shocked "What?! Why would she move schools!? Uh, I-I need to find her! Uh but I-I mean w-why would she move schools? We need to find her..." Freddie said stuttering and realised he sounds very worried at first until he tried to cover it up, Carly looks at him weirdly "You've been stuttering alot, are you okay? And I didnt know you were so worried about sam." Carly curiously asked,
Freddie sweating "I-I'm just a little tired and because without sam, there cant be an icarly episode" freddie said as he came up with an alibi "hmm okay but we gotta go find her" Carly said, Freddie has an idea by the look of his face "T-thats your idea face! Whats your idea?" Carly exclaimed asking, "Do you know sam's password on her phone? We can track her location if we know her password" Freddie said as he walks up to the computer and sits on the chair "Yeah I know her password!" Carly exclaims "so what is it?" Freddie asked "I cant tell you, its weird and I have to keep her privacy shut from other people" Carly said as freddie turns his back.

As carly is typing sam's password thinking on what the password even stands for, she types in "Raediedderf" "okay its done" Carly said. Freddie turns around, " Okay so she's at.." Freddie said while loading
"At school? But she's sam, its a saturday why would she be at school? Are you sure you typed in the right password?" Freddie confused, "Uh let me check.. ah sorry, I typed the wrong password, I accidentally typed the password on her other phone, she usually leaves it at school" Carly said as she typed in the real password but freddie still looking back "Raebiedderf" is the real password "Okay there, I made sure it had no typos and put in the right password" Freddie turns around "ok so, oh she's just at The Groovy Smoothie" Freddie said relieved.

They walk down to the place across bushwell plaza and they see sam just sitting there alone at a table drinking her smoothie while looking at her texts, Carly walks up to sam "Hey Sam what are you doing here alone?" Carly asked as she sat down beside her "uh I just wanted a smoothie thats all..." Sam said but they could see through her bluff, Freddie sits beside her "Okay, but why do you want to switch to another school?" Freddie changes the subject and asked sam directly "I-I dont wanna tell you guys, after the lockin I felt weird" Sam says as Freddie widens up his eyes, Carly on the other hand is curious "Why? Because you like brad?" Carly asked, Sam puts down her smoothie "I dont like brad!" Sam exclaims "Why not, he's sweet, kind, and has no warrants. Like I said during the lockin, Dont you want a nice boyfriend? I just want you to be happy, sam.." Sam picks up her drink "Why do you care?" Sam said "Because you've been acting weird lately, just admit your feelings about him and maybe things will go back to normal for you, Now you two talk while I get burgers and smoothies" Carly said as she stands up and heads to the counter to order.

"So... Sam, you didnt answer the question, Why do you want to move schools?" Freddie said nervousely, "I-It's because-" She gets cut off by freddie "Me? You want to move schools because we kissed and you dont know how to handle it?" Freddie asked "Why do you care fredweird!?" Sam exclaims with some anger in her tone, "Because I do, and because Carly and I dont want to lose you..and we also need you, for icarly and as a friend" Freddie said, "Fine, I'll stay at Ridgeway, and can you tell carly that I dont like brad." Sam said demanding, Freddie smiled "Whats the magic word?" Freddie asked while grinning "What "magic word" frednub?" Sam said and rolled her eyes "ugh fine, please? God I hate saying that word!" Sam exclaims, "better, also do we tell carly that we kissed?" Freddie asked, Carly showed up behind them "What? Say that again? You two kissed?!" Carly said as she sat down "uh h-hey Carly! So what d-did you order?" Freddie asked trying to change the subject "Nonono, tell me, you two did kiss?" Carly asked "y-yeah we did.." Sam confirmed "Okay but why didnt you want to tell me?" Carly said as she eats a fry and took a sip of her smoothie "Well we thought that it would ruin our friendship, and it was also in the heat of the moment! Maybe I just needed sleep at the lockin because I wouldnt kiss frednub!" Sam exclaimed ignoring all the signs she loves him.

"Sam it's okay to like freddie, its not the end of the world you know and I can see through your bluffs and I know you like him so go for it! *laughs* after all this time I thought you liked brad.. well, maybe I'll try and go out with him, I'm kinda missing his fudge" Carly encouraged sam "Fine.. I'll think about it" Sam said.
Carly looks at Freddie "What about you? Are you going to give Sam a chance or you'll think about it?" Carly asked, Freddie grins and looks at Sam "I already know my answer" He said as she held Sam's hand under the table, Sam widens her eyes and looks down to see Freddie holding her hand "Okay.. I know my answer" Sam smiled softly "I like you fredweird..." Sam said, Freddie looks at her "I love you too puckett" Freddie smiles, Carly sitting there eating while she says "aww! You know I think I can get used to soft Sam!" Carly laughs "Dont get any idea shay, I'm still capable of breaking somebody's skull with my butter sock" Sam smirks and looks at her, "yeah yeah I know, I'm just teasing, oh and also I ordered some burgers and smoothies for you guys, I thought you might be hungry" Carly said

"After this we gotta head back to your apartment to shoot an icarly segment" Freddie said, "Yeah and spencer is going to make us spaghetti tacos so will you guys stay after finishing todays icarly?" Carly asked "Duh! Mommas gotta get some spaghetti tacos" Sam says excitedly. They head out of The Groovy Smoothie and went back to the apartment to shoot icarly.

~To Be Continued~

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