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*Timeskip December 26*

Nobody's pov

Sam and Freddie were at Tori's house playing poker, the only people that weren't there was Jade and Beck. "Why didn't you guys invite Back and Jade?" Cat asked them, "Yeah why didn't you guys?" Sam looked at them, Andre, Tori, and Robbie all look slightly awkward.. "Well it's because.. they fight alot about really small things and it could really bum things out here" Robbie answered, "Yeah and I-I bet they're also busy today" Andre added. "But Freddie and I fight over some slight little things too so-" Sam gets cut off by Robbie, "Yeah but.. you guys realized how you haven't fought over anything the whole time we've been here except for teasing each other which isn't annoying... you guys are a cute couple" he implied, "And you don't know one very heated fight that happened between them at a game show, lockers... and all of those made Cat faint" Andre added to Robbie's explenation.

They then hear the doorbell ring, Tori runs to the door and opens it. It was Beck and Jade "o-oh.. hey guys!" Tori muttered nervously, Beck walks in "See, they're all here" he said, Jade went to follow him from behind, "I told you! They'd all be here!" Beck added while gesturing his arms pointing to them. "Listen... I'm sorry w-we couldn't invite you guys to play and-" Tori gets cut off by Beck, "Tell her why you didn't invite us to play" he demanded, "Because... w-we weree planning.. a-a.. surprise partyy...?" Tori furrowed her brows and shut her eyes in cringe at what she just said, "What?!" Jade exclaimed asking. Sam and Freddie had their full attention to them, Andre snapped and stood up, "Alright! We didn't invite you to play because you two are always screaming at each other, and it makes everybody feel awkward, it makes Cat faint, and sometimes it makes Robbie cry!" he exclaimed while taking his lollipop out of his mouth and gestured to Cat and Robbie.

Robbie stood up, "I-I it was one time! I cried one time!" Rex corrected him "6" Robbie looks at his puppet, "I cried 6 times!" Robbie exclaimed, they all look at Robbie weirdly. "See! We fight so much, even our friends don't want us around!" Beck yelled at Jade, "Tori is not my friend, I only tolerate Robbie, Nobody likes Trina, and Cat is basically a pet!" Jade corrected Beck. Trina stands up and walks over to them, "You're going to let her say nobody likes me?!" she asked, they all look at Tori.. she says nothing and looks around. "Look.. I don't want to be your boyfriend if we're just gonna fight all the time" Beck looks at Jade and shakes his head, "So you wanna break up?" Jade asked him while crossing her arms, Sam and Freddie glance at each other in shock that this is actually true.. now they're slightly paranoid this might happen to them.

"I didn't say that! I just-" Beck gets cut off by Trina, "A-are you guys going to break up? Because I think Beck and I would make the perf-" Trina gets cut off by a pillow being thrown at her by Jade, "Next time it's a hammer!" Jade exclaimed, "Come on Beck! Take me to go get some food" Jade was heading to the door but Beck didn't move.. "I'm tired of fighting.." he implied, Jade turns around "Okay... I'm going out the door and I'm gonna count to ten.. if I get to ten and you're not out there, I'm going home... and we're over" she replied walking out and starts counting. Beck walks to the door at four.. halfway there Trina jumps him and tackled him to the ground, "Trina!" they all exclaimed and ran to pull her away from Beck, Sam was holding her legs and pinning her down, Beck rolls out and stands back up again, he puts his hand on the doorknob "9!" Jade yelled, it reached 10.. Beck didn't open the door and they all heard footsteps fading.. 

Sam widened her eyes and she got up and ran out to find Jade... Freddie ran from behind, "Sam! Jade may need some time alone.." he grabbed Sam's wrist, "But she-" Sam gets cut off by Freddie pulling to hug her from behind, "I know that you want to help her since both of you are close and are alike but maybe later you can go talk to her, just not now..." he explains, "*sigh* fine... can we go back to the apartments, I think I'd rather stay there... and I almost forgot.. Cat and I-" Sam gets cut off by Cat running out Tori's house, "Gah! Sam let's go! We have to babysit Butler" Cat exclaimed while shaking Sam's shoulders, "I can drive you girls there if you want" Freddie insisted, the girls agreed and Freddie drove them back to the apartments since he was also going back there.

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