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*July 24, 10am*

Nobody's pov

"*sqeals* We get to see Sam again! And get to see her perform! 1 more hour of this car ride and hello L.A!" Carly exclaimed happily in the car, "Yeah! I wonder what she'll be performing?" Spencer replied also exclaiming, "I never really knew she was going to the performer path even after doing her pageants" Freddie implied, taking his camera out to record, "Me neither but.. I cant wait to see her! I couldnt video chat her, so I really do miss her. She's like another little sister, no offense Carly" Spencer laughs genuinely

"None taken Spencer, she's like a sister to me too" Carly smiles, "AHHHH! ONLY 30 MINUTES TILL WE GET THERE" Carly squeals of excitement, Freddie was shocked on how high her sqeals were, "Woah, calm your horses" Freddie chuckles.

Sam's pov
*At Hollywood Arts getting ready*

Agh! I'm so nervous! Carly, Freddie and Spencer are going to see me sing and perform! I never did that infront of them, Calm down Puckett... you performed in a play and in auditions you can do it! I say to myself.
"Heyyy Sam how about you and I go to Karaoke Doki after this, just the two of us?" Robbie asked trying to be smooth to me again, I thought his bet was months ago, "I thought Beck and Jade won the bet they initiated" I raised an eyebrow, "They gave me a second chance.. well Beck did, Jade just rolled her eyes and walked away" I really just want to walk away but I'll just leave him more desperate, "Did Cat turn you down again? Look Robbie, I dont have much time before my performance starts. I have a hangout with a couple of friends from icarly later so maybe, try and beg Cat. Please.. for me" I reply to him while pulling out the Carly shay card at the end. Yes! He walked away towards Cat.

*Car ride to Hollywood Arts*
Nobody's pov

"We're here!" Spencer parks the car and they get out, they walk to the place of the performance, "Wow, big crowd. These must be the students" Freddie looks around, "Wheres Sam?" Carly looks around, Robbie then approaches them, "You guys are from icarly right?" He asked, "Well yeah, but we dont do it at the moment" Carly answered, "Okay... look I need your help, I made a bet with one of my friends to ask either Sam or my other friend Cat out, but they both turned me down.. I need your help to ask Sam out" He pleaded, the icarly gang looked at each other stunned, Freddie looks more serious than usual, "Robbie! Come here, Cat wants to talk to you" Tori exclaimed towards him she lied about the Cat part so Carly, Freddie, and Spencer wont feel uncomfortable.

They look up on the small stage, "Hey looked its Sam!" Carly exclaimed shaking Freddie, "Sam's going to sing!" Spencer points at her, the 3 of the them look at each other in shock not knowing Sam could sing.
The music started playing..
(Play the music if you want)

Sometimes I feel so alone
Sometimes I can't stand the dark
Sometimes I just wanna hold
Someone who really knows my heart

Sometimes there's tears behind my smile and

I get lonely in a crowd
Feels like I'm stuck under a cloud
And I need somewhere safe
To hide away from it all
Sometimes I just need a place to fall

That's when I run to you
You're the one that I call home
You're the only one who sees the broken part of me
You're the only one who knows that

I get lonely in a crowd
Feels like I'm stuck under a cloud
And I need somewhere safe
To hide away from it all
Sometimes I just need a place to fall

To fall
Sometimes there's tears behind my smile and

I get lonely in a crowd
Feels like I'm stuck under a cloud
And I need somewhere safe
To hide away from it all
Sometimes I just need a place to fall

To fall

Sam finished the song, people cheering, Andre stood up to hug her, "You did awesome!" Andre exclaimed, Tori, Cat, Jade, Beck and Robbie went to her when she went down, "To be fair Puckett.. you did good on your first official solo singing performance" Jade smirks, "Thanks, west" Sam replied.


Freddie, Carly, and Spencer were amazed, "That was- That was great!" Spencer exclaimed, Sam heard from affar and ran up to them, they all group hugged, Carly and Spencer pull away... it was just Sam and Freddie hugging, "*Chuckles* You can stop hugging me now Freddork" Sam smirks, she missed his hugs, "I dont think I will Samantha" Freddie grins and hugs her tighter, "Aww.." Sam glanced at Carly and Spencer taking pictures, she playfully raised an eyebrow

"I'm serious Freddie" Sam rolles her eyes smirking, Freddie hugs her tighter "I missed you.. Sam" Freddie said. Beck Jade, Andre, Robbie, Cat, and Tori walks up to them, "Sam I thought you werent a hugger?" Cat asked smiling, Freddie lets go of Sam, "Well I couldn't pull this dork away, he tightened his hug" Sam nudged his chest with her elbow, "Hey nice to meet you guys again.." Beck waved at Carly, Freddie, and Spencer
"Are you guys going to hang out?" Tori asked, "Yeah but I'll be back before the second performance later tonight" Sam said.

Before the 2 groups parted away, they saw these to girls trying to hit on Beck and Freddie, It was as expected.. Hayley and Tara, The two girls walk up to Beck and Freddie flirting, Jade and Sam were pissed, they started running after them, "Those guys deserve better than you two!" Hayley exclaimed still running away

Luckily Beck gripped Jade, the same with Freddie and Sam, "Sh sh sh.. Calm... down puckett" Freddie tried calming her down by stroking her hair, "But she- I-" Sam gets cut off, "Sam.." Freddie glares at her to stop, "Let me go, I need to bu-" Sam doesnt get another chance to speak, "Samantha... control.. control yourself, I brought fat cakes" Freddie tightened his grip on her, she finally calms down, on the other hand Jade is still furious, "Jade, shhh, shhh settle, settle, settle.." Beck strokes her hair and Beck pulls to kneel both of them down, Jade finally calmed down..

Carly runs to Sam and Freddie, "You know... Sam, Freddie's the only one that can calm and control you.. you know what that means" Carly smirks, "Shay..." Sam glares, Carly walks back to the group, somewhat intimidated. Sam is still somewhat growling, "Sam.. dont growl... the girls are gone, calm down" Freddie strokes her hair, "Thanks.. Freduccini" Sam looks at him smirking, "So... you were jealous the girls were hitting on me?" Freddie grins raising an eyebrow, "N-no! I- uh just hated those girls y-yeah" Sam exclaims.

The two look at Beck and Jade, Jade is finally calm too, "You and Jade are alot alike Puckett" Freddie implied, "Yeah no chiz, but we get along" Sam replied, they both walk back to the group, they leave Beck and Jade there.

"Exactly h-how did you calm Sam down?! We all tried to calm her down before when she gets physical but it doesnt work, usually its either Beck or Jade that can calm her" Andre asked, "Uh you know.. years of dealing with her" Freddie answered akwardly, "Yeah totally.. more like months of dat-" Spencer gets cut off by Carly slapping his arm

"Uh, we have to go.. hangout, I'll be back later. Bye guys" Sam said to Tori and the others, and the icarly gang gets into the car to Karaoke doki.
"Freddie.. where are the fat cakes?" Sam asked getting into the car, "uh here.." Freddie pulls one out of his pocket, they all drive to Karaoke doki.
During the car ride, "Sam why didn't you tell us you could sing?" Carly asked, "I just didnt... I dont know, I just didnt think it was such a big deal" Sam replied shrugging her shoulders, "You sang great though!" Spencer said, "Yeah, you were great!" Freddie looks at Sam, "I can sense you guys still are inlove with each other" Carly looks behind at the backseat since she called shotgun

Sam and Freddie look at each other and clears their throats, "W-we just uh.. hey look at that we're almost near Karaoke doki!" Freddie successfully changed the subject.

~To Be Continued~

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