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Nobody's pov

Sam and Freddie went in the hospital, Sam was limping and groaning. The doctor asked what was wrong, "Someone bumped me hard on my right leg while ice skating" Sam explained, "I see.. come here and lets go take an X-ray" The doctor gestures her towards the room.

*After the X-ray*

"Yup, that's a broken leg. Though it isnt severe but you will need a cast" The doctor diagnosed her, she nods.

*After going to the hospital*
*back to the car*

"How long did he say that cast stays on?" Freddie asked, "About 6 weeks.." Sam answered and sighed, they drive back to the apartment. Freddie helped her get to her apartment and she sits down on the couch, Freddie sits beside her and cuddles her, "You want me to stay the night here with you?" He asked, "What if I say no?" Sam chuckles, "I wont care and I'm going to stay the night with you, because I care about you" Freddie implied, Sam was laying her head on his chest, "and because you cant run after me with your broken leg" he adds, Sam just rolls her eyes, "yeah yeah nub" she teased him, he raised an eyebrow and moved his hand on thigh, her breath hitched "F-Freddie stop" she glared at him, "Then dont call me nub" He smirks back, "ugh come here you idiot" She pulls him into a kiss, it was for about a minute till they needed to gasp for air, "I hate you.." Sam muttered, "I love you too" Freddie grins and they just watch toilet wars.

Cat and Robbie walk in the apartment, "Sam are you okay now?" Robbie asked, "Yeah the doctors said it wasnt as severe than what I've had before but I have to wear this stupid cast for 6 weeks" Sam replied and rolls her eyes, "Jade said that she'll handle Hailey tomorrow" Cat giggles, "Will you be able to go to school tomorrow?" Robbie asked again, "Uh the doctors said that I shouldnt for atleast 4 days" Sam answered. An hour later Freddie was at the kitchen "Babe do you want some bacon?" Freddie slips in the cliche nickname, Sam chuckles, "Did you just call me Babe?" She grins at him weirdly, "Yeah, I just wanted to try it out.. you dont like it?" He replied, "I mean its fine but I'd prefer the other nicknames you originally use" Sam implied, "Okay.. I'll use it some other time then Sammy" Freddie chuckles.

*Monday, lunch time*

"Ugh I cant believe ANOTHER Hailey tried to get an unavailable guy" Tori exclaimed, "This time I gotta agree with you Vega. How about lets teach that no good brunette girl a lesson shall we?" Jade smirks evilly, they all stand up to drive to the Tech school Freddie was at.
They parked, "Okay, heres the plan, Cat  act like Freddie is calling that girl towards the middle of the outdoor caf, Andre.. hold her arms to her back and dont let go of your grip then tie her up beside the pole in the middle of the cafeteria, Tori you take videos and pics, Beck you bring the water hose and point it at her, after I pour the stuff, you roughly hose her down, Robbie you use Rex for a very deep and scary voice after the whole process behind her and then I'll go up their stairs above the outdoor caf and I'll pour the hot cheese and chocolate on her got it?" Jade said, her plan was fool proof, Freddie was already mad at Hailey so he wouldnt bother to help her. They all nod and start the plan.

Freddie sees Cat walk up to Hailey, though.. Hailey doesnt see where Freddie was sitting in the first place. "Omg hi! This boy named Freddie said he needed you, come with me" Cat giggled, "Aww does he miss me?" Hailey asked being all too girly, just then Andre holds her back and ties her up. Everyone saw what was going on, luckily the teachers were in the faculty room which was at the other side away from the cafeteria outside. Tori runs in taking photos with her phone and videos on Jade's phone, "Ugh let me go you lowlifes!" Hailey whined trying to get out of the ties but it was no use. "What in the world?" Freddie was just watching from affar while slightly chuckling with Jason and Analyn, "I think Hailey's going to get her karma" Analyn implied while smiling.

Beck walks to them with a water hose connected ti the nearest hydrant they had which was just two steps away, he points it at her, "Ha! Its just water it can dry off easily you idiots" Hailey yelled at them, "Dont be too assuming... you know.. hurting our friend Sam will make you regret everything you ever would plan" Tori implied, "Look up" Jade said from above, Hailey looks up to see hot cheese and chocolate fall down her head and Beck intensely hoses her down with a powerful setting on the water hose, Hailey screams and everybody in the caf just laugh at her.

"Do something like that again, and you will experience more pain than you can ever imagine" Robbie controls Rex's voice to make it deeper, they all pack up their things but before they leave.. they had a smaller hot cheese can so they poured it on her, they leave Hailey tied up so she was stuck there.

"That was hilarious!" Jason laughed, "Those Hollywood Arts students are really creative with their revenge! The way that they knew the way around the school in such a short time was amazing, and.. when the Jade girl poured hot cheese and chocolate on her, that was clever" Analyn implied in amazement, "I knew this was going to happen, since Jade and Sam get along well because they have alot in common, Jade will care more and do things that will be very unbelievable but is possible.. like what happened today" Freddie chuckled, they hear a ding on their phones, pearpads and computers, it was the pictures and videos of the close up shot where Hailey gets her biggest karma of her life.

Everyone was laughing at her. The principal and faculty members walk out to see what happened to Hailey. "Principal Conner! T-they- look what those Hollywood Arts kids did to me-" she gets cut off, "Yes.. we know what happened to you... but, you deserved it. The H.A kids explained everything, they told us about the plan, and about what you did. I agreed to their terms because what you did on hurting one of our most qualified, smartest student's girlfriend due to your pettiness is not allowed in our policies. You needed to learn your lesson, the easy way or the hard way. I have contacted your parents, and unfortunately.. you have been suspended for 2 months, you will then repeat a grade and you will have detention for 4 weeks. That is final, goodbye." The principal implied and walked away, "You should never have done that, Sam Puckett was also one of their highest performers in that school.." one of the teachers muttered towards her and walks away followed by the other faculty members.

~To Be Continued~

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