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Nobody's pov

It was a silent drive to Carly's hotel, "D-do you think our break-up was just forced?" Freddie asked Sam, he didn't glance at her since he was driving, "What do you mean?" Sam looked at Freddie, brows furrowed, "Don't you think we broke up just because of what we assume towards each other, you saying I'm a perfectionist and me saying you're sometimes abrasive? I mean I still very much love you.. I do. I just think that we shouldn't have broken up because of that reason.. we always argue but we don't break up with some of them. I guess we were just paranoid too because Beck and Jade broke up and-" Freddie gets cut off by Sam grabbing one of his hands from the steering wheel to hold it, "I still love you too.." she mumbled a bit. Coincidentally they stopped at a red light and Freddie leans in to peck Sam on the lips, "It's solved... we're back together?" he tried to clarify, Sam nods. The light turns green, it was still a silent ride, till Sam chuckled a bit.. "What is it?" Freddie grinned and glanced at her for a second, "It's nothing.. I just thought of some stupid theory" she said and looked out the window, "Come onnn I want to know" Freddie whined while looking for a parking slot, "... Beg me" Sam smirked towards him, Freddie parked in a slot and looked towards Sam and gave her a pouty face and puppy dog eyes, she takes a deep breath and puckered her lips.. she gave in, "Fine, dammit I hate when you give me that face... I was just going to say that, *chuckles* whenever we get a picture frame of us.. the next day or somewhere in that week we break up" Sam theorized, "Ohh yeah... like a bad omen *chuckles* but I'm still keeping the picture frames" Freddie implied and they both got out of the car walking towards the elevator.

They reached Carly's room and knocked on the door. Carly opened the door looking a bit nervous, "Hey.." she greeted them in a monotone voice, "You don't seem happy, what's the matter?" Freddie asked as he and Sam walk in her hotel room, "I-I am happy... I'm just nervous.." Carly implied, "Why are you nervous? Do you have a date with Brad today? Because you usually have that face whenever you're getting ready for a date" Sam stated while she was walking to the fridge to get a pudding cup Carly bought, "No I'm not going on a date... I-I just want to ask you guys a question" Carly said while fiddling with her fingers, "What is it?" Sam asked and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "I uh... I was just going to ask if.. y-you guys might want to do an icarly special on New Years eve night?" Carly asked, Sam and Freddie raised both their eyebrows and looked at each other and back to Carly, "U-uh yeah! That's a good idea.. I mean our fans haven't heard from us for a year now and having this special might be good" Freddie agreed, they look at Sam and she was grinning, she nods her head.. "We did say that it wasn't a goodbye.. why not?" she smiled fully and Carly ran up to hug them and squealed, "Yes! So it's official, icarly is going to have a New Year's eve special! We should tell our fans on our page" she jumped around in excitement and took her computer out her bag to announce on their website.

On their website:

Hey iCarly fans! Long time no talk and see! We're just going to announce that we will be having a special iCarly webcast on New Year's eve. We did say that our most recent recording that it wasn't a goodbye, so the three of us decided that we'll be having an iCarly special. Though it doesn't mean we'll be doing iCarly every week, we will still discuss if we could do it every Holidays. That's all for now, don't forget to stay tuned on some updates about the upcoming iCarly special! 


Carly smiled and sent the announcement onto their website. Minutes later, there was a blast of comments in the comment section saying that they're so excited about the recent update on the iCarly webshow, Carly was just scrolling down to check some comments. Meanwhile, Freddie couldn't move because there was a sleeping Sam Puckett latching onto him on his chest with her arms wrapped around him. Carly looked at the couple and took a picture, she was smirking towards Freddie, "Why are you looking at me like that?" Freddie asked, Sam was a heavy sleeper so she can't even hear gunshots since her guard was also down while she's hugging Freddie and sitting on his lap, head resting on his chest and arms wrapped around him. "You and Sam are so cute. It's not everyday to see Sam in that position with someone, might as well take a picture" Carly replied and chuckled.

Just then, they heard multiple knocks on Carly's hotel door, she opened it up and saw Andre, Cat, Tori, Jade, Beck, Robbie, Brad, and Spencer. "Um... not that I'm not happy to see you guys but why are you here?" she asked, "We saw your announcement on the iCarly website. It spread really quick, it even reached theslap.com. Is it true? You guys will do an iCarly special?" Jade asked, "Yeah we are! Although we still need a place to shoot.." Carly informed them, "Oh, I was just going to post a tweet saying that I'm going to have a New Year's party at the rooftop of my house.. you guys can't really notice it but it's big and we also have a mini bar there, a karaoke machine setup" Tori implied and sent a tweet about the party, "Oh and I can get you guys some photographers for a cool New Year's booth" Brad insisted and they all cheered loudly. "Shhh... Be quiet a bit, Sam's sleeping" Carly told them, they leaned to side and see Sam latched onto Freddie, "Well that's not what you see everyday" Spencer made a small grin on his face. "Guys, I'm feeling kinda hungry, anyone want to come with me to inside-out burger?" Robbie asked, they all agree except for Carly, Sam, and Freddie.

Sam then nuzzled against Freddie's chest then woke up to see him smirking at her, she punched his arm and got off him to go to the bathroom. "*Groans* Are you kidding me?!" Carly groaned in an un-Carly like way, "You okay?" Freddie looked at Carly sitting on the floor and her laptop was on the coffee table, she said she didn't really want to sit on the couch since it dozes her off so she just sat on the floor for now. "You know sometimes I just wish shipping wasn't a thing or shipping me with someone I'm not in a relationship with... look at this! I swear to chiz, I'm starting to get annoyed" Carly showed him the comments and rolled her eyes. The comments said:

4everiCarly: Can't wait to see Carly and Freddie kiss at midnight!

Gibayyyyfan123: Gibby and Carly could make such a good match!

Webshowfanatic: Brad looks like a more horrible version on Justin Bieber. Barf!

Cam4llth3way: Sam and Carly should be all sweet during midnight!

iCarlyNation: Creddie is soo much better than that Seddie trash!


"What the hell?!" Freddie exclaimed and furrowed his brows in frustration, "What's the matter baby?" Sam walked out the bathroom and walked to sit beside Freddie, "These comments! *Sigh* Why can't some of our fans just let us deal with our love lives ourselves and not trashtalk about it" Freddie rolled his eyes. Sam looked at the comments, she closed the laptop and facepalmed, "How did Carly and I get shipped?" she asked in confusion, "I don't know either!" Carly flung her arms up, "Anyways, let's just ignore it. They obviously won't stop shipping us with each other, so let's just leave it be" Sam added and she logged onto her slap account to see some new updates while resting her head on Freddie's chest, "Yeah, I guess you're right.." Carly nods and the three get back to what they're doing.
______________iCarly update_____________

Hey iCarly fans. Just a heads-up, our webcast will start at 9pm-12am, that's right! A 4 hours special. We won't be in our original iCarly studio though. Instead, we'll be filming at a friend's house since she'll also host a party there. See you all soon!

At this point, the fans were ecstatic and they probably are screaming right now.

~To Be Continued~

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