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Nobody's pov

The four of them arrived at the hotel, two beds, 1 bathroom, a balcony.. it was a decent room. Sam puts her backpack down on the bed and she grabs he clothes to wear for her next performance which will start in 3 hours, Carly, Spencer and Freddie all tried to settle in while Sam was still in the bathroom. "This room is.. I didnt think it would have 2 big beds" Freddie implied, "I know right? Oh toilet wars is on, Sam! Hurry up, lets watch toilet wars" Spencer exclaimed calling her.

Sam walks out of the bathroom, she's done changing into her new outfit that Jade and Tori picked for her, she didnt put her boots on yet. The three look at her, "Did your hair get darker?" Carly asked, "Yeah, I had ot dye it a lighter brown for another role in a play I had to be in. You guys only noticed that now?" Sam chuckles walking over to watch toilet wars, "Pretty much, and you straightened parts of your hair too.." Freddie replied, "Yeah, I wanted to um.. try something new" Sam said.
(This is what she looks like btw)

(This is what she looks like btw)

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*1 hour later*

"Okay lets get back to Hollywood Arts, I dont see too much cars so I think we'll be there in time." Spencer said gesturing them to head out the room to the parking lot, Sam brpught her songbook so she could give it to Andre They all get in the car.
It was a pretty akward and silent car ride.. "So.. what happened in the car ride awhile ago" Carly teased them, "W-what do you mean?" Freddie asked acting clueless, Sam was just staring out the window

"Fine, I wont push it. *laughs*" Carly replied, she takes a glance at Sam "Hey Sam, can I see some of the songs you wrote?" Carly asked, "uh yeah sure" Sam answered giving Carly her notebook

"Sam, when did you start writing songs?" Freddie asked scooting a bit closer to Sam, "um back in Seattle" Sam replied looking into Freddie's eyes, she snaps back to remember, things should go as planned. "These are really good Sam!" Carly exclaimed then paused, "but your songs are usually love songs.. *smirks* any reason why, Sam?" Carly teased her raising an eyebrow smirks and gestures her eyes back and forth to Freddie and Sam. Sam widens her eyes, "N-no reason! I'll just um, I'll just text uh Andre if the band is ready" Sam exclaimed, she snatched the book out of Carly's hands and pretends to text Andre.

They arrived at Hollywood Arts, Sam had 30 minutes before her performance, Tori and Jade walk up to her, "You'll do great Sam!" Tori said to Sam, "Yeah even though the song is about your-" Jade get cuts off by Tori putting her hand on Jade's mouth, "Jade dont say she wrote a song for her ex when her ex is literally right there.. and, remember... Sam cant be dated right now" Tori whispered to Jade, Tori drags her away.

"Sam, dont you have to go backstage?" Spencer asked, "Oh yeah.." Sam walks to the backstage.

*After 30 minutes*

Sam walks out to the stage, the music starts playing.

Look at the pretty girl, Rocking the summer dress.
Look at the boy with the working tan, stealing another kiss.
Look at the way they're laughing
All happy and in love.
So wrapped up in each other, Can't see the rest of us.

Don't you just hate those people?
Don't they make you wanna scream?
Listen to em' baby talkin'. Oh ain't that sweet.?
It can really cut right through ya, the way they carry on.
Don't you just hate those people, when you're alone.

When your heart is broken, you feel like the only one.
There's a million others, holding hands. Where do they all come from?
Every cafe table, Every movie, every park
They want the whole wide world to know
How in love they are!

Don't you just hate those people?
Don't they make you wanna scream?
Listen to em' baby talkin'. Oh ain't that sweet.?
It can really cut right through ya, the way they carry on.
Don't you just hate those people, when you're alone.

Someday I'll fall back in love, and i'll be one of them!
Missing you's and Love you too's, but until then.

Don't you just hate those people?
Don't they make you wanna scream?
Listen to em' baby talkin'. Oh ain't that sweet.?
It can really cut right through ya, the way they carry on.
Don't you just hate those people, I mean really really hate those people!
Don't you just hate those people, when you're alone.

Oh when you're alone.

Freddie's pov

I watch Sam performing, I felt her emotions through it... she isnt alone.. I want to be beside her but we both agreed that we dont belong to each other.

Nobody's pov

"Oh my god! Sam did amazing!" Carly exclaimed, "yeah!" Freddie agreed, the group went to Tori and the others,
"So.. Sam used to be your girlfriend huh?" Robbie asked, "Yeah.. She's uh she's amazing" Freddie replied blushing, "Yeah well, you cant really have her right now" Jade interupts their conversation, "Wh- why?" Carly glared.

Before things got heated Sam walks up to them, "Hey guys!" Sam exclaimed hugs the others and lastly Freddie, "Hey! You did great!" Freddie said as he tried to kiss her cheek, Sam pulls away from Freddie, "Sorry.. I uh, I cant do that" Sam pulls away from the hug, "Why not?" Freddie asked.

"Well its because I-" Sam gets cut off feeling an arm around her waist, "Hey my little performer! You did an amazing job babe" The guy kisses Sam, she kissed back, Carly, Freddie and Spencer were shocked, "E-excuse me?! What?!" Carly exclaimed, her jaw dropped and her eyes widened, Sam scratches her head "I- um forgot to tell you guys... I have a, boyfriend!" Sam exclaims nervously.

~To Be Continued~

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