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*The day after the webicon*
*August 13*

Freddie's pov

Sundays... the day where I don't know what to do.. I check my phone, it's just 9am, Sam's still sleeping, as much as I don't want to wake her up, I'm doing it anyways for fun. "Sam, Sam, Sam wake u- Fried chicken" I said, I dont know why or how she wakes up with me saying random food she likes, it's kinda cute..

Nobody's pov

Sam wakes up irritated, "Ugh Fredbag why'd you wake me up! Its still 9am" She whines sleepily punches Freddie, "Fine.. you can sleep again" Freddie chuckles, Sam groans "I can't sleep now because I'm already awake, it's harder to fall asleep again" she said.

"Okay, well I'll just take a bath and you just stay here" Freddie said standing up and walks to the bathroom. Sam just lays there on her phone, she gets an email saying
"Dear Samantha Puckett,

We would like to inform you that we've seen your talents during the pageant show you've entered 1 year ago, One of our staff also known as your former pageant coach, Lane Alexander, Stage name is Ernie. Recommended you. What we would like to offer you is that in your highschool years, you may Audition for us anytime here at Hollywood Arts L.A. We've seen plenty of talent and potential in you, and we thought that you would be a great fit here in our school. We would like to hear back from you as soon as you can, if you would agree to this offer or deny it. Thank you very much and have a great day.

Sincerely, Hollywood Arts Highschool.
(Not a real gmail acc btw)


Sam sits up in shock "Wait... what!?" Sam exclaimed forgetting Freddie was in the shower near his room, "Sam! Are you okay? What happened?" Freddie ran inside the room after changing into his clothes, "Uh.. Nothing!" Sam exclaimed closing her phone, "uhh okay... anyways, do you know what day it is?" Freddie smirking sitting beside her on the bed, Sam looked at him oddly "Um, Sunday?" She asked raising an eyebrow in confusion

Freddie frowns at her, "Y-you dont remember?" He asked, "What do I not remember?" Sam laughs still confused
"Sam... August 13... the day I secretly told you at school that I liked you, that was the time you told me that you liked me too, and then 3 months ago we were finally ready to date so we became official.. but... last year was when we actually were "dating" like our anniversary... y-you really dont remember" Freddie tried to make her recall, it was no use, "Freddie I-" Sam gets choked on her words, "Sam...I'm sorry but, I think we need to take a break... Not officially break up, just you know maybe not see each other for a week?" Freddie suggested, Sam looks at him like her heart just shattered, She stands up heading to the door trying not to show that she's disappointed, "Freddie.. I just forgot one day" She said in a monotone voice, "Sam, this day was important to us.. you even said before that you wouldn't ever forget August 13, you also forgot my birthday!" Freddie exclaimed, "Ugh well you forgot min-" She gets cut off

"No I did not! I threw you a surprise birthday party with Carly, Gibby, and Spencer! Let me guess, you forgot about that too!" Freddie yelled at her, "Fine maybe I did, If you dont want me here because of me forgetting things! Then I'll leave!" Sam yelled back louder hearing a faint crack in her voice, "*Sigh* I'll see you at the icarly recording tonight" Sam slams the door.

*Later that night*

Sam's pov

Calm down Sam, you're strong... being sad makes you look vulnerable and weak! It's just Freddie, just be who you are on normal days shooting icarly. I said to myself.

Nobody's pov

Sam enters Carly and Spencer's apartment looking normal, trying to be as calm as possible... "Hey Carls" Sam said normally, "Heyyy so hows your boyfriend?" Carly asked teasing her and smirking, Sam chokes up "U-uh he's fine!" Sam replied, after saying that Freddie walks in the apartment, "Hey.." He greeted and passed them to get some water, "Arent you going to kiss Sam or?" Carly looked at him weirdly, "Uh.. We just agreed w-we didnt want much PDA you know..." Freddie replied with an alibi, "But you guys are in my apartment, it's just me.. spencer isn't here and-" Carly gets cut off by Sam "Uh Hey arent we supposed to do icarly in like 10 minutes?" Sam luckily changed the subject.

They all went upstairs Freddie grabbing the camera, "in 5, 4, 3-" Sam stopped him, "Wait I forgot my blue remote on the tech cart" She said, Freddie rolls his eyes "Yeah you tend to forget important things alot" He implied, "Ugh whats that supposed to mean Fredbag?" Sam replied sounding pissed, "Oh you know you just forget important things that really matter to other people and to yourself!" Freddie exclaimed putting the camera down, Carly interupts "Guys! What is up with you two today? We can cancel icarly today, we can always do it on wednesday since thats our normal time of recording, now you better tell me whats wrong or I'm shoving you two inside the elevator to talk and leave you there" Carly exclaimed trying to convince them to tell her, "It's none of your business Carly" Sam replied.

Carly pushes them in the elevator to talk to each other and pushes the button to close it.

Nobody's pov ( Just Sam and Freddie)

"So..." Freddie muttered trying to start a conversation with Sam, "uh, What do we talk about?" Sam asked leaning on the wall of the elevator, "us... Look, Sam do we just.." Freddie trying not to emotionally hurt her that much, "Officially.. Break up?" She asked finishing his sentence "*sigh* Seems like it... but you know, it was.. mutual" Freddie replied, "Yeah... *sigh* well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then...as friends" Sam said sighing, "But you know maybe if you get a little more normal.." Sam interupts Freddie, "Or if you get a little more abnormal.. Maybe we can start over again?" Sam implied, "*chuckles* Sounds good to me.." Freddie agreed with a slightly smiling pouty face, "*sigh* oh well..." Sam said pressing the elevator button to get out.

The elevator stops, the door opens...
(The emotional scene is coming)

Sam walks out the elevator, followed by Freddie, "I love you.." Freddie said, Sam stops... "...*smiles* I love you too.." She said, they kissed for the last time and left the building to go home and just wait for her mom to get home the next other days.

*The next day after school*

Nobody's pov

Sam knocks on Carly's door and walks in, "Hey how are you and Freddie?" Carly asked while sitting on the couch watching girly cow, "Uh... We're done.." Sam answered her, Carly widens her eyes.. "Done with what? With yours and his project for science?!" Carly stood up walking over to Sam shaking her
"Nope...We're over, Freddie and I.. broke up" Carly shocked, "Oh my god.. I'm so sorry... Sam, are you alright? What happened last night in the elevator?" Carly saying while hugging her, "It's okay Carls.. we just thought we didnt really, you know... click. I mean we said it was mutual, we're still friends... just not, dating anymore" Sam explained hugging Carly back.

"Carly? Do you have ham in the fridge?" Sam asked, "No but we have pudding" Carly replied pointing at the fridge, Sam walks over to get it. Freddie walks in the apartment, "Hey-" Carly cuts Freddie off, "Why'd you break up with Sam!" Carly said gripping his shirt threatiningly, Sam walks over to the counter eating the pudding and checking her phone, "You told her?" Freddie glances at Sam asking her, "I mean we had to tell her eventuall-" As soon as Sam responds she gets a call from...

~To Be Continued~

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