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*Still at Karaoke doki*

Nobody's pov

"Oh Carly sent us a video in the gc" Freddie and Sam scoot a bit closer to each other to see what the video was.. it was none other than.. The pocky video, Sam and Freddie both cleared their throats after watching the video, and look at each other, "Well... I- uh.. I didn't expect for it to be that video" Sam stuttered akwardly, "Yeah.. h-how about let me try and find Carly and Spencer, they've gotta be near in enough range to hear some parts of our conversation" Freddie tries to stand up, Sam pulls him back down, "I have an idea" Sam whispered.

Sam pulls out her phone and puts a fake ringtone on it, she answers the "Call" and winks at Freddie, "Oh hey Brad! How have you been? Oh you're asking for Carly? She isnt here right no-" Carly rushes to the table grabbing Sam's phone, "w-what? Sam! You tricked me, I really thought it was him" Carly said and pouts, "I knew you would fall for it Carls" Sam laughs, Freddie laughs with her, Carly playfully rolled her eyes and grins. She signaled Spencer to come back, "You are a clever one Sam.." Spencer said raising an eyebrow, smirking and pointing at her.

*At the other table*

"They sure do get along well" Robbie implied, "Yeah.." All of them say in unison, "I'm now curious.. who's Brad?" Robbie added, "If this is about you asking Sam out and need us to help you with it, I dont want to hear it" Jade cuts in, "Honestly I have to agree with Jade on this one" Tori agreed, "Yeah.. me too" Andre, Beck, and Cat also agreed

"Fine! I'll just do it myself!" Robbie exclaimed, putting down Rex to fix his hair, "Robbie.. how about you just stay put and not interrupt them" Beck suggests, "No way! I dont want to buy Jade ANOTHER overpriced scissors" Robbie exclaims and walks up to Sam, "Hey, Sam do you wanna-" Robbie gets cut off, "I dont want to hear it Robbie. My answer is no" Sam replied before letting Robbie complete his sentence, Robbie looks at Carly, "Nope!" Carly immediately exclaimed.

Robbie walks back at their table, "That was a brutal rejection Robbie" Jade laughs, "When does the bet end?" Tori asked, "Tomorrow" Beck answered.

*The two groups walk out of the Karaoke doki and parted ways*

Nobody's pov (icarly)

They were all in the Car. Sam and Freddie at the back, the Shay siblings sit infront. It was a 25 minute long car drive to the hotel Freddie, Carly, and Spencer for 4 days in L.A, they already checked out of the hotel they were staying at in Reddings, Cali. There were some traffic while heading to the hotel, luckily.. Sam's second performance would still be in 4 hours so they had plenty of time.

During the car ride, Sam was getting sleepy due to the tiredness of her first performance, as soon as she closed her eyes, she immediately fell asleep... on Freddie's shoulder ofcourse, Carly looks at the rearview mirror to see Freddie smiling gently at sleepy Sam, "*Chuckles* Freddie.. nobody's going to judge if you want to cuddle her" Spencer said and smiled, he was also taking a glance at the rearview mirror once in awhile, "But what if she-" Freddie thinks deeply, he gets cut off by Carly, "Oh stop with the 'what if' thoughts Freddie, she wont kill you if you do that" Carly rolled her eyes trying to let things sink into Freddie's brain that Sam wont get bothered about it.

Freddie glances and smiles at Sam sleeping, he gave in. Freddie pulls Sam closer to him and her head shifts to rest on Freddie's chest, he strokes her smooth blonde curls. "See, it wasnt so bad" Carly said taking a picture and a video of the two cuddling.
(Something like this)

Freddie starts to fall asleep too

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Freddie starts to fall asleep too. It was just Carly and Spencer talking, "Did you get some pics of them?" Spencer asked, "Of course! Even if they arent official this cuddling position takes the cake, its obvious they still like each other. I mean would exes cuddle like that?" Carly replied fangirling, "No they wouldnt. Oh we're kinda near the hotel. Its a shame that we have to wake them up" Spencer replied.

Sam's pov

I flutter my eyes open a bit, I realized that I fell asleep.. Shocked that I'm in an oddly comfprtable position, when I wake up from a nap in the car, my neck and shoulders feel uncomfortable. Huh? I felt a hand stroking my hair and another hand holding my back so I wont roll off the seat, I look up to see Freddie asleep stroking my hair, my legs on his thigh.. Thats cute. Wait... Freddie's cuddling me! I- how did this happen?! I could've sworn I was just in a fetal position at the other side leaning against the window! I try to pull up and sit normally again, but he just tightened his arms around me.

I felt my cheeks warm up a bit, and at that moment I knew I was blushing. I gave in, I wrapped my arm around his waist.. I missed this, I missed him. Ughhh my softness towards him! I close my eyes again and felt the car brake.

Nobody's pov

"Carly, theres an inside out burger place here, let me just park the car and buy some burgers for us. The drive thru looks long" Spencer parks the car and gets out, sprinting to the fast food chain. Carly stays in the car, just looking at the rearview mirror but doesnt make it obvious so it wont seem like she's a creep.

Sam tears up with her eyes closed, Freddie felt a tear drop on his chest and wakes up, shocked seeing Samantha Puckett, the badass, tough, hard to control girl, starting to tear up. He couldnt help but hug her tighter, more tears come out her eyes. Carly widens her eyes, thinking to herself "Holy chiz! Uh.. why is Sam crying? I-is she having a bad dream? Come on Freddie do something!" Carly exclaimed in her mind but cant make up the courage to exclaim at Freddie to do something.

Freddie's pov

Sam's tearing up.. d-did I cuddle her wrong? Wait is she crying because I'm cuddling her! Come on Benson! Think, uh.. I have no choice, this usually works when Sam is having either a bad mood. Sorry Sam but I want you to calm down, I'm here..

I kiss her forehead for 3 seconds, she stops gripping my shirt at the back... phew! She's calmed, I'll just go back to sleep, Spencer is still at inside out burger so he may take long, we have 3 more hours till Sam's performance. Might as well let her rest.

Sam's pov

Sam! Stop crying! It makes you vulnerable! I keep saying to myself, I think about when Freddie and I were dating, I just dont want to let go of him, he moved on Sam! Just stop cryi-
D-did he just kiss my forhead, and it worked?! I ungrip my hands on his shirt and fall back asleep.

Nobody's pov

"Nice job Freddie" Carly murmers towards him she smirks, "T-thanks" Freddie replied akwardly, "Thanks for the birthday gift..." Carly chuckles, "What do you mean?" Freddie asked, he realized Sam is slightly shifting awake, he strokes her hair to fall back asleep, "You and Sam, remember.. I told you that the birthday gift I wanted was for you guys to realize that you two still have feelings for each other. I mean you calmed her down, you two are cuddling right now, you kissed her forehead.." Carly replied in a genuine tone, "but we both agreed to just be friends" Freddie blurts out, "it doesnt seem like it to me" Carly grins, Spencer gets back in the car with the burgers and continue to the hotel across the big road.

~To Be Continued~

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