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Nobody's pov

Freddie shut the door on Sam.. she just stood there in shock for about 15 seconds and shakes her head and breathes in slowly and exhales to snap out of it, and walks back to Her and Cat's apartment. She went to get a tub of chicken and just stays there, with an emotionless expression.

Freddie's pov

I cant believe Sam was the one who asked me to get back together, I mean I would.. but she has to try harder, the tone of her voice awhile ago wasnt sincere enough. A ring came from my phone, it was Carly. I didnt pick up.

*1 week later*

Nobody's pov

Sam's heart was breaking in the inside but she still was faking a smile she would always say to herself, "Crying is vulnerable" so people wouldnt worry about her. It was early in the morning, about 6am, they dont have to be at school till 8am but Sam was awake, she walks out the apartment and to her motorcycle. About 40 minutes later, she comes back with a box.

*At Freddie's school*

Freddie was hanging out with some friends, 2 girls, 2 guys including Freddie. Their names were Hailey, she is a brunette with green eyes, Analyn, she is Filipino-American with black hair and brown eyes, and lastly Jason, he also had brown hair and brown eyes.

"Do you guys want to go ice skating with me? You can invite as many people as you want" Jason asked, "Sure!" The 3 said in unison, "When is it?" Analyn asked, "Uh this Saturday" Jason answered, "Didnt you used to compete? When you were younger?" Hailey assumes and looks at Jason, "Yeah! When I was younger but theres this girl I couldnt beat much, she has this main song she always skates too... uh, what is it? Oh Reflection from mulan" Jason replied, "Does she still ice skate?" Freddie asked, "I dont know, maybe, maybe not" Jason said while shrugging his shoulders.

*After school*
*Back at the apartments*

Robbie and Cat were with Tori and Andre at NOZU. Freddie hears a loud knock on his door, he opens it to see Sam in tears, "Sam-" He gets cut off, "Freddie... I want you back! I was jealous okay? I-I just didnt want to lose you again! Heres a new webcam because you always said you needed a new one.. a-and I want to accept it and I want you back! I-" Sam gets cut off by Freddie kissing her, he wipes her tears, "Sam dont cry... this is I think the first time I've seen you cry alot and it doesnt make me happy" Freddie said, she kisses him again, "I've missed you" Freddie muttered and smiled softly, "Me too.. you nub" Sam hugs him and grips his shirt.

*An hour later*

Sam and Freddie were cuddling and watching tv. Cat and Robbie went in, "aww you two made up" Cat cheered, "Yeah.. oh I almost forgot, do any of you want to go ice skating? Its this Saturday" Freddie asked, "Yeah, why not?" Robbie said, Cat also agreed, "Sam? You want to go ice skating with some friends?" Freddie looks at her, "Sure, I havent skated in awhile" Sam agrees, "Wait..is that girl going there?" Sam raised an eyebrow, "*chuckles* Yes but you're the only girl I'll be kissing there" Freddie smirks at her, Sam smiles, "Okay I'll be there" she said.

*The next day*

Freddie and his friends were eating lunch, "Do you know that school Hollywood Arts?" Jason asked, "Yeah, why?" Hailey adds another question, "Well, H.A asked our principal if they could get people from our school who are really good with tech and can program things for them during performances!" He exclaims joyfully, "Freddie, doesnt your girlfriend go to that school?" Analyn assumed, "Yeah, I also invited some friends from there to go ice skating with us too" Freddie replied, "You have a girlfriend?" Hailey chuckles slightly at him, "Yeah, you guys met her what.. 3 weeks ago? She has a pingpong tournament today so I cant call her right now" Freddie replied, "O-oh.." Hailey muttered and proceeds to drink her water.

Meanwhile at Hollywood Arts, Tori and the others including Sam were in the van heading to the shop to buy trophies but before going to the shop, they stopped by a near Mexican food truck outside Freddie's school to buy some tacos. Freddie looks outside to see a girl with red hair wearing a team jacket that says H.A
Luckily he was at the outdoor tables eating lunch with friends, he stands up to see the team, including Sam and walks up to them.
"Hey, I thought you had a tournament today?" Freddie asked putting his arm around Sam, "Oh we just wanted some tacos" Jade replied, Freddie nods his head, "I think we need to go.. there might be traffic later" Andre said, they all agreed, Freddie kisses Sam for 3 seconds and Sam gets back into the van "Cya later nub!" Sam exclaimed.

When Freddie walks back to his group, Analyn and Jason are grinning, "What?" Freddie raised an eybrow in confusion, "Nothing.. *chuckles* you two were just naturally cute together" Analyn implied, "I didnt see her full face though, and I couldnt meet her 3 weeks ago, I was busy." Jason said.

~To Be Continued~

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