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Nobody's pov

Sam receives a call from an unknown number, "uh hold on" She said to Carly and Freddie, "Who's that?" Carly asked, "I don't know... it's an unknown number" Sam replied, "Well then dont answer it!" Carly exclaimed, "Nah I'm gonna answer it." Sam said standing up to go to the other side of the room for people not to hear the conversation that much, Sam picks up the call...


S: Um Hey?

U: Hey Sam!

S: Who's this?

U: Uh it's me, Tori Vega.. you know the girl who also dated Steven the same time as Carly did...

S: Oh, whats up? How'd you get my number?

T: I got it from Jade because she didn't want to answer my "dumb" questions about you.

S: And why exactly did you guys randomly just talk about me out of the blue?

|Carly and Freddie looking weirdly at Sam|

T: Well we heard that you were offered a kind of scholarship here in Hollywood Arts, and I was just asking if you were considering it. We'd really love for you to go here, Jade can finally have someone to talk to in common

S: Well... I'm still thinking about it, yeah it's a cool opportunity but I still need more time to think.

T: Yeah well, hope you can consider it! Talk to ya soon!

S: Yeah, bye.

_______________End of call_______________

Sam walks back to the counter to finish eating her pudding, "So, who was that?" Freddie asked, "Someone.." Sam replied, "Yeah but who's that someone?" Carly asked sitting beside her, "Uh it was that Tori Vega chick" San answered, "Oh.. why'd she call?" Freddie asked very confused, "None of your business Fredweird." Sam rolls her eyes and walks to the couch

"Sam, we're your best friends, come on tell us" Carly whined, "Nooo, this time I actually want to keep things private" Sam groaned and explained, "Fine, but if you ever need someone to tell things to, just call me" Carly replied sitting beside her, "So... lets watch some girly c-" Sam gets cut off again by another phonecall, "I gotta take this I'll be right back" Sam stands up again to the other part of the room for the two not to hear her that much.


S: yo whats up?

J: Hey Puckett. Please consider going to Hollywood Arts, I'm kinda feeling bored scaring children alone

S: Okay did they pay you to make me consider going there or?

J: Nope they didnt, also because you're a cool girl, and I dont normally say that to other girls. Tori just called you right

S: yeah, look I'm still thinking about it okay

J: Fine, but if you do consider going here, lets hang out, again.. I dont say that to any people at all except for Beck

S: uh sure, maybe I will consider it soon but not now. I gotta go, bye.

_______________ End of call______________

"Who was that this time?" Carly asked now very curious, "Uh it's the gothic girl, Jade" Sam answered, "And what did she say?" Carly kept asking, "Again, I'd like to keep this more private even to friends, I just dont feel like telling you guys" Sam replied and walked out to get a fat cake.

"Carly... do you think Sam is acting very strange today?" Freddie asked, "Yeah like she already wasnt acting strange when you broke her heart!" Carly exclaimed, sad that her OTP ship Sam and Freddie broke up.. "We both agreed.. that we should break up. We both felt that maybe we were, forcing things into a boyfriend-girlfriend thing, when we knew that it would have been better to stay friends" Freddie said.

Mrs. Benson barges in the Shay's apartment to call Freddie, "Freddie! Come here right now, I need to clean your ears with the ear wax cleaner machine!" She said pulling on Freddie's arm, "Mom stop I'm old enough to wax my ears alone!" Freddie exclaimed, "Dont talk back to me!" Mrs. Benson said closing the door from the Shay's apartment.

*The next day*

Sam, Carly, and Freddie are all in class.. bored. Principal Franklin walks in "Excuse me, may I excuse Sam Puckett please?" He asked, the teacher agreed. Sam stands up groaning, "What was I framed for this time?" Sam asked, "It's not about that... Just come on" Sam follows Principal Franklin. They walk in the office Sam sits down.

"Okay.. the reason I called you here is because, I was informed that the L.A highschool Hollywood Arts has offered you a scholarship. Am I correct?" Principle Franklin assumed, Sam confirms, "Well.. I just wanted to say, it's a really good opportunity for you to be in that school. I also just wanted to ask if you were ever considering on moving there any time this school year or next year, so I can put in your records that there is a possibility that you will transfer." He asked, "Uh well I dont know, but I did get calls from 2 students there, and they really wanted me to consider... but I dont know yet, but I am maybe thinking about it once in awhile." Sam confirmed she may be transfering, "Okay, thats all I wanted to hear. Heres a letter from our school mail from Hollywood Arts. Congrats on getting the scholarship, you may go." The principal said, Sam leaves to go to her locker to read the letter.


Dear Sam,

Hey this is from Cat, André, Robbie, Jade, Beck, and Tori. Hey Sam! If you ever consider going here, heres some tips.
1. If you see a homeless looking man outside our school, thats our acting teacher, sikowitz
2. If you want to audition for a play, memorize the bird scene and practice on acting it out
3. If you want to perform a song at any event or even not event, just tell one of he teachers to inform the principal
4. Join the pingpong team!
5. Think of a locker design, we customize our lockers
And lastly, Hang out with us!
Anyways thats all, hope you consider going here Sam!

Sam poutly smiles, she maybe is considering on going there, Freddie and Carly walk up to Sam "Hey Sam, whatcha looking at?" Carly asked, Sam hides the note and puts it in her locker, "Nothing!" She replied suspiciously, "Sam you've been acting so weird lately, we know you're hiding something from us" Freddie said somewhat in a concerned tone.
Principal Franklin got out of his office and approaches the 3 students holding a small package, "Sam heres another one, I forgot to give it to you, it just arrived from the school mail" Principal Franklin walks away after giving it to her, "What is that?" Freddie asked, "I dont know Freddie, I didnt open it yet!" She said giving him that 'Are you dumb' Face

Sam opens up the package and it had a letter inside the book that said, "We sorta stole this from the library, we didnt have an extra copy of ours. This is the bird scene" Sam raises her eyebrows and puts the book in the locker. "Ooo who was that book from?" Carly smirks, "A friend..." Sam replied just saying that.

*The bell rings*

They all walk inside the classroom and all sat down, Sam just looking the note, indecisive of her decision, her face pouting but smiling at the same time, Freddie looks at her, confused and worried.

*The next day*

Sam looking at her notebook at the fire escape, writing a song for her audition, if ever it happens, her guitar on her lap and lyrics on her notebook, humming the tune she's trying to come up with, until Freddie passes by the place he starts to realize that she was just staring at her notebook, tapping her pen. Until she stops, she gets all her things, stands up and looks back...

Freddie's pov

What is she doing? No way, she can play instruments? She- did she just bring a keyboard here, Thank God she can't see me... No way she knows how to play the keyboard.

~To Be Continued~

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