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*The next day*

Nobody's pov

Carly walks down to see Sam still sleeping on the couch, she walks to the kitchen to make some food so Sam could wake up by the smell. Carly hears a knock and Freddie opens the door, "Hey, you're here earlier than usual" Carly said while getting bacon from the fridge to put on the pan, "yeah well, we have school today so I woke up early" Freddie said while dropping his bag on the floor, "Okay well how about you try waking up your GIRLFRIEND that you LOVE because yesterday had so much tension between you two, I can cut it with a sword" Carly said while crossing her arms "Freddie, you guys were just fighting about a movie, I know you want to wake up Sam with a morning kiss" Carly said while making a concerned face, "Fine, I'll wake her up" Freddie said as he walks over beside Sam, "Sam wake up, Sam, Sam!" Freddie shakes her "I guess it's no use, I'm still getting the bacon ready" Carly said, Freddie leans towards Sam's face and kisses her for 5 seconds, "Sam wake up" Freddie whispers "Huh? What?" Sam wake up with her eyes starting to open to see Freddie close to her, She hugs him and kisses him "You miss me?" Freddie smirks "Yeah yeah, whatever Frednub" Sam yawns "I wont tackle you today, because I dont want any fights again puckett" Freddie said smirking.

"Okay so when you guys are done making up and kissing each other, the bacon is ready" Carly said smiling "Oh okay thanks Carls" Sam said while bolting to get the bacon on the table

*they finish eating*

"Okay, Sam get ready for school now, you can use my bathroom and I'll use spencer's bathroom." Carly said while giving her a towel and walking to spencer's bathroom. "Ok thanks Carly!" Sam replied and went upstairs to Carly's bathroom.

Sam's pov

Ah yes, Warm water, It's raining today so its kinda cold. I dont have a jacket here at Carly's place, but I can deal with it, the rain won't get harder anyways.

*After taking a shower*

Oh dammit! It's cold here, I should have gotten my clothes and put it in the bathroom to change, hopefully the door is locked. "Hey Sam are you almo- I'M SO SORRY!" Carly apologized while walking in on me with just my undergarments (Wow, I never thought I would ever use that word)
"No i-it's okay, atleast you aren't fredweird" I say as I put on my pants and shirt, "oh o-okay, I just came up here to get my socks and a jacket." Carly said getting socks from her drawer and starts putting it on, on her bed.

Freddie's pov

Geez it's pretty cold, I didnt realize rain would make it colder here, I should a get a jacket.

Nobody's pov

Freddie walks out the door without informing the girls that he was going to get something from his apartment.
"Uh Sam, I think I heard the door, did Freddie leave for school already?" Carly asked while sitting on the bed on her phone waiting for Sam to put her shoes on "I think he just had to get something from his apartment... or.. he left" Sam said while she finishes up tying her shoes, Carly and Sam both run down to see Freddie not there, but they see his bag is still on the floor.

Freddie opens the door "Are you guys ready to go?" He asked, "Yeah but Where did you go?" Carly answered but followed it up with another question, "Oh I just got a jacket from my apartment since it's colder outside than usual" Freddie answered while grabbing his bag, they all start going to school while spencer drives them there. Spencer at the drivers seat, Carly called shotgun, and Sam and Freddie sat at the back. "Oh, Sam I forgot to tell you, here's a jacket if you might need one, I just thought that you migh-" Freddie gets cut off with her kissing him, he kissed back "I guess that's a thanks" Freddie smirks

Carly looks at the rearview mirror seeing them be all lovey dovey "Awwww" She squeeled while sneakily taking pictures, Spencer followed by saying "That's sweet... I never thought that 2 people who hated each other so much could be all kissy kissy" He said teasing them, The Shay siblings laugh while Sam just rolls her eyes and Freddie just grins.

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