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(I'll be giving some of the Fans names and some of them already with names that was given by the show. Here are the names, Stacey, goopy gilbert, Gavin, Eric, Craig, Ado, and I'll probably name the pearpad girl... Allison??)

Sam's pov

Ugh wheres my leather jacket? Uh maybe its at the backroom, "Fredward, do you see my leather jacket here anywhere?" I ask, to see him hold up my jacket, "You mean this one little Samanther?" He said smirking, ughh gaddamnit! When did he get so charming? And more importantly, when did I get softer with my emotions?! "Give it, Frednub" I try to reach my jacket and finally get it, when I pulled my jacket, his hands and arm follow to reach my cheek. That smooth little nerd, "You know, we're taking a bit too long... Carly might worry ya know?' I say smirking, "And you know.. before we head out, I'd like to kiss my princess puckett first" He replied with that annoying yet cute smirk of his, we kiss for atleast 10 seconds and we started walking back.

Fan's pov

"Does anybody know how to read lips so we know what Carly and the Brad guy are saying?" Allison asked while trying to find more pics of Creddie in her pearpad, Gavin raised his hand "I may know a thing or two. They're saying.... 'Look at this picture of us during the prancer'? Oh uh sorry I meant dance" Gavin said, "So they went to a dance with each other! Interesting..." Stacey replied, her face looking like she's scheeming, "Oh oh oh! Sam and Freddie are back, they just got their other stuff" Ado announced to the table, they all observe.

Nobody's pov

"Hey guys, we're back. If you think I didnt forget my jacket awhile ago, you were wrong" Sam said, "You know Sam... you havent hit me physically today" Freddie said while smirking, "Oh really now Fredward?" Sam asked while she stepped on his foot, "OW! That was stronger than I thought it would!" Freddie exclaimed half in pain, "aww baby... you cant take my hits?" Sam smirks while taking her last fry and eats it, "Nyeehh" Freddie mocks her, "Nyehh!" Sam mocks back.

"You know if you guys could stop messing around with each other, we can go to different stalls that probably sell cool things" Carly laughs butting in Sam and Freddie's playful time.

Fan's pov

"Aww, I kinda ship Seddie now... I now get why people would see them as a good couple..." Allison said grinning on how cute they look, "Thats what I thought so too!" Eric exclaims, "I told you guys... the saying is sometimes right, opposites do attract" Gavin replied to the two of them.

The fans all just keep "observing" their movements, Allison takes her big pearpad to zoom in on them. (Stalker moment right there)

Nobody's pov

"Aww look at you two! Brad and I were just Fangirling/Fanboying you and Freddie, I mean you can't deny that both of you look cute in this picture. I mean look at it!" Carly squeels, showing them the picture, "Okay, that is kinda cute... Ah I gotta go wazz, I'll be right back" Sam said standing up, "Wait let me come with you, I need to wazz too!" Carly runs up to her and they walk to the washroom.

"Why do girls always have to go to the washroom together?" Freddie laughs asking Brad if he knows, "I dont know either man, maybe it's a really common girl thing" Brad replied while Brad laughs with Freddie "Oh Carly texted me lets wait for them outside the washroom so we can check out the stuff they sell here after they're done. Lets go" Brad said and stood up, followed by Freddie, they left the table to see the girls.

Fan's pov

"Guys guys guys! They're leaving the table" Ado exclaimed, "ehh I'm kinda tired from all this spying stuff, maybe lets just explore this convention and have fun" Eric replied standing up, "Yeah lets all go together, since I kind of enjoyed hanging out with you guys" Allison suggested, they all agreed and they went to different shops together.
(Wow, FRIENDSHIP!) They head to shipping booth shops.

Nobody's pov

The girls walk out the washroom while the guys are waiting for them, "So, what booth should we go to?" Brad asked, "Ah lets go to the photobooth, we can frame our collage pics or something like that, Brad and I did that awhile ago it was great! And you guys can put a collage of you two" Carly suggests, "That'd be cool but we dont have any pictures of us printed, do they do digital?" Freddie asked while putting his arm around Sam's waist, "Yeah just give them the picture and they'll print it and frame it. I also made you guys a collage already!" Carly exclaimed and shows them the collage she made.

"Not baaad shay" Sam smirks looking at it, "Well lets go so you two will have a picture frame of your relatioship!" Brad said, they went to the booth

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"Not baaad shay" Sam smirks looking at it, "Well lets go so you two will have a picture frame of your relatioship!" Brad said, they went to the booth.

Fan's pov

They all looked at the Creddie and Seddie shirts, pins and photoshops.
Stacey glances over to her right to see Sam, Freddie, Carly, and Brad at the photobooth, "Guys look, they're at the photobooth" Stacey informs them, they all look to the direction of the icarly gang.

Nobody's pov

"Okay, now we'll wait for them to frame it for 10 minutes, do you guys want anything from the vending machine?" Carly asked, "Carls I'll have a candy bar, I'll pay you back later" Sam said while staying to wait for the frame, "Guys I'll be right back, I'm going to see if Carly got the right flavor I asked her" Brad chuckles and leaves for awhile.

Freddie was thinking to himself, "*chuckles* I'm glad Sam's my girlfriend... having a frame of her in my room would be almost close to her waking up beside me om my bed.I love my little fibber.." Freddie smirks putting his hand around Sam's waist,
Sam looks at him laughing, "You know Freddie.. I heard every single word you said, I think your thinking out loud again... but, I love you too...fredduccini" Sam looks up at him and leans closer to him, he leans closer to her and kiss for 5 seconds.

Carly walks up to them "Heyy, saw you two smootchin' anyways, heres your candy bar Sam" Carly gives her the candy bar.

Fan's pov

All their eyes widen "Well, I guess the Seddie shippers were right!" Eric said smirking, goopy gilbert a seddie shipper saw their kiss and yelled "SEDDIE!" Sam and Freddie look at them and rolls their eyes grinning.

Nobody's pov

Sam and Freddie finally got the 2 frames and then they all went home. Sam sleeps at Freddie's apartment because her mom isn't going home till 2 days later.

~To Be Continued~

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