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"We'll take it from there," I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Shorter with some other guys. "Still haven't lost your touch?" He asked. "Nice to have you back, Ash and Y/N."

"Yeah, jail sucked," I said. "Especially for Aslan-"

"You call me Aslan one more time and I swear to god, I will shoot you on the spot."

"Uh.." I said. "So how's life been?"

"Eh, not the same without you and Ash around," Shorter replied. Two guys grabbed the dude following us.

"Let him go after he talks," he said as they walked away.

"Still acting like the good saint?" Shorter asked. "When will you-"

"I'm just saying that he isn't worth killing," Ash simply replied. "It'll just make more trouble."

"You just threatened to kill me-"

"That's different."

"Oh, fuck you!" I snapped while he smirked at me.

"Why not?" Shorter asked. "Settle it once and for all? Arthur thinks he's some big shot now. Gotta stop him."

"Hasn't Arthur always thought that way?" I asked. He shrugged.


"Anyone know what happened to Griff's body?"

"Nobody came to pick it up," Eiji responded. "So it's still at the coroner."

"Now that I'm on the run, it'll be chucked into a public graveyard, huh." Ash looked up at us. "You back out now, Shorter. I'll settle this myself." He grunted softly and I just stared at him.

"Ash, you can't keep telling everyone to do their own shit! You're gonna get yourself killed!" I snapped.

"This is my problem. it doesn't concern you guys," he said.

"Last time, you nearly died fighting people."

"I didn't have a gun."

"I had to protect you."

"Like I said, Y/N, I didn't have a gun-"

"Still! You could fucking die!" I retorted. "Just because you're a leader of a fucking gang doesn't mean you can just not go wherever the hell you want and not die! What if you lost your gun?"

"I won't-"

"Aslan Jade Callenreese!"

"You could!"

"What do you mean?" Eiji asked Shorter.

"I won't lose it! I can't!"

"She always brings up his full name and fight like an old married couple," Shorter replied. Eiji nodded.

"I'm going with you wether you like it or not!"

"This happens how often?" he asked.

"Happens a lot," Shorter said.

"Ah, life must be nice then. Just hearing them argue 24/7." Shorter nodded.

"Shorter, shut up," I said.

"And that." I glared at him and back at Ash.

"Let's go," I said and they led the way to wherever we were going. By nightfall, we arrived. Ash, Eiji, and I sat on a couch and Shorter brought a chair over.

"Eiji, you should get home to Ibe," Ash said. Eiji looked up at him.

"I'll probably worry him more," he replied.

"He's probably worried enough," I muttered. "Ash, he's fine, I gave him a knife, he can defend himself and defend his own ass."

"Wow, thanks, Y/N," he said, annoyed.

"No problem."

"If I leave, I'll never forgive myself," Eiji said.

"Oh god, here's your sad backstory," I groaned.

"Y/N!" Ash snapped.

"Don't fucking yell at me!"

"I didn't! Now you're yelling at me!"

"Calm down!" Shorter said then looked at Eiji.

"I used to be a pole jumper back in Japan."

"Who would've guessed? You could get along with Y/N if she wasn't being a pain in the ass!"

"Why the hell are you aiming shit at me?!" I barked.

"You're acting like a child!"

"Ash wants to fucking go shoot people by himself!"

"Y/N, for one second, be quiet!" I stuck my tongue out at Ash and face planted into a pillow. "Eiji can pole jump, I saw it with my own eyes."

"It was a pretty high wall and impressive since he did it with a rust pipe," I added, my voice getting muffled by the pillow. "He saved Ash's life."

"I can't jump anymore though," Eiji said. I sat up and stared at him.

"I call bullshit," I said. "You jumped over a high wall with a rusty pipe and you're claiming you can't jump anymore?"

"Not like that, I mean as an athlete."

"Is there a difference?" I asked.

"Ibe-San saw how depressed I was and brought me here with him," he continued, ignoring my question.

"Still calling bullshit."

"I don't want to quit, I just want to see the end of it."

"We've all got reasons," Shorter said. "It's up to you, Ash."

"Yeah, Aslan," I said, smirking. He just looked back at me.

"I'll only accept it this one time," he said. "But no more after this." I nodded.

"Whatever you say, Aslan." He shook his head and got up.

"Let's just rest for the night." I nodded in agreement and headed to a room and shut the window. I climbed into bed and sighed until I heard a noise. I looked around.

"Shorter, this isn't funny," I said, getting out of bed. No response. I pulled out my knife. "Shorter, if this is you, you better stop me before I accidentally stab you." I stopped walking and turned around, kicking the person behind back onto my bed. I pinned them down, letting my mouth hold the knife. "How the fuck did you get out of jail and in here?" I asked.

"I have my ways," Vivian said, smirking.

"Shit," I said and dragged her out of the room. "Guys!" I shouted. Shorter and Ash came running out.

"Who the hell is she?" Shorter asked. Ash glared.



"One of Golzine's guys," I said. I threw her on the ground for Ash and Shorter. I took my knife and stuck it in my pocket.

"We can't let her go, she'll tell Dino where we are," Shorter said.

"Then keep her here," Ash replied.

"Ok, you guys do whatever the hell you want with her, I just wanna sleep," I said.

"Yeah, we can handle her from here," Shorter responded. I walked back into my room and put my knife on the nightstand. I flopped onto my bed and quickly fell asleep.

(a/n: I finally did this chapter lmao I wasn't gonna finish it tonight because I got sad from banana fish content I saw but I did it :D enjoy this chapter or I hope you liked it ??? ;-; yeah.)

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