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We hit the water and started swimming. We reached shore where everyone else was. I crawled up and dropped to the ground. "Y/N!" Eiji said.

"I'm fine," I muttered. "Just got shot in the shoulder and have a sprained wrist, aha.."

"Oh, god," Vivian murmured.

"I think I'm just gonna lay here for a bit," I said before fainting.

I woke up on a couch and groaned. "Where.." I sat up.

"It's my hideout," Max replied, not looking at me. I looked at my wrist which was bandaged and so was my shoulder. Ash sat up.

"We're in Max's hideout," I said before he could say anything.

"Hey, Ash," Shorter said.

"Hey, how come you didn't say hi to me?" I complained.

"You are still mad at me from today."

"Oh, yeah."

"Wait, what?" Max asked.


"Ash and Y/N kissed," he blurted out.

"Shorter Wong!" Ash and I snapped.

"Oh god, he's picking up Y/N's habits!" Shorter said.

"Well I'm gonna sleep again. Wake me up when we're doing something."

It was the next morning and everyone was still sleeping. I propped myself up with one elbow and threw off my blanket. I sat up and sighed. "Huh, you're awake," someone said. I turned around and saw Vivian.

"Since when are you a morning person?" She jumped over the back of the couch.

"Since forever, dumbass," she joked.

"Do you know what we're gonna do today?" She shrugged.

"I did hear Max talking about going to Cape Cod where Griffin and Ash grew up." I nodded.

"I miss that place," I sighed. She tilted her head.

"What do you mean?" I looked over at her.

"My home wasn't a good one so I ran away," I said. "I ran for a while just to get away and found their house."

"Really?" I nodded. We talked for a while before Ash got up. "Hey, Aslan."

"Oh god, she's calling me Aslan," he muttered.

"Is it true Y/N lived with you?" He looked up at us.

"Yeah, what about it?" He asked.

"Nothing, she just said how she met you guys."

"We have known each other for a while," he said, sitting down.

"Surprised you guys didn't get together then."

"Vivian!" I said.

"What? It's true!"

"Thanks, Shorter," I murmured. I got up and sighed.

"We should head to the truck," he said. "Actually, you guys go to the truck, I'll stay behind and wake the others." Vivian and I nodded and headed to the truck. We sat on the back and sighed.

"Look, about what happened in prison-"

"It's fine, Vivian," I interrupted. "Just, don't stab me again." She giggled.

"I won't." I heard them walk towards the truck and I opened the back. There were some pillows so I quickly claimed one. Vivian, Shorter, Eiji, and Ibe climbed into the back. I face planted into my pillow and didn't fall asleep. Halfway in Vivian sat up, shocked. "Fuck," she muttered. I crawled over to her. Everyone else was sleeping.

"What is it?" She took off her shoe and took a chip out. "Is that-"

"A tracker."

"Holy shit, surely the water broke it!" She inspected it and shook her head. "Damnit!" I opened the door and saw it fly through the air and onto the street.

"I turned it off before throwing it," she panted as the door shut.

"Let's just not tell the others about this," I sighed. She nodded. She slipped her shoe back on and after a while, the car stopped. The doors swung open and Ash stood there.

"Get out."

"Hey, Aslan," I said.

"Y/N, not right now," he said. "Get your lazy asses up." Shorter yawned.

"My lazy ass hurts," he said. Eiji turned over, looking at Ash. I hopped out of the truck with the others behind. Eiji looked over the place.

"I can't believe this is 500 km from New York!" He exclaimed. I chuckled.

"It's a nice place," I said.

"Has Ash taken you here before?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I lived here with him after running away from my family," I replied. "That's why we're so close."

"How come he's still mad when you call him Aslan?"

"I do that to annoy him." Eiji nodded and smiled.

"I might call him Aslan, too."

"Don't, he's already pissed Vivian picked it up," I warned.

"She did?" I nodded. "Ok, never mind then" I smirked.

"You've got guts, I'll give you that," I said.

"I do?" I nodded.

"Yeah, just actually shoot people," I joked.

"Hey, that's not funny!" He whined.

"It is a little bit funny."

"I almost died!"

"But you didn't." Eiji looked at me in disbelief.

"How does Ash put up with you?" He asked.

"He's Ash Lynx, what do you expect?"

"Death threats haven't come true?" I shook my head.

"How much do you wanna bet he does?"

"My life." Eiji just stared at me.

"So if he kills you, I get your life but if he doesn't, you get mine?"

"Mhm!" He looked annoyed.

"Yeah, never mind," he said. I chuckled.

"Let's head down," Ash said.

"Hey, didn't your dad-"

"Yes, I know," he interrupted. We walked for a while until we reached a diner.

"Why a diner?" Eiji whispered to me.

"You'll find out," I whispered back. He nodded as I caught up with Ash.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked. He sighed.

"Not really but I have no choice," he muttered. I nodded. "Please don't start screaming at him."

"I can't promise that." He shook his head in disappointment.

"You know what? I really don't care, just please don't kill anyone." I nodded as he opened the door and swung it open. Ash walked inside and I stood by his side. Jennifer looked over at us, surprised.

"It's you guys.." I waved awkwardly.

"How have you been, Jennifer?" Ash asked.

"Aslan, you're Ash." She looked over at me. "And Y/N.. Jim, come over here!" Fuck him.

Aslan's Acquaintance (Ash Lynx x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now