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I peeked inside and quickly disappeared. "I see Blanca, Yut-Lung, and Ash," I whispered. Vivian nodded. "Should I throw a knife?"

"Don't be stupid," Vivian said.

"You're right," I sighed, taking Vivian by surprise. I usually did it anyway. "I'll let Ferret do it."

"Wait, what?" Vivian questioned.

"Bye," I said as I couldn't control myself anymore. Ferret shook herself. You got this.

"Ok, don't be a cheerleader."

Give me an F! Give me an E! Give me an-

"Please shut up so I can do this." "I'm aiming for Blanca," she said to Kai and Vivian.

"Good luck," Kai muttered. Ferret nodded and peeked over, aiming for Blanca. She threw the knife right at him. Her eyes widened as he stepped back, the blade missing him. I heard it clatter to the floor and they all stared at us. She looked at Kai and Vivian. "Run."

"You idiot," Vivian muttered.

"Save that for Y/N." She peeked back in and they were still staring at our direction. I waved my hand and no reaction. "I don't like how they're not reacting so let's slowly back away unless Vivian, you wanna sacrifice your knife so I can kill Yut-Lung-"

"Take my knife." Ferret grabbed her knife and threw it at Yut-Lung. His eyes widened but Blanca pushed him out of the way. "Damnit, Ferret."

"He's fast," she muttered.

"Even for you?" Ferret nodded. I saw Ash looked up.

"Y/N?" He said. Ferret shook her head. He sighed. He knew it was Ferret. She looked at another knife she had. Save it.

"Ok, fine." She sighed and just stood there. Blanca looked up at her and was holding Vivian's knife. He threw it at Ferret and she quickly backed up, dodging the knife. It grazed her arm and she winced. "Y/N," Ash said. He knew it was Ferret but knew I could hear him. "Go, I'll be fine." I didn't want to leave him but he said to. He's not gonna be fine, he never is but he still lives somehow.

"I'm driving," Ferret said as she picked up Vivian's knife. She handed it to her as they backed away. Ferret slowly entered the driver's seat. I felt myself going back into control. I sighed and rested my head on the wheel.

"Y/N, you ok?" Vivian asked. I nodded without looking up. I sniffed and rubbed my eyes. She looked at Kai and he nodded. "Y/N, come over here." I looked at her and slowly climbed into the back. Kai climbed into the driver's seat and I laid down, my head on Vivian's lap. I felt tired but didn't wanna sleep. It bothered me that Ash might not come back to the apartment. My eyes were heavy and I sighed. "Y/N, just sleep."

Is that the first time you've called me Y/N or am I that tired? I didn't get a response and I slowly drifted to sleep.

I opened my eyes and blocked the sun from blinding me. I was still in Kai's car and I sat up. I turned around and Vivian was sleeping. I looked in the driver's seat and so was Kai. I looked around and we were in a parking lot. I opened the door and shut it quietly. I leaned against the car and sighed. I called Eiji again and waited for him to answer. "Hello?" He said when he picked up.

"Hey, where are you?" I asked.

"I'm with the gang and Sing's, you?"

"Um, I'm in a parking lot."

"Odd place to be. Ash?" What could I say? I didn't want Eiji to worry.

"Oh, he went out again. He's Ash, what do you expect?" I responded.

"So nothing new with him. Why are you in a parking lot?" He asked.

"Well, Vivian and a friend of mine had to drive somewhere and I'm guessing Vivian and I fell asleep before we reached the apartment so Kai parked here."

"Kai?" He questioned.

"Friend," I responded.

"Ah, got it," he said. "I should probably get going." I nodded. "Well, talk to you later. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up and opened the passenger's side. I opened the compartment and took some cash for food. We had parked in front of a market and I opened the door. I looked around and grabbed a pack of water, and some sandwiches. I handed the cash to the cashier and took what I bought to the car. I opened the door and looked at the time. 9:00 AM. I tapped Vivian on the shoulder and I watched as she groaned. She opened her eyes and looked at me. I handed her a water and sandwich. "Breakfast," I told her as I got into the car. I shut the door and saw Kai look up. He turned around and I handed him a sandwich and water. "Breakfast."

"Thanks," he muttered and I unwrapped mine. I took a bite and sighed.

"Y/N, you never tended to your cut," Vivian said. I looked at my arm and saw dried blood.

"It's fine. I've lived through worse."

"Describe worse-"

"No." I took a bite from my sandwich and she just stared.

"Or don't describe worse, fine then." I nodded and put my sandwich on the wrapper. I opened my water and looked outside, drinking the water. I put it down and closed it.

"Eiji is with the gang and Sing's," I said. "He asked about Ash and I just said he went out again." I put the water next to me.

"So you lied to him?" Kai asked. I nodded. "Wouldn't it be better if he knew?"

"He can find out on his own. He'll go running for Ash like I did," I told him. "Ash would do anything for us, to be honest, so I see why Eiji would come for him."

"But you could've just told him-"

"Do you want him to die?"

"No, I don't-"

"Then we're not telling Eiji," I said. "You can tell him yourself if you have his number."

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