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I looked up at the ceiling. "You've been laying here for ten minutes, please get up," Ferret begged.

"It's nice, just laying here," I sighed.

"Go do something fun."

Like what?

"I don't know, visit your parents." I shot up and my eyes widened.

"What?" I asked, smiling. "You wanna say that again?"

"I'm just saying, I've never seen them-"

"You keep talking and I swear to god, you will never take control of this body again."

"You know I'm right here?" Vivian asked. "What's Ferret saying?"

"Oh it's-" I got cut off by Ferret.

"I'm asking her to visit her parents." I shook myself.

"Ferret!" I snapped.

"What's wrong?" She asked. I groaned.

"Ferret, that's the worst idea I've ever heard but we aren't doing anything else today. Ash went off this morning and I've never seen your parents," Vivian said. I sighed.

"It's two against one-"

I know how it works, dipshit. I got out of bed. "Fine, we'll go." I stuffed my knife into my pocket.

"Wow, are they dangerous?" she asked.

"No, I just might bring myself to stab them," I replied. "They're both dicks."


"Hate them both, dad's an alcoholic, mom's an asshole, both verbally and physically abused me-"

"Ok, I think I get the point. You sure you wanna go?"

"I'm already out of bed and Ash left me, so why not?" I might have an excuse to kill someone now.

"Please do it-"

Holy shit! I forgot you can hear my thoughts. I sighed. "Ok, can you drive?" I asked.

"Where?" I shrugged.

"I'm not sure, they've moved a bit when I ran but I know they're in Brooke's neighborhood."

"Let's just walk." I nodded. We headed out of the apartment, realizing Eiji wasn't here. "Probably with the gang."

"Where though?" She shrugged. "Aw, damnit, do you have cash?" I asked.

"Ten dollars." She handed it to me. "What for?"

"We can pick up food on the way," I told her.

"Tens dollars isn't enough for two people," she said.

"Just, split whatever we get. Or buy popcorn and shit, I don't know."

"Very responsible over here."

Shut up. We bought some fries on the way. "Why fries-"

"Fries are good, Vivian. Eat some or get none." We had finished the fries by the time we reached the neighborhood.

"Address?" She asked.

"Hm, last I remembered, it was 422," I told her. She nodded and we looked around.

"418," she muttered. "422!" I nodded and walked up to the porch. I raised my hand up to knock and hesitated. I looked at Vivian and back at the door. I shut my eyes as I knocked on the door. The door swung open and some guy, most likely my dad, stood there.

Aslan's Acquaintance (Ash Lynx x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now