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I went to the kitchen to grab a bagel and took a bite. I didn't feel like toasting it or anything. I walked back and plopped on the opposite bed. As I finished my bagel, Eiji sat up. "Did I wake you?" Ash asked. He was at his laptop wearing glasses.

"Not at all," he replied.

"Love the hair, I joked.

"Go back to sleep, it's still early," Ash said to him.

"And you?" He asked Ash.

"I'm stealing."

"Stealing the information on how to eliminate all pumpkins?" I asked.

"Y/N, I thought we were done with that."

"Nope." I sat there smiling and Ash looked over at me and rolled his eyes. Eiji got up and walked over to Ash's side.

"Um, Ash, are you going to keep doing that stuff?" He asked. "You know, gunfights and all that stuff."

"Eiji, we're both in a gang, what do you expect?" I asked, getting up. "Once you're in a gang, that is mainly your life based on what it's like in your area." I paused and looked at Eiji. "You scared?"

"What? No, it's not like that, I'm just saying that being reckless isn't brave-"

"Then what's brave, running away?" I asked him. "I'm sorry but last I checked, I don't live in a small town in Japan with no gangs or no mafia on your tail."

"Hey, I'm older, you should listen," he said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, old man," I muttered.

"Well, forgive us, big brother," Ash said, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Why are you already like that?" Eiji asked. I smirked. "You cried like a baby last night."

"I'm sorry that you're so old, you forgot people have emotions," I joked.

"I'm not an old man!" He complained.

"Come on, big brother." Ash took off his glasses and looked at Eiji. "I'm really busy right now, could you get off my back?" Eiji glared at him and walked away.

"That's one way to do it," I muttered and watched Ash. "Holy shit, that's-"

"Mhm," he said.

"How?" He looked over at me as he shut the laptop.

"Magic," he said.

"Oh, fuck you," I groaned. He got up from his chair.

"I'm gonna go meet with somebody," he said. "Stay here with big brother. I'll be back soon."

"You mean old man?"

"Listen, call him what you want I don't care, just make sure he doesn't die."

"You have my word," I told him. He smiled.

"You're a dumbass, Y/N L/N."

"So are you, Aslan Jade Callenreese." He waved at me before walking away. I walked into the kitchen and saw Eiji with coffee. "Hey, why didn't you ask me if I wanted any?" I complained.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I was the old man and you were the child and I remember that children can't have coffee," he said.

"Pretty sure the coffee could kill you," I muttered as I took a cup of coffee for myself.

"Coffee could what?!"

"Oh, nothing," I sighed.

"Does Ash want one?" He asked. I shook my head.

"He left awhile ago."

"Oh god, did he leave me with you?"

"No, he left you with the rest of the gang. Yes, he left me with you, idiot!" I said, taking a sip. I put the mug down. "I'm gonna go shower. Don't poison my coffee."

"I don't have poison on me-"

"Don't lie!" I called as I walked to the bathroom. I started the shower and quickly undressed. I put my hand under the warm water and stepped in, closing the shower curtain from behind. Where'd Ash go and when's he coming back? I thought to myself as I washed my body. He could be meeting up with the gang although he could've brought us. I rinsed off and got the shampoo. It probably isn't the gang but some secret meet-up they supposed to be, secret. I rinsed the shampoo off my hair and after standing there, I turned it off. I stepped out and grabbed a towel. "Hey, Eiji! If I come downstairs naked, what would be your reaction?" I joked.

"Don't you dare!" He shouted. I chuckled and dried my body. I put my clothes on and started drying my hair. After I finished, I hung the towel up and went downstairs. I grabbed my coffee mug and started drinking it again. "Did you actually consider doing that?" I choked on my coffee.

"No!" I said, disgusted. "God, I might be a flirt at points but no! Never! Ew!"

"Ok, sorry, it was a simple question."

"That's disgusting. You should've known I was joking." I finished my coffee and put the mug back on the counter. I walked over to the couch and saw my paper and pencil in the same spot from last night. I picked it up and continued to draw some type of plant is what it looked like. I had forgotten what I drew but as soon as I saw it, I remembered.

"That's pretty good-" I jumped up and took out my knife. Eiji just stood there, looking terrified.

"Don't sneak up on me!" I sighed, putting the knife away. "Do you do art?" I asked.

"Not really, only sometimes." I nodded.

"Ash admires you, you know that, right?" I asked.

"H-he does?" He questioned.

"I thought it was pretty obvious after last night," I said. "Not admires but envies you."

"Never thought the delicate American would envy a sloppy Japanese."

"Hey, I thought you did a pretty good job. Especially the tofu sandwiches. I don't know where Ash's taste went off to but those sandwiches were good," I said, putting my paper and pencil down.

"Thanks, I guess?" He said, confused.

"Accept the compliment or I'll murder you and blame it on the mafia," I threatened. I sighed and got up, stretching. I slipped on my shoes. "I'm going for a run, um." I put my gun on the table. "Don't die and goodbye," I said as I ran out of the room.

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