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"Y/N, wanna come?" Ash asked, tossing me Vivian's jacket.

"Where?" I put on the jacket and sighed.

"Just some business," he replied. "So yes or no?"

"That's a stupid question, of course, you idiot," I answered. "Why wouldn't I go?"

"Of course you would go," he sighed. "Come on." I walked out the door and waved bye to Eiji. "How did you eat the breakfast?"

"I was hungry, Aslan, and I'm not picky like somebody over here," I said.

"We've been over this, I'm not picky-"

"You ate the rice plain."

"The natto was disgusting and made me feel sick."

"Oh, yeah, sorry!" I apologized. "I forgot you're a delicate American." He rolled his eyes.

"Why do you keep bringing that up?" He asked.

"I remember everything." I didn't look at him. "Everything-"

"Y/N, stop, we don't need to remember that-"

"Wonder if that guy is alive," I muttered.

"I shot him in the leg, I'm sure he's fine," he told me.

"Yeah, you sucked at aiming. Should I tell Eiji?"

"I'd prefer if you didn't." I nodded and we reached an alley. "Stay here."

"Oh, so you bring me on your mission or whatever and tell me to stay by an alley?" I asked.

"Stay on guard," he said, ignoring my question. I leaned against the wall.

"Bye then," I said as he walked into an alley. Does he really need to do something or did he just want to annoy me? After a while, I heard gunshots and I looked into the alley. Ash was walking back, looking dead on the inside. "What'd you do?" I asked. He just grabbed my hand and pulled me away. Is he ok? He ignored me and still held on. "Aslan?" He didn't say anything. "Hey, if you feel guilty about anything, it's fine-"

"It's nothing, Y/N," he said, stopping in his tracks. "Just some guys from the mafia."

"Ah, got it." He let go of my hand. "Where are we going now? Eiji's alone for the most part."

"It's fine, he can handle it," Ash said. "You can go back if you want." There's something wrong with him.

"Are you really Ash Lynx?" He turned around.

"Y/N L/N, that is by far the stupidest question you have asked," he told me.

"Ok, just making sure," I replied.

"You're an idiot, you know that right?" He smirked at me.

"I've known that for a while now," I responded. "You're an idiot, too. Getting yourself into dangerous situations and nearly dying."

"Hey, at least I don't point knives at gang leaders," he joked.

"At least I don't shoot one of his guys' hand."

"Oh, shut up!"

"You brought it up, Ash. Now you can deal with it," I said. He shook his head, smiling.

"You should get back to Eiji, I don't trust him alone," Aslan told me. "Sometimes, it makes me uneasy leaving him at the apartment with Golzine's office so near."

"Yes, sir," I joked.

"Don't get yourself killed on the way there," he told me. He pulled my hoodie on. "There, now you won't be recognized."

"That's stupid. This is Vivian's jacket. She was part of the mafia," I said. "Also, I look kinda suspicious."

"Exactly, now don't die." He gave me a kiss before walking away. That's the Lynx I know. I started walking back and stopped in front of a store.

"He didn't say anything about making quick stops," I said, taking off my hoodie and walking inside. I looked around, hoping nobody I knew would recognize me. I smirked as I saw a pumpkin and picked it up. Ash is gonna thank me later. I stopped at the register and paid for it. I nodded and thanked them. I threw on my hoodie and walked away, pumpkin in hand.

I stopped mid-tracks and looked around. Something felt odd. I was close to the apartment but I took a turn down an alley. I took a right and put down the pumpkin. Stay here. I took out my knife and heard footsteps getting louder. I saw them turn down and I kicked them against the wall. He grunted as he fell to the ground. I looked down on him. "Who are you?" I asked. He didn't respond. "I'm guessing your one of Arthur's guys based on how bad you are at following silently. I threw off my hoodie and sighed. "God, it's hot."

I looked back down at him. "Can't let you go back to Arthur, sadly," I said, getting down to his level. "Goodbye." I stabbed him in the chest and his eyes widened. I ripped it out and wiped the blood on his pants. I put it away and grabbed the pumpkin, leaving the guy do die on the floor. I put the hoodie on again and walked out of the alley. I headed to the apartment and looked at Golzine's office. He wasn't gonna be in there but if he was, I might've killed him.

I walked to our apartment and knocked on the door. It was silent. I opened the door and shut it behind me. Where was Eiji? I walked into the kitchen, thinking he'd be there. I peaked in and saw he wasn't there. I set the pumpkin down and sighed. I turned around and tripped Eiji. "How long are you gonna keep this up?" I asked. "You suck."

"I thought I had you," he said, getting up.

"It's kinda hard to sneak up on me," I said, shrugging.

"Is that a pumpkin?" He asked. I nodded.

"It's to show my love for Aslan," I joked.

"Ah, yeah, he's definitely going to love you after you give him that." I smirked and picked it up. I hid it under his pillow. "Oh, so you're evil evil."

"No, I love Ash," I said, smiling. I fell onto his bed and sighed. "The pumpkin did witness things though and I feel bad for it. It's so young."

"It's a pumpkin, Y/N."

Aslan's Acquaintance (Ash Lynx x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now