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I sighed as the sun started to set. I walked downstairs with Vivian and we saw Kai's car. We climbed into the back and shut the door. "Thanks, Kai. Ash will be down soon," I told him.

"You guys going in?" He asked. I smirked.

"Yeah," I said. I looked out the window and saw Ash climb into the front seat. He shut the door and looked at Kai.

"You're ok with this, right?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah, it's no problem! I need to get away from my house anyway," he sighed as he started to drive away.

"Is dad being an asshole?" I asked. He nodded.

"Have you guys gotten that close that you refer to his parents as dad?" Ash questioned.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that Kai is my adopted brother." There was an awkward silence.

"So, he was adopted after you ran away?" He asked.

"Shocking, I know. It was weird at first," I said. "Finding that out made things weird." It was nighttime when we got there and Kai pulled over. He shut off the engine and we just all sat there.

"Hey, Ash, what does a gay bar have to do with all of this?" I asked. "I mean, it's not every day that one of us, excluding Kai, goes to a gay bar."

"Someone who goes by Frog lives up in the penthouse up there," Lynx responded. "He was the one rounding up kids at Dino's Club Cod."

"Oh, that place," I muttered. "When Vivian was our library."

"How the hell did you remember that?" Vivian asked. I looked over at her.

"I'm not old, that's why. Let's go." I opened the door and pulled Vivian out. "Wait, you are ok with this, right? I mean, we've never done this before and-"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said calmly. I nodded and followed the other two across the to building. We walked in and Vivian wrapped her arm around my waist. It took me by surprise but I played along. I looked up and saw Kai and Ash doing the same thing.

"I wonder how often Kai goes here," I said. "Or has he even been here before?" We sat down at the bar and Kai was ordering drinks. I stretched and looked over at Vivian. "You seemed comfortable with this," I pointed out and her eyes widened. She looked at me as I continued. "Like, this was normal." I paused. "Have you ever dated a girl?" I asked.

"Wh-what? No!" She stammered.

"Did the mafia prepare you for situations like this?" I asked. Kai got up and walked away to go somewhere. I saw that he was talking with some people as if he knew them. I wasn't surprised if he came here often. I heard someone walk behind me and I turned around. Some old guy walked towards Ash and looked at us.

"Are you alone? Can I buy you a drink?" He asked. He looked back at us and it made me uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I'm with somebody," Ash responded, smirking.

"Such a shame," he said and looked at us. Vivian pulled me close, knowing I was kind of bothered. He walked away and I just watched as he left. Kai came back and sat down.

"Who was he?" He asked.

"Some dude trying to hit on me," Ash said.

"Oh come on, Ash, you really letting other guys come for you when you got me?" He joked. I saw some guy walking past everyone with a red suit. That's him.

"Keep your thoughts to yourself."

Get out of my brain then, dumbass.

"That's not how it works." Ash got up and follows after him. We just stayed at the bar.

"Hey, Kai, you come here often?" I asked.

"Yeah, I've been coming for a while, a lot of people know me," he replied.

"Anyone try to hit on you?" I asked jokingly.

"Yeah, but I've never actually dated a guy."

"Hey, if I die, Ash is all yours," I teased.

"I'll gladly take him. And if Ash ever dies, you can take Vivian."

"Cool, then we can recreate the Titanic-"

"Y/N! We are not recreating the Titanic!"

"Oh, come on, Vivian! Please!"

"No!" I huffed and crossed my arms. "I'm gonna go check on Ash."

"You go do that, Jack."

"Y/N, I swear to god-"

"Go before I call you Jack again," I joked as she walked away, smirking. Kai looked at me.

"You guys have a close relationship," he said.

"Yeah, I never thought we'd get this far as friends."

"Why's that?" He asked. I looked at him and sighed.

"She almost killed me in prison." He just sat there, staring, then gave an awkward thumbs up.

"May I ask why you were in prison?"

"Oh, I got framed for a murder I didn't do but wish I did do," I responded.

"Uh, why-"

"No more questions. End of story."

"But can-"



"One more question then that's it."

"Vivian probably got out at a different time then you, so how did you guys meet again?" He asked.

"She broke into where I was staying and planned to murder me again," I said, smiling.


"Yeah, then she died on me but then came back alive or some shit and that brings us to today."

"Very.. interesting friendship." I nodded and saw Ash and Vivian walk over to us.

"We got what we need, let's go," Ash said, not looking at us and he walked out the door. Kai ran after him and Vivian just looked at me.

"He almost killed someone so I had to stop him," she said.

"What's new? He's gonna kill a lot people so what's the point?"

"I sadly saved someone's ass but we got what we needed." She grabbed my hand and pulled me off my seat. I stumbled and she caught me.

"Oh, god, sorry," I said.

"It's fine. Just know that one day, I won't be able to catch you so you'll just have to face plant."

"Life lessons with Vivian, everyone," I joked as we walked out the door.

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