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He held me tightly as I cried into his shoulder. I looked up and rubbed my eyes. I stood up and looked over the bridge. A crowd of people stood there and I sat down, my legs hanging over the edge. It was silent before I stood up again. "Listen!" I yelled. "We're going to stop Golzine and I don't give a fuck about what you think! I'm done with his bullshit! If he can hear me, I hope he hears that we're gonna end him!" Everyone cheered as I turned to look at Ash. He was panting and he looked at me. He nodded and I looked back at the guys below. I shielded my face as a helicopter flew in front of us. Police cars pulled up in front of the guys below. "Shit," I muttered. I looked at Ash and he just stared at the helicopter. Police surrounded both sides and I looked over at them. Charlie ran in front of them. "Ash! Y/N! Don't resist or they'll shoot-"

"What's the point?!" I asked. "I've already seen people die, what make you think we're not next?" I dropped to the ground and sniffed. "It doesn't matter in the end, we'll all die soon." I stood back up. "Just take me and get this shit over with, where's the car?" I asked. The police looked confused. "Listen, I don't have a weapon, my knife was kicked from my hand." I took my gun out and threw it to them. "Ash stole my ammo."

"Reasons," he said, throwing them the ammo. Charlie picked up the gun and opened it. He nodded.

"Like, what am I gonna do? Shoot air bullets at you?" I asked. "Now where's the car? I don't wanna be here anymore." Ash stood up and I looked at him. I hadn't realized there was a gash in his side. He started walking then collapsed to the ground. "Is he dead?" I asked. Charlie shook his head. "He looks pretty dead to me."

"Y/N, he's not," Charlie responded. Two police officers went to pick him up. I stood up and followed them to an ambulance. "Do you really need medical treatment?" Charlie asked. I shrugged.

"My leg got cut and I was shot in the wrist," I said and climbed in the ambulance. "I think I might need some." The doors shut and I looked around at the people with me. "So how's your guys' day going?" They didn't respond. "Fine then, be that way." The whole car ride was silent. I tried to make small talk but nobody was answering. I scrolled through my phone that I forgot I had. Cool, I'm on the news. I closed my phone and put it away as the car stopped. I jumped out and then the others came out with Ash. I watched as he got taken away into the hospital. I followed them inside and a nurse pulled me aside into a different room. "So, how's your day going?" I asked.

No response. I sighed. "Nobody is responding to my questions." The nurse just chuckled. "Do I know you?" I asked. She shrugged. "Ok, a mysterious nurse, got it. I feel like I know you from somewhere."

"Me too, thank Ash for me," she said. I tilted my head.

"Thank Ash?" I asked. "You friends with him? Maybe that's why I recognize you."

"I guess you could say we're friends," she said. "He brought me to a doctor before killing him and I was saved." I nodded, confused as fuck.

"Ok, who are you?" I asked. "I swear to god, you sound familiar." She looked up at me as she finished bandaging my wrist and leg. She took off her mask and hat.

"Do you know now?" She asked. My eyes widened.

"No.." I whispered. She nodded. "Vivian!" I hugged her tightly, nearly knocking her out of her seat. "How did you survive? I watched you die!" I backed up so she could tell her story.

"Well, yes, you saw me die, but you know the scientist, right?" I nodded. "He managed to save me and Ash watched it all. Then he killed the scientist and burned the building. He took me and told me to run."

"But why did he not tell me?" I asked.

"He didn't tell you?" I shook my head. "I told him to tell you!"

"He's in surgery right now," I said. She nodded.

"Oh, I know," she responded.

"Have you been hiding out here, waiting for me to end up in the hospital?"

"No, I just found out about the fight and got here before you guys and disguised myself, then waited for you." I nodded.

"I'm still kinda pissed he didn't tell me you lived," I said.

"I know," she sighed.

"Now, is anyone else I know alive?" I joked. She smiled.

"Not that I know of," Vivian said. "Also, my day is going okay now that I found out you never knew I lived."

"I was heartbroken for a while so that could be why," I responded. She nodded. She took off her outfit and shook herself.

"Oh, that was an uncomfortable outfit," Vivian sighed. We got up and walked out of the room. We headed towards the surgery room and sat on the ground right by the door. I laid my head against the wall.

"At least someone is alive," I said. "Brooke died today."

"Brooke?" I nodded. "Haven't talked to her in a while."

"Yeah, now you won't have the chance to talk to her unless she magically survived that fall," I told her.

"Hey, I survived a bullet and probably died then came back alive, it's possible."

"She fell, Vivian. Fell off a bridge. I doubt she actually lived that." I stopped. "Wait, look at the door and she might come through." We both looked at the door and intensely stared at it. She shook her head.

"Yeah, I don't think it's working," Vivian told me. I nodded.

"Let's just keep waiting for Ash."

Aslan's Acquaintance (Ash Lynx x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now